I'm ready to start smoking this crack, but I don't know where to start...

I'm ready to start smoking this crack, but I don't know where to start. Monster Hunter's always been a very alluring time-sink that I've managed to stave off because it hasn't had a major console release during my awareness of it, but I'll probably cave for World.

If I want a basic familiarity with the series before World comes out in 2022 where should I start?

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You gotta give a little more info, what kind of systems do you have?

3ds, ps2-4, a gaming computer from 2012, a wii and a PSTV.

MonHun 4 Ultimate is real good shit.

MH4U is a good place to start. It's got the best intro for new players, and an actual plot.

It runs a lot better on a N3DS if you've got one of those, but singleplayer stuff is fine on a normal 3DS especially if you have a circle pad pro.

Even the easiest MH has quite a learning curve but if you've got even a bit of determination you'll do fine. Make sure to try lots of weapons instead of just being that fag who never moves on from the longsword.


It doesn't really matter where you start, all Monhun games are the same.


I've never played a MH game. What is a good starting point?

If you're looking for something more casual either start with X or wait for MHW.

if you have a new 3DS, MH4U has the best introduction for newcomers.

if you have a Wii U, MH3U is fine but has a slow start. Gamepad controls and big TV screen are nice.

MH Generations is the newest one released in english. It's fine to start with and probably has the most people playing online, but has literally no plot and a bunch of styles that might just be confusing to a new player.

>le monster hunter world casual meme
Fuck off nigger.

>people still think MonHun is anything but casual

Which is why most retarded Westerns can't beat the MH games they end up playing, right?

Why do you say >no plot like it's unique to generations? You're going to get newbies playing MH for the plot like that.

MH4U is really good and you can still find people playing. It's 3DS only and the thought of playing that type of game on a handheld may turn you off but trust me, it just works.

choose one

Whatever game you end up going with, watch ProJared's guide to MH. It's a good basic tutorial (which the games don't really have much of) with tips and tricks.

Even if you just count "beating it" as making it through low-rank village to the credit roll, most western players do not get that far.

Without a doubt Monster Hunter 4U. It's very beginner friendly and guides you through the steep learning curve. Once you kill your first big monster you will be hooked.

Where are you getting this? Low-rank village quests are so piss-easy that a child can beat them. Are you sure they didn't just get bored?

yes, that is usually what happens when casuals try the series

t. someone who got bored and gave up on Tri without ever getting past qurupeco or trying online

Not him but you're being overly defensive.

MH4U had a plot, this helped people new to the series get through some of the gameplay humps. MHX goes back to no plot that MH is used to, which makes it less accessible than MH4U

>he didn't even get past qurupeco
>he calls 'casual westerners' retarded for not 'beating' the game
Sounds like MonHun World will be good for you, it's less grindy and newcomer-friendly! That's great!

user, they're only "piss-easy" because you're experienced with the series and probably play a lot of harder vidya in general. We're talking about causal players that are complete newbies to the series.

Most casual players don't even beat games like Ratchet and clank or God of War. Monster Hunter is probably the hardest game ever for them unless they look up a guide.

Telling people "MH4U has a plot" is a fucking lie. It's barebones as fuck and doesn't make the game easier to get into like you're saying.

My first games was tri when it came out and didn't find that particularly difficult. At the time the hardest game I'd played was Mega Man.

4U is the most basic and realistic answer. Play 4U.

It does. As someone who has recommended FU, 3U, 4U, and X as starting points for various people, my anecdotal experience is that 4U's semblance of narrative does a lot of good for people new to Monster Hunter.

alright so I've never played these shitty games. what exactly do you have to do in them. I saw the demo of this one... looks meh. what is it, an rpg or what? gameplay just looks retarded. can I get a rundown of these games? or just a video demonstrating why they're supposed to be good?

My defining git gud moment in this series was finally being able to smash a gobul lantern with a greatsword underwater

>game called Monster Hunter
>what do you do in it?

Jokes aside, it's pretty much a boss fight simulator. You fight big monsters, you gather parts from them, you craft and upgrade gear, fight tougher monsters.

The combat (at higher ranks) is tough but rewarding, much like Dark Souls.

the current titles have quite a bit of grinding and rng involved, but once you get used to it it makes getting new gear all the more rewarding.

In many ways it's like an abusive relationship with a supermodel pornstar. It occasionally treats you like shit but when it treats you well it's really fucking good.

>tfw getting closer and closer to a Souls/Hunter/Dogma/Zelda game that combines the best of all of them by the year

My dream is coming true, new Mon Hun looks great so far

I actually got into the series about 2 years later with the release of 3U and then went back and played FU, chill out my dude

>it will be some D&D shit

>game called Monster Hunter
>what do you do in it?

Based Demo

What is that even supposed to mean?

just mute because shitty music, but this shows some of the great stuff you can do, but not so good to make it look overly easy.

so you just fight bosses basically and the gameplay is really good?

what about level design/world building? is it fun to navigate the world? are there rewards for exploring?

>so you just fight bosses basically and the gameplay is really good?

World is supposed to be more about (surprise surprise) the world feeling like a dynamic world. The previous games have some good atmosphere, but the areas are pretty much all arenas to fight the monster.
Exploration isn't a huge deal, but there's some neat stuff you can find if you look hard enough.
Also you need a lot of bugs, plants and minerals from the map so you'll be scouring them a lot for those as well.

The level design and world building usually aren't focused on too much, but even so everything is so atmospheric. Level design is pretty great, almost always compliments the monster you're fighting. There's not really any big rewards for exploring, except your basic crafting materials (ie: iron, honey, etc). You can also find charms by exploring, but there's better ways to go about that.

>navigate the world

Not in MH up until now, bud. There's a very strict start in hub town, take a specific quest, go kill that monster and you're automatically taken back to the hub town flow to regular MH games.

nope, almost completely combat focused. There is some small amount of exploration, and gathering (which really serves as a time sync to encourage you to not waste potions).

There is a little bit of lore, but it's more like ecology


You had me right up until mushroom-chan.

casuals don't have a single problem in finish low-rank at all, usually they get tired of the game and move it to other game, which is literally what casuals tend to do
If anything, I only met casuals who can't finish low-rank in Tri or those retards who couldn't beat Barroth Urgent Mission in Tri online

it's almost as if you're implying that neo-MH are something like Demon Souls or Nioh tier
just face it already, low-rank are fucking piss easy since P3rd which is why the series became so popular with this game