In college

>in college
>play vidya all day
>"Man I wish I had a life"

>get job
>work all day
>"Man I wish I was at home playing video games"

Never stop neet-ing Sup Forums....I only got to play 2 hours of overwatch this week...

Other urls found in this thread:

Cute girl

REALLY cute girl. I wanna suck on her titties

I'd give her a pearl necklace.

people still play that dying game?

That's my wife please respect her.

She has a penis, doesn't she

>>in college
>>play vidya all day
>>"Man I wish I had a life"
>>get job
>>work all day
>>"Man I wish I was at home playing video games"

You wanted a life, and got a job instead. There's your problem.

Work sucks.

>in college
>play vidya all day
The hell? Did you drop out after the first semester?

Cute wife.

>Need experience to get a job
>need job to get experience
>have worthless computer science degree
>couldn't even get internships since those fucks wanted experience

You're still young. Enjoy the next phase, which is becoming unemployed by choice or by circumstance and then becoming so incredibly bored of your pointless, structureless existence where the games that used to be fun turn into a chore and you yearn for something constructive to do.

If you're lucky you'll get to have children and then it doesn't fucking matter what you wish for. There's liberation in that.

Classes take like 3 hours out of your day and that's only 4 days a week.

git gud

REALLY cute wife. I wanna suck on her titties

what the fuck OP, I was the opposite

>in college
>no fucking time to play vidya ever because of homework and too many things happening

>get job
>nothing to fucking do after work but play vidya

Holy shit. I know this all to well, same degree too.

When you run out of vidya you like, and nothing new is coming out soon, you'll know the pain of being a neet with unlimited videogame time.

>not lying and referencing a dead, fake tech company and just listing your friend as a supervisor
>not giving him a literal script to recite and then talk you up
If you can do the job and there's some garbage wall like that, just go around it. It works by the way.

user you have skim the text before lecture and review your notes after

Unless you were in douyble enrollment and getting AP credits left and right chances are at least your first semester if not first year will be full of braindead preliminary classes.

>be neet
>dedicate time to get okay at fighting games
>cant go to tournaments because no car/money
>get manual labor job to buy car
>so tired after work i just grind korean mmos before bed

i did this to myself

No I don't. I got my mba and I only ever studied for Finance.

My gf is a CS major and she's been getting internships left and right. Step up, cuck.

>tfw second semester junior and taking nothing but hard sciences

I miss those easy stupid prelim classes

you forgot

>studying for exams
>doing homework
>extracurricular things to make your resume look good
>constantly out with people all the time because everyone lives in the same building



This. I've done this plenty of times and it works.

>having hw in college
>implying anyone gives a fuck about ec after hs

Nigga WHAT?!

>posting on Sup Forums
>doing all the things you listed
2/10, enjoy your (You)

>am neet
>play videogames alone all day because friends are all working
>get bored and end up watching shitty youtube videos for hours on end
>go to bed at 5am and wake up at 4pm
>can barely afford any vidya
>can't go out with friends because I barely get by on neetbux
>slowly becoming completely bored with all videogames
>attempt to learn something with all my spare time
>lack motivation to self study

i don't know if a job would improve life or not. at least i could hang out with my friends. not like i could get a job better than shovelling shit at this point anyway, with a 4 year career history gap

> penis
> She

stop it
you either go full gay or not

>getting jobs on their merit of work

She's slobbing the knob of old men.

Time for a McJob user

You aren't cut out for it. Only the top 10% of cs or se students get anywhere. The rest need to suck it up, accept that they wasted their time and money with college, and get a fucking job.

>tfw neet and have no idea what i wanna do for a living

what do

>Go back to college at 25.
>Get /fit/ and active.
>Lose interest in games as I party, meet girls, and do shit outdoors with bros.

>Wish I still enjoyed video games as much as I used to

That vicious fucking cycle.

If she put she was black or muslim on her application she'd get even more job offers.

im actually in the same position as you, thought i think im creeping up to 5 year career gap by now

tekken keeps me entertained though

Get out of here, normie

>implying a man can't enjoy a nice girl with a cute feminine penis

You wish

B-but I'm still NEET on the inside...

Yep same thing here. Lol.

>work a steady job
>break vidya down into slow and steady tasks i.e. "I'll beat this floor or level up twice today"
>have fun and save lods-e-mone beating 2 vidya a month
>1 if it's huge

also sometimes you get really pleasantly surprised and the game is like 10 hours tops but still pretty good(sup Transistor.) of course I'm also hopelessly out of touch for vidya and can't even look at modern consoles. but hey gotta make peace with your hobby and getting oldfag sometime


They do the same thing at mcdonalds here. Y cousin is younger than me and one of the few youth I've ever seen hired. Naturally he hated the job and quit.

>constantly out with people all the time because everyone lives in the same building

Y-yeah, haha, how could I forget that...

>work at bakery
>stuck with girl that gives me the cold shoulder and some chink that can't speak english properly from 3 am to 12 pm
>only play handhelds anymore at home

Was it hard to go back to college at 25?

>be in college
>plenty of time to play vidya
>graduate from college
>more time to play vidya, grow bored of it
>get a job, start working out
>barely any time for vidya
>start grad school on top of work
>no time for vidya now
Its a cruel cycle

You can't be a NEET forever, and the longer you are, the more damage you will do to the rest of your life.

Why don't you just get girlfriends?

>Not doing CS shit outside class

CS has to be the easiest profession to get experience outside of the job in. You can do 99% of the shit on your own home computer.

Step it up.

Just do it, you pussy.

A job would definitely improve life but work sucks but at least you'll be doing something that helps you out in the long term whereas video games do shit for that.

Not an issue for me with my 40 year lifespan lol and all my health problems.

I've tried, i'm just complete shit at talking to women.
I go on a few dates every now and then but I run out of things to talk about with them and I fear I'm coming off as awfully boring


Not really. The hardest part was taking the first step and putting in a FAFSA. Once I found out I was eligible for the PELL Grant and various others it was a cakewalk to sign up for the community college until i transferred to the university.

However, I make sure to take my studies seriously and currently have a 3.8 GPA. That motivation has to be there not to fuck up your do over.

>play vidya all day
>"wish I had a job and a girlfriend"

>Finally have job and girlfriend
>"Wish I was home playing video games"
>The games today suck

what is a life? I'm genuinely curious user I'm studying right now and I'm afraid to become a wage slave.

>mfw just got laid off

If your life starts to lose meaning and you can't enjoy your hobbies it's better to get the job for day to day discipline. it'll clear your head and make your family stop hating you which will kill a lot of the guilt

i miss being pure strain neet but a humble working man's idiot pride feels a lot better than the stabbing pains in my gut

Genetic disease. No one wants me. I won't qualify for disability for awhile though so go no reason to live. Fuck humanity in general etc etc.

Good Lord give sauce. I need milkies.

Feels great for a month or two then it's back to absolute NEET depression

Sounds like she's sucking her way to the top, user. Is she hot?

Girlfriends dont solve your problems, and they dont want NEETs

She must be sucking dicks left and right, step up cuck

Only rich brats get to not be wage slaves. I work in business development, and even with my schedule flexibility, I still get enslaved by a brutal kpi.

>dying game
How long has Sup Forums been repeating this?

She was raped and killed wasn't she?

Exact same experience here.

I think you just need to use your friends to get in the door.

Doing whatever the fuck you want every day of your life. So you're shit out of luck unless you're rich.

How is something shot during the day this fucking noisy jesus christ was this shot with a potato camera through 6 pairs of sunglasses?

Would you still be able to enjoy video games if they became your job, Sup Forums?

Tumblr, go home.

>Code stuff
>Git gud at it
>Put up your good up on github / bitbucket

Freelance is a decent way. Make your shit in your free time. Instead of posting on Sup Forums and playing video games all the time, try making a video game instead. It doesn't even have to be good. Just make something to show that you can do the job.

What sort of things do I do...

I started again at 30. Had to take a few semesters of catch up on math. Integral calculus this semester.

I thought it was going to be worse than it is. Worst part is working full time and doing 2-3 classes a semester, don't have much free time

>write a handful of papers once a month with each taking 3-5 hours max
>homework is making sure to not be a pinhead dipshit incapable of discussing a reading
>exams are just writing about shit you discuss in class
>get straight As while playing 8+ hours of video games a day

Yeah, nah. College is daycare. Save extracurricular work for the winter/summer semesters and basically play video games the same amount at that time as well.

Gonna need some sauce

i wish i was fuckin them tiddies

well I hope some world war starts soon then

>Get to play a pretty large amount of titles unless you directly work for a publisher.

>Getting paid to put out reviews for the newest barbie game

>Being a bugtester and trying to crush your co-workers hopes and dreams

Sounds fun.

That is not gonna qualify when they specifically ask
>2 years experience in this specific role

Companies won't hire you because of shitty personal projects, they need to know you can do the job in a business

Yeah it may be that easy if you're in a social science/artistic field.

The hard sciences are no where near that easy if you want to maintain good grades.

I already have problems. What would bringing a person with her own problems into my life help with?

Found the newfag

Shit man, if you NEVER done anything, start with the fucking basic: Make a goddamned calculator.

And then a stupid simple ass video game.

Ad then a chatbot.

And THEN make, I dunno, something like a web dashboard. With a database and all that shit.

Just keep producing.

>want to have a job for money and to stop my parents from getting angry at me
>can barely talk to people I don't know, panic when using money and have actual panic attacks when I see people I know for some reason
>had a good job at a college library but it was only temp work and no library near here has any openings
>too afraid to go to college for fear of realizing I don't have what it takes to make vidya and crushing my spirits forever
I'm only 19, I don't think I should be suffering like this.

I wanna cuck you OP, nomsayin?

For the lazy saucefags

Maria Cherry

>Get job
>1 million lines of spaghetti code that only 1 guy that is rarely available understands
>Takes me days to do anything
>The original coder fixes shit in 1 minute
Maybe I should go lift boxes or any other retard proof job.

I gave up on studying and joined the army.
Being fit is nice.
Plus, because i'm a dumb fuck, I ended up with a scar on my face, and now girls think i'm some sort of war hero.
But boy, being NEET was sure nice.