Gaming SJWs thread
Gaming SJWs thread
Your thread is probably autosaging due to a filter on "political" words, anita sarkeesian gamergate, zoe quinn etc
Can we not
Is that a real thing?
If so, MODS = FAGS
nigger alert
not video games :)
what did this timsoret guy do?
take your cancer elsewhere
Zoe Quinn did nothing wrong.
Pointing something out makes me a nigger?
said some negative things about modern feminism ~3 years ago
seems to be bumping normally
>3 options for no
>yes still wins
O I am laffin
I would have bought ten copies if he hadn't cucked out on stage. Just didn't have to mention the tweets and I know he would have made a ton more. Now I'm pirating it.
If I was attractive/female enough to sleep with guys to get ahead you bet your ass I would
Can someone give me a quick rundown on who this Timsoret guy is, and why these sjwfags are mad at him?
zoe is neither of those
He wasn't against GG
I take that back, it is permasaging
Fuck you, hotpockets.
This shit along with everything else proves SJWs are not part of the fucking market. So why do companies continue to bend over backwards for them?
Stop being a faggot. It would have been career suicide if he didn't at least damage control, that is if his career is already over. Also,
Back you go.
I'm glad we are not friends. No ethics, no morals, and no self respect. You'd sell your pussy for food when your hungry. Shoo.
Get fucked SJW nigger scum :)
Stop being a faggot for not paying for a man with no virtue's game? I'm a faggot for choosing how I spend money?