>30 FPS Platformer
Wew, people will defend this in 2017.
>B-but the original was 30 FPS, yeah and it was also 240p, following that logic they should release it at the resolution.
30 FPS Platformer
Nobody is defending that.
>platformers NEEDING anything but 60 to be fine
fuck off youre bad for the industry
Nice source, Nintendildo
The original game was not 30fps. It was like 20fps at most.
what games broke 30 back then. itd be neat to know
not caring about it isnt defending. its a literal nonissue, the game is playable, end.
It would be playable at 15 fps too
You mean the game is enjoyable.
Playable =/= enjoyable
I don't get why this turned out so bad. Why couldn't they just give it to a competent developer and put some effort in? It looks like a fucking Unity game, and the new art assets are absolutely disgusting.
>remake the games as close to the originals as they can
>people still complain
Biggest profit for the least effort is the name of the game
Most fighting games and racing games. 60fps isn't a new concept you trog.
>as they can
Yeah, but it turns out a shovelware developer can't produce something that even comes close to what Naughty Dog made.
>Game looks like Fakefactory
>People are not allowed to complain
>console friends paying FULL price for HALF the fps
They have been doing this for 10 years now. Why would they stop?
>PS4 can't run PS1 games at 60 FPS
Ps4 pro neither
Squeenix was able to get the Kingdom Hearts games to run at 60fps, Bluepoint was able to get a ton of old games to run at 1080p and 60fps... but these morons can't get a 100 year old PS1 game to run at optimal levels
Yeah. People have never defended a remake of a 3D platformer remake that was also 30 FPS like the original before. Nope.
No one cares about handheld games
you know it's a full graphical overhaul, right? like a from-the-ground-up remake
One of the official trailers for the game shows the gameplay running at 60fps, so either they are engaging in massive false advertising or it's from an upcoming PC release.
>Squeenix was able to get the Kingdom Hearts games to run at 60fps,
It caused the 1.5 and 2.5 collection to be buggy as as all hell that required two patches to fix it. One at NA Launch, and one earlier this month since the originals physic were tied to the 30 FPS for it's gameplay.
>“A lot of the issues are caused by the shift to 60 fps, which messes up the physics in KH1 and 2, causing certain bosses to behave strangely, with one being almost potentially broken.”
I'm glad they fixed it now (and the 2.8 Collection never had this issue) but they did not play test 1.5 and 2.5 prior.
>article says MAYBE
>based off old demo cd
My only problem is that the new shiny cutscenes and models somehow look more awkward than the PS1 version
>cutscene from 2 where Coco interrupts Cortexs transmission
>all the static effects are gone
>instead of cutting Cortex off mid sentence, the characters finish talking, followed by awkward pause then a cut
Also Coco sounding like Jimmy Neutron isn't helping
The title says 60fps but that footage is not 60fps.
>you know it's a full graphical overhaul, right?
That looks worse than the original visuals, yeah.
Of course. You're so right. It looks worse than a PS1 game, for sure.
The graphics look garbage regardless, COD looks better and that runs at 60. Devs for this shitpile are terrible.
Well yeah, the original games have personality and atmosphere, whereas everything looks like it's made of plastic in these remakes.
A representative at PAX confirmed months ago it will run at 60 fps. It's going to be 60 fps. End of story. Why are nintendies trying to shitpost about this game so desperately? It's just a Crash remake, it isn't going to threaten your precious Mario game. Calm the fuck down.
>A representative at PAX confirmed months ago it will run at 60 fps. It's going to be 60 fps. End of story.
Would you like to bet money on that? Because there currently exists no footage anywhere of the game running at 60fps.
pretty sure everyone is in agreement that game is a wasted opportunity
>"Article says maybe"
Please quote where it says maybe in that article, I control-F'd and didn't find it.
>mfw the dev literally says it's 30 FPS in the interview and you don't believe it
>Tanguay didn’t provide specs for the base PS4 version, or say if there were additional graphics options on PS4 Pro.
He was referring to the demo cd they were discussing, you illiterate moron.
dont forget it panders to feminazis
Every damn thread with this.
Can you stop
She gets raped either way
>Game Director Dan Tanguay was asked about 4K/60fps support and replied, “This is enhanced for the PS4 Pro. It’s actually not true 4K. It’s 1440p still running at 30 frames a second.”
If the game ran at 60 FPS on regular PS4 why the fuck would he say it's "still running at 30 frames per second"? Lmao you are deluded as fuck.
>ever buying remakes
don't do this
>still running at 30 frames per second
The demo cd. It clearly says right in the article he was NOT talking about the release version of the game. Fuck it, you are never going to be able to play the game anyways, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not.
There is LITERALLY NOTHING about a demo cd in that article , it's a quote from the game designer talkimng about the game.
>nintendo games no longer ask if you are a boy or a girl so they don't offend their tranny fanbase
>no one bats an eye
>big tiddied fox bimbo punches someone
>nintendogaf goes crazy
>Now that they can actually animate cutscenes, they do so
oh no
>the game
the demo of the game. why does the article specifically state that it has nothing to do with the actual release game?
Then be happy you got it in a modern resolution
>be happy
>with a shit remake
Nope, they aren't entitled to my money.
No fucking demo is mentioned in the article. Why the fuck would the fucking game designer be talking about a 30 FPS demo when the release was going to be 60 FPS 1 month before release?
>why does the article specifically state that it has nothing to do with the actual release game?
Tekken 1-3 all ran at 60FPS there are a few others on PS1 mostly racing/fighting games. Only games I know of on N64 that ran at 60FPS were F-Zero X and Ridge Racer 64 but I believe there was another racing game that also did.
Why would the devs not be talking about the release game a fucking month before release?
Bluepoint are fucking amazing btw., I don't understand how they do it, but their remasters and remakes are literally 10/10 every fucking time.
What are you trying to do here? The game runs at 30fps. This will be proven by a hundred different sources when the game releases. People have already bought retail copies early and will surely be uploading footage to Youtube.
The PC version will run at 60 fps. Screenshot this.
Here's my defense.
...........................I don't care.............................
The hilarious thing is you faggots won't stop going back to the ridiculous fps meme
>why does the article specifically state that it has nothing to do with the actual release game?
>why does the article specifically state that it has nothing to do with the actual release game?
It doesn't though. Here's your last (You), I won't be replying again.
The Switch version will run at 0 fps. Screenshot this.
>It doesn't though
>Tanguay didn’t provide specs for the base PS4 version, or say if there were additional graphics options on PS4 Pro
>why does the article specifically state that it has nothing to do with the actual release game?
>but nintendo!
Every. Single. Time.
>m-muh pc!!
Every. Single. Time.
>4k 60FPS
*Also on PC
>Also on Windows 10**
It's still xbox exclusive.
Uh...That's not how "exclusivity" works.
>sequel to a shitty vr game
>developed by a studio only known for this game and a blatant minecraft knockoff
Can't be any more of a disaster than Yooka-Laylee
Ok, go buy some new/recent Xbox "*Also on PC" games and tell me whether or not you need an Xbox Live account to do so. :^)
I will when one I actually want comes up. My only lament is being user, I won't be able to report back.
It's alright hun. You're not the first person to go through this. You'll come to accept it in time.
it won't even be on par with knack 2
>native 4k 60FPS
>made with unity
>ran on an xbox one x even though they only had a small amount of time with the devkit
compare the power of the ds to the ps4 you fucking retard
>hes really defending it
Xbox fans are literally the worst off this generation
Top kek faggots