What occupation do Sup Forums users have IRL? bonus points for letting us know your favorite game too
I'm a corrections officer for the state Favorite game is Shadows of the Colossus. Also go ahead and roll em.
What occupation do Sup Forums users have IRL? bonus points for letting us know your favorite game too
I'm a corrections officer for the state Favorite game is Shadows of the Colossus. Also go ahead and roll em.
I work in the corporate office of an upscale men's salon doing training and other boring management shit.
Fave game is Megaman Legends.
Heavy Equipment Operator
Stranger's Wrath
Production Assistant/Floor Manager/Editor at a TV station
Favorite game is probably Persona 5
I work at a fish hatchery
Probably Dark Souls
I'm a light equipment operator, or in other words
NEET chronic masturbator
Have a degree in chemical engineering but can't find work in the field. Too proud to do lesser shit so I just starve.
Binding of Isaac
College professor.
Fallout: New Vegas
Department manager at a supermarket. Studying business in university. Majoring in finance.
Fave game is probably Chrono trigger.
web development. Hopan for mage
>Shadow Mancer
Radio host
Metal Gear Solid 2
Student studying for English education/ ed Admin
Favorite game is Halo 3
I work as a Burger King crewmember
Fave game is probably Banjo Kazooie.
I roll on Sup Forums professionally
Land surveyor.
Fallout 2
Plant technician
fix machines and watch gauges
Game Designer.
Binding of Isaac, probably just Rebirth or Afterbirth, Afterbibrth+ fucked things up a little.
Lately been spending most of my time with Rome Total War
inb4 i get ninja
I just help my brother in his work, he fixes shit for companies around my country
favorite game is Deus Ex
mother 3
Official title is marketing coordinator, but I prefer overpaid professional bullshitter.
Both Banjo games, but I think I like Tooie a little more.
Maintenance for apt complex
Metroid prime
McDonald's Supervisor. I make a good 70k a year with a company car but still have crippling alcoholism and want to kill myself.
Favourite game is Demon's Souls.
Why did you post a blank image, user?
software engineer
Warcraft 3
Why Kazooie over Tooie captain burger flipper?
Underpaided Janitor
Martial arts instructor.
Star Wars Ep.1 Racer
Veterinary Technician that specializes in exotics (don't have an actual specialization yet), want to eventually be a zoo vet tech with a zoological medicine specialty.
Favorite game is possibly Black & White 1 (not the Pokemon Black & White 1). I'm not sure though. It's a really hard decision for me.
Also rollin'.
idk. I like them both a lot. Both are equal in my opinion, I just chose Kazooie cause it's the original.
Open source (and University based) software developer
Fav game is Dark Souls series & the Witcher 3
X ray technologist
Australian Army Infantryman
STALKER series
Vet technician at private clinic
Favorite game is Pokemon emerald
The state found me disabled so I don't work officially, but I would like to sell my art someday.
Red Dead Redemption/ MGS3
Also a Big sucker for BF series since 2
I'm Software Developer, favorite game either Chrono Trigger or A Link to the Past.
Dark Souls
internist at a small clinic
dota 2.
Database administrator, monster hunter XX
Show an example of your art disablebro.
Software Eng for Electrical Coops
Dorf Fort
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