Just bought a PS3 recommend me some killer games.
Just bought a PS3 recommend me some killer games
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You can find COD:Ghosts for like $4 on ebay probably.
Also buy The Last of Us.
Otherwise, I don't really know. I like Rockband, but you can't get the instruments anywhere.
this meme is literally 10 years old
Yes yes we've all had a laugh since 2006 at an ancient joke, now howabout some serious answers?
Oh also buy Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, Fallout games SUCK on PC.
Buy an E3 flasher, downgrade your PS3 to 3.55 and just get the whole library.
>10 years old but still true
How embarrassing
Valkyria Chronicles
Little Big Planet
Demon's Souls
3D Dot Game Heroes
Twisted Metal
Nier Replicant
Persona 5
Demon Souls
Resistance 1 & 3
Killzone 2
GoW 3
Ni No Kuni
Drakengard 3
Ratchet & Clank and Heavy Rain should also be there
Excellent list since it actually puts emphasis on exclusives.
I'd throw Ico and SOTC into the mix since it came out on PS3 as well.
>Heavy Rain
it's supposed to be good games retard
>Nier Replicant
Youi mean Gestalt right? Replicant is the one with faggy boyband teen nier, not honorable duty best dad Nier.
>Resistance 3
The Last of Us is literally the best game of all time and the original un-remastered version was only released on the ps3.
The ps3 is the only modern console that allows online play without a subscription.
I own a little over 100 PS3 games that gives lie to your retarded blathering.
My poor 360 has about a dozen...the poor sod.
I don't hack its immoral.
Yeah i learned that the hard way, NV crashes on loadup for me.
I tried Heavy Rain once. I made it like 11 minutes in before I literally vomited on my console. Then I ended up buying the newer version with the sliding disc-tray cover.
It's loud.
Heavy Rain is garbage.
Man that list is fucking awful. No God Of War 3 or Ratchet & Clank, but it has total shit like Killzone? Come on.
Demon's Souls
Yakuza 3 & 4
Dragon's Crown
Valkyria Chronicles
Ni no Kuni
Ico & SoTC
3D Dot Game Heroes
Infamous 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank Future
>100 Ps3 games
So you collect cases and don't play games. Gotcha.
I didn't have that problem, but I did have a problem with FUCKING MOUSE ACCELERATION
Which is also present by default in Fallout 4. Which was released like 18 months ago. How is that even a thing. Come on Bethesda.
I'm sorry for your ADHD.
Demon Souls
Little big Planet
Ratchet and Clank(forgot which one)
Persona 5
Infamous 1+2
MGS Legacy Collection
>The Last of Us is literally the best game of all time
You see the problem here, right? It's neither a ""game"", nor best at anything other than pretentious story and walking sim.
I typed games, goat brain. But keep memeing memes that memed-out over a decade ago, it makes you look intelligent and attractive to the opposite sex!
>The Last of Us is literally the best game of all-
You have to go back >>>r/gaming
Remasters of PS2 games :^)
They tried to take the control scheme from Skate and adapt it into a shitty drama or something about some fag whose kid turns into a balloon or some gay shit I honestly don't know I didn't make it far.
Just stop, it isn't funny anymore.
>Just stop, it isn't funny anymore.
I know, it's still sad seeing sonyg-gers try and prop a movie as a good game. God help your souls.
Demon's Souls
Gran Turismo 6
Persona 5
Wipeout HD
Ratchet and Clank Future games
God of War Collection
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Valkyria Chronicles
Yakuza 3 and 4
Metal Gear Solid V it's also on PS3.
Ok, so avoid Last of us. Got it.
Not Op but hijacking the thread with similar questions:
I'm looking to finalize my PS3 library as well so I can no longer worry about it and just move on to PS3. I've been going back and playing tons of PS3 games lately, and I'd like any opinions on games I should look into that aren't already on the chart.
I hear Folklore is pretty well liked these days?
Oh, fucking WipEout HD. How the hell did I forget that? Awesome AG racing game.
I'm tempted to buy a PS3 now that they're probably stop production of them in the US by the end of this year
Are the top-loading ones decent?
No i mean you're an obvious hoarder with no control or self respect. You don't Play 100 PS3 games. first off there isnt even 100 good PS3 games to begin with, maybe 50 if thats pushing it,.
You obviously buy cheap on sale preowned trash whenever you get money and hang it on your shelf like a wall decoration or some deranged trophy. Fucking sicko.
My opinion is more valid than yours :D
>un-remastered version
the remaster looks like shit, why would you waste money on a movie thats painful to watch?
I bought one in 2013 and my brother's still using it, it works fine. I bought another one, used, on ebay in 2015 and it also still works fine. I haven't heard anything from anyone about any problems with them.
>killer games
Drakengard 3, it literally killed my PS3 fat.
Twisted Metal
demons souls, siren blood curse, show of collusus/ico hd, metal gear solid 4, wipeout hd, infamous, midnight club la,def jam icon, gran turismo 6
This guy knows what's up.
Your opinion became invalid the moment you mentioned tlou as something remotely decent.
What ever games in my collection are worth playing.
That only means it's bad.
Bloated scores + popularity = utter shit
>trusting review sites
Look fellas, I got me a faggot.
>popularity=utter shit
Okay pal.
Go listen to justin beiber than, queer.
Can I start with Ninja gaiden Sigma if I never played a Ninja Gaiden game before?
if you can buy figures you can buy a shelf
So nothing, got it.
Why are you showing an empty shelf?
>He owns a copy of NeverDead
Are you blind man? theres some floating Xbox games right infront of you.
>I own a little over 100 multiplats
Wow good job. I guess Vita has games too then
Is the shitposting in this thread all from salty pcbros or something?
>black ops 2 on the wii u
What? why?
Not just black ops 2, Black ops 2 TWICE.
Sometimes people shitpost for fun. Welcome to Sup Forums.
Where the hell did you get a ps3?
You think that's bad? COD: Black Ops ported to the Nintendo DS
they are everywhere dirt cheap. I got first model which emulates ps2 for 60$ with games like demons souls and nier
>buying the worst 7th gen system
At this point it costs the same as the 8gb ram stick in their pcs. If they wanted something from that particular system they should have bought it by now.
Holy shit, i have seen countless shovelware on the ds, but i had never seen this.
Not him but it used to have decent numbers of people. Decent game overall just no dlc outside of Nuketown. And this is just me being a fag but the community was comfy af although most clans have long since disbanded and it's like averaging 300-400 people maybe.
[spoilers] I miss my friends [/spoilers]
MGS HD Collection (I have it for the 360)
Demon's Souls
that's it
They tried, they really did...
Nah, im a full blown pony and I even know tlou is a shit movie. Just doing my civic duty and make sure no one falls into the "tlou is best gaem XDD" normie meme.
Did naughty dog ever fix that infinite loading screen bug
sure you are false flagger
>Only thing I ever wanted for PS3 was a Resident evil and a Fatal frame trilogy
>It never happened
God damn it sony.
>people suggesting multiplats for ps3
They run universally worse on ps3.
Protip guy: 80% of Sup Forums doesn't care about running the game efficiently. They care about the colorful plastic box it comes in and the fact that its tangible media. PC has none of that.
Even the console only games run better on the xbox 360 though.
I'm full idort with a PS3 and a 360, and I can safely say my 360 is a whirring loud onoxious deathtrap compared to my PS3, and my games auto-boot back to start periodically on 360, where my Ps3 has maybe shut itself off once due to a bad disk read once in 6 years.
I hope it wasn't that one.
Should have bought an eBay phat or a slim.
Back in 2014 it had like 2000+ players and around the nuke town update it had 3600 players at most. The game's player count has drop drastically since late 2015 and 2016 when everyone pretty much gave up on the wii u and moved on to other consoles. I was one of those fags who put 1000+ hours to get the diamond gold skin attachments for ar guns and heavy machine gun class and as well prestige master.
My dick wanted that ayumi and I thought the game was a 4/10. The game was unnecessary hard and it took too long to kill enemies or to clear each level.
That's good for you I guess, however, the facts remain as they are.
Buy it for the remaster collections, That's what I did.
It was super cheap but still not a fun game to play.
your dick has shit taste if you think ayumi is even remotely hot. She looks like a deformed deviant art reject from somebody's "Anime inspired" art school project
Same situation my friend. Do you ever get kind of sad about it? I had a lot of good memories with my old clan. Started to turn my life around and when I casually came back on to play they were all gone. Even though it was never a massive player base everything just feels empty
Will there ever be an English patch for Yakuzas in HB?
Why bother, you're getting Kiwami in a month dude.
Demon souls, persona , and ????
What is that
>What is that
Yakuza 1 HD remaster
damn that looks good for a ps3 open world. Is it ps3 or just a 720p pc shot?
V was a piece of shit and no self respecting metal gear fan would ever allow that lore destroying trainwreck into their household.
If you like puzzle games, Catherine is one of the finest games of the entire ps3/360/wii gen