He actually did it. The absolute madman

He actually did it. The absolute madman.
>Illidan "fooled ya twice" The Betrayer

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Well I wasn't prepared for that...

What's going on here

i dont play wow because im not homosex but what did illidan do to have his eyes ripped out and thrown in the hole for a gorillion years in the first place? Why doesn't malf let illidian finish a sentence even thought hes trying to save the world and repent.

and what did he do this time

Illy Dilly playing the circumstances so that he can teleport enemy's main planet right into our orbit

eyes ripped out wasnt his punishment, its what demon hunters do because
he was imprisoned because he fucked around with demon magic corrupted the first world tree (the one featured in wc3 was the second one) and brought spooki demons into the world

what the fuck even is warcraft anymore

netflix series desu

Look at those fuckin lips.

He did it so that we can go directly ro Argus and stomp the demons' shit in once and for all. Destroy them in the Twisting Nether and they're dead for good.

He's in the middle of talking.

Illidan continues to do nothing wrong and make the right decisions.

He knows what he did

Handsome Squidward lips.

what is/was the lore of WOD/Legion anyway? I pretty much tuned out after Pandaria and their love of killing off every horde leader

I want silver fox daddy Khadgar to fuck me all night long.

The only thing that's getting a fuck right now is Khaddy's mind

please do not insult netflix like that

oh illidan, you're hard to love, but you're even harder to hate.


>Jaina "I told u so" Proudmoore
>Jaina "only good orc is a dead orc" Proudmoore
>Jaina "#notalleleves" Proudmoore
>Jaina "Good fucking job Mr.Medivh's Second Biggest Mistake" Proudmoore
>Jaina "Looks like it's up to me and the Void Lords" Proudmoore
>Jaina "Make Dalaran Great Again" Proudmoore
>Jaina "KKKul Tiras Armada is BACK baby!" Proudmoore

Vol'jin died
Varian died
Slyvanus because warbitch
Instantly went and made a deal with queen of Vkyrul hell for more power and has been missing after
Azeroth is a baby Titan and Magni is a diamond man who speaks as her prophet
Shamans brought the elemental lords together, Death Knights brought back the four horsemen, and Vanessa Vancleef isn't dead
Wrathion as a gay cow brother who is a ten thousand year old not douchebag black dragon
Illidan is back
Sargeras slew the titans and wants to stop ultra evil voidlords by killing everyone

Guess that's it really


Could it really be time at last?

Did Vol'Jin actually die or is he just gone for a while?

Gibbering NuDevs gave it away at Blizzcon last year that he's alive and that's really fucking stupid because he's a shit leader and a shittier character

Died to a random demon stabbing him in the ass. Got back to Orgrimmar and as he died said the spirits told him to let queen cuntface be warbitch.

What exactly makes this a betrayal again? It seemed to me like if not for Illidan's portal shenanigans there was no way Khadgar was teleporting everyone to safety anyway. So what, better to have everyone die there instead?

>the look he keeps exclusively for Tyrande's ass and unreasonably powerful fel artifacts

>her prophet
They had to do it don't they?

So is Warlock now canonically the most powerful class since they keep Void Lords as pets?
Or will the D-Team rename them something like shadow kirby when they find out they've existed as low tier mooks since BC?

that's a voidlord
the big baddies are Void Lords

>t. company afraid to alter OP hearthstone cards because text changes confuse players

These are like lesser void lords. Same way felhunters aren't really up there with Archimonde et al.

>conveniently has a portal machine lying in his pocket
>activates it under the presumption of getting everyone to safety
>turns out he was acting solely in his own interest
>everyone got played like a damn fiddle

To be fair, it's still in our interest, too. Destroy Argus and the demons in the Twisting Nether and they're gone forever.

>conveniently has a portal machine lying in his pocket

It was the entire point of the DH starting zone and half their class quests.

>turns out he was acting solely in his own interest

It's in everyone's interest, if the Legion isn't destroyed they'll just invade again later.

The idea of a Mother Earth is really old in fiction and been hinted by Elven and tauren lore for over a decade now. Its the least of the asspulls.

I dont actually play wow, just try to keep up with the lore. Have the 5 pillars of creation actually been used in the Tomb of Sargeras raid or they are still gathering dust in khadgar pocket??

>To be fair, it's still in our interest
>It's in everyone's interest
So was destroying the Icecrown

Illidan's method of destroying Icecrown would have pretty much been worse than the Cataclysm was.

It would've been fine.

Hey, I never said it was the smartest way, but Illidan prefers the direct approach.

Fucking Illidan man.
Say what you want about the edgelord but he makes shit interesting.

What the--

He better not have betrayed Azeroth again!

Genji needs a nerf IMO.
He's way to hard to kill.

>Unleashed a world of demons on the world to get Tyrande ass
>Wasn't around to see she's even more of a Malftard than ever before
Tyrande let an entire village of druids die horribly to the nightmare just to prance off and save her fuccboi toy.

So... new expansion or just a boring new raid?

I wouldnt call it a betrayal. He is just insane and think charging head on is the best course of action.

Plot twist: The spirits were actually Val'Kyr

Argus will be a new zone with probably a new dungeon and then a final raid.

>entire planet is just a zone
Lazy fucking Blizzard.

Link to the cinematic?

>Arator reunites with his parents.
>Khadgar and Turalyon reunite.
>Uncorrupted refugees banning together as a gorilla force on Argus.

Still probably be like Firelands but bigger, and, of coarse a new dungeon and raid.

>entire new planet in a patch


>Azeroth is a baby Titan
I forgot about this. It's literally going to end up as Primus vs Unicron tier shit.

The only thing I like from this cinematic is Velen silently forgiving Kil'jaeden's sins. Everything else is memes. I guess I can always dig Liam O'brien's one-liners though.

Makes sense.
An entire continent of green and black right after Legion already did that would be crazy.



Fuck you WoW


>Garrosh goes back in time
>whole expansion nothing happens except Gul'Dan goes into our world/the future
>brings Illidan back

>What have you DONE?
>Thumbs up, lets do this!

I just cant hate illidan.


Maive recaptured him at the end of black temple raid. They then retconned it so that she also captured a bunch of his apprentices who came to rescue him after we all left at the end of the raid, and that where the DH class came from.

Pretty sure he wants to wreck demons more than anyone.

He "died" but his body was preserved and eventually resurrected


It would be the best way to do that. I mean the demons already have a big fucking door to our world. Illidan just wants to finish the job.

What the fuck did he do rhis time? Is it worse than that time he tried to use the Eye of Sargeras to kill the Lich King?

he brought the legion's planet right by their side

Destroying Icecrown was objectively the correct thing to do
The only reason Arthas didn't shitstomp the entire world in weeks once he took the crown is that he pretended to be retarded for Vanilla + an expansion and a half and decided to gloat to literally the only threat to him in the world when he had the chance to kill him

You'd think he worshiped slaanesh for the amount of demon (pussy) he has smashed

He created a massive portal between Azeroth and Argus, the legion base planet. Both parties can lauch a full scale assault on each other. If its a smart move depends on how strong you think azeroth's forces are stronger than legions, but we all know its going to end with the player character winning, wont it?


He has a demon-like soul which was set wandering around the Twisting Nether while his body was imprisoned by Maive. Draenor-Guldan tried to use his body as a conduit to make a portal for his masters but we stopped him and Illidan's body was freed from the crystal prison and his soul rejoined it.

Is the expansion done raid wise or is there still more shit? Argus should just be the next xpac and not just one shitty zone with a final raid

I think argus is both the next raid AND the next expansion pack.

We have an argus raid in 7.3, that is confirmed.

I am guessing the raid is just to get a foothold on the planet, and then the next expansion is actually venturing out into the zones.

7.3 Argus is confirmed since last year. So most likely there will be a new zone + raid, unless blizz go full retard and 7.3 is just a "teaser" of 8.0

>wanting to kill demons so bad you bring their home planet to yours
fucking based, illidan is the hero we need

Everything is just fel corruption and Legion cities and wasteland though.

>Everyone else is busy doing their own thing
>Meanwhile Baine got cut out entirely

Outlands was literally chunks of rocks just floating around as debris. There should not have even been an atmosphere much less all the cool shit there actually was.

What is your point?

Gallywix needed a new model considering lore wise he's supposed to be some big fat jew but in-game he was just another generic tiny goblin.

nu-blizz cant pull this up nowadays

Anyone still playing? Is based Greymane still mentoring Anduin after he recovers his father's sword in the cutscene? I really want Genn and Jaina to turn him into a dope ass paladin smashing demons left and right, and then the Horde.

Molten Front

has had a new model for quite a while now nigger

Not to disappoint you (though Blizzard makes that too easy these days), but they already showed "future Azeroth" in a comic, and in it Anduin is a priest.

>Get completely demolished by trash mobs at the Broken Shore
>Sylvanas straight up takes away like 30% of the war effort against the demons so she can enslave angelic beings to make meatshields with and then gets bodied by a furry
>The other racial leaders do literally nothing
>Magatha 'Killed Cairne for the kekz' Grimtotem allowed to be a hero of the Shaman class hall
>This entire expansion has had the Horde led by a night elf, a human, and a draenei
Will the Horde ever be unJUSTed?

I knew about the comic, I had a tiny sliver of hope considering he uses something akin to Hammer of the Virtuous against the Nathrezim, but it would seem old Anduin even has a model now, and it does look like a priest.
Or is it just a fan creation?

Damn it, we don't need another priest as race leader, a Paladin would be cool. Anduin's supposed to be properly fighting now, hell, I had big hopes in him picking his fathers sword.

He's too busy being in a competition with Sylvanas for dumbest faction leader.

As a Worgen and long time Alliance player, seeing Sylvanas getting GREYMANED was pure bliss. Funny thing is, even Horde players were happy to see her lose.

>Make Varian have some connection with the wolf god Goldrinn
>do nothing with it
what a waste

I mean, he's got legitimate reasons for his actions. She doesn't.
Sure, he would prioritise Sylvanas over demons, but hey, at least he won that round.

Warriors are so bummed this extansion lore wise.
We were supposed to have a proper Warrior heavens, with people like Orgrim and Utterly Based Lothar, along with loads of popular warriors from the setting. Instead, we get viking bullshit that no one cares about.

My greatest and most hated adversary has decided to make a short term alliance in order to defeat a common enemy, and then doesn't contribute nearly enough to the war effort because of their own pursuit for power, why is Greymane wrong for neutering her plans when she turned her back on their premade agreement that ended up getting his king slaughtered?

>what is Iron Fist

Exactly. I had forgotten about his son until the cutscene, but Sylvanas is the reason why Gilneans had to flee and why Genn lost his son. Sure the Cataclysm harmed them first, but the Undead were the ones to chase them out of their lands.

From what I heard, the actor got bummed on that one, having to train alone, in his free time, with fights being explained just the moment before the scene, which obviously led to terrible combats, especially when compared to Daredevil.

What the fuck didn't the Adventurers kill Illidan in Burning Crusade?

Is that fucking Argus? Has Blizzard gone fucking completely insane?

Keep up old man.

God. It's still so fucking stupid. Jaina was literally one of the only humans with enough reason to band the major races together in wc3, and now she's a carbon copy of her father. I hate how much blizzard fucked every character from wc3

>and now she's a carbon copy of her father
You mean that she's correct?