Sold my ps4 pro for a xbox x, what do i do while i wait for thr xbox x to come out?

Sold my ps4 pro for a xbox x, what do i do while i wait for thr xbox x to come out?

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Imagine how great it will be to play Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 in 4K.

Halo 6

Shill the most powerful console ever

Why would indonthat?


Buy a fucking Switch instead.

Tell lies on the internet.

Switch has no game im interested in.

>not buying both

buy some switches and flip them to make back the price of the x and to pay for some games

you dont deserve to join the xbros with shit taste like that.

buy a ps4 instead thats more your speed fuccboi

Sorry, nintenbros but im just not interested in kids games anymore.

>sold ps4 for a console that releases in over 4 months
Idk work on your backlog or something

stay the fuck off our console then, xbox and nintendo are pals forever

fuck sony fags

Okay? Now you just sound autistic. Are you sectetly a sonybro?

At least you'll be used to not having any games to play when it comes out.

What does that mean?

You sold a console that actually had games to get one that doesn't?

He can't.
He sold the console his backlog is played on.

Xbox one has games i want to play. I don't like weeb shit that pisspoor had.

No. He sold his console for one that doesn't currently exist

Can the XX let me play Halo at 4K60?

Buy a pc instead

Like what?

halo 5
crackdown 3
sunset overdrive
gears trilogy+4