>1st full day of SB after 4 awful days of EA
>world login queues are still taking forever
>90k/dc are rampant
>DPS queues are ridiculous
>4 hour long maintenance in 5 hours for all worlds
>jobs majorly fucked every which way by the revamp
>However, going forward with Stormblood or any other update, he also understands that when changes are made that players don’t like, “it’s only natural” for them to be angry. In fact, he says, “You should get mad.”

Are you mad?

who where /neverloggingout/

So if I level samurai will the npcs in game tell me I am a samurai? You know like how heavensward called me the azure dragoon every chance they got

Honestly I liked Zenos because his motive and plot was just the same as toguro's. It's a story I like, where you get too strong you want someone to kill you.

I meant here.

I need to sleep.

>there are people who think Gaius was wrong for wanting to stop complete retards who regularly summon planet destroying gods.

Don't worry, maintenance will force you out soon.

Jesus fucking christ everything was fine until I got to this one fucking dungeon and now if I don't get DCd the second I get in it boots me in the middle of a fight. FUCK YOU.

>started playing
>enjoy it
>can't play at night because servers shit pants
>can't finish Gladiator quest because servers are poo

So is Stormblood good or not?

So what's the best job for soloing older content now?

>...My quarters. One hour.
Gaius, you old dog you. Crushing Primals with your sick ass new weapon must get the blood flowing.


What's it like being an edgelord with brain problems?



I don't think I've been referenced as a Red Mage yet in Stormblood. A lot of text I'll skip through though if it isn't voice acted or doesn't seem important to pay attention to, but even when Alisaie references learning RDM shit from cat Dante she doesn't point out that you're one too.

When does the WoL get a hug?

Anyone else just got 90k-ed?

>when your hardest piece of content endgame is a jumping puzzle tower

Do you guys think the maintenance is going to fix anything

>playing WHM through HW content and levelling PLD from 35 as a sidegoal
>instant queues, not maintenance or error messages
>both jobs still play really well (WHM needs minor tweaks, can be easily done in 4.05 or 4.1)

My only complaint is that RDM has a bit of a learning curve that I'm still not comfortable with but goddamn is it satisfying as shit to build up to 80/80 without fucking up white/black magic order or missing doublecasts then rushing in, unloading your combo and jumping back.

I'm just gonna guess that once I get the rotation down and can do it consistently, it'll end up like every other DPS job where it becomes mindnumbingly dull to just faceroll the same key combination with nothing else to do in content. At least tanking and healing has more to think about at any one time.

>queues that last three hours
>can't actually do anything once you finally make it into the game because of disconnects
Since buying the game on Friday I have about two hours of actual honest to god play time.

>A lot of text I'll skip through though if it isn't voice acted or doesn't seem important to pay attention to
Jesus christ.

>wait 40minutes for dungeon
>it finally pops
>just accept
>90006 lmao
>2k in queue
Getting really fucking tired of this shit. I understand launch can have bumps but the fact we're like 5? days in and i'm not being compensated subscription time for their incompetence.

DRK was my main in HW. SB changes have me worried for the job though. Should I just switch to PLD or WAR? I just want to be more helpful in raids tank wise.


>Are you mad?
Not really, I got my money back.

I'm sad that my favorite MMO became a shitshow, though.

Not all jobs are fucked, but a few definitely are. Especially SCH

Never because whoever is in charge of character animations is lazy as fuck and doesn't want to make a new animation fro every race and both genders. Its why your character always seems to stand an awkward distance away from everyone during cutscenes.

>Xaela: get a cool as shit section of the story and lots of cool lore and locales
Raen fucking suck.They were preferable when I thought they were just a bunch of Doman serfs

>Jobs majorly fucked

Most were improved.

>Subbing for 3 months over a 2 month period
Not everyone does that

wow Lyse is ugly

Don't act like there isn't a fuckton of filler text, user. The story's nice but there's sometimes where shit don't matter.


>>My only complaint is that RDM has a bit of a learning curve that I'm still not comfortable with
What? It's super intuitive and entirely based on a really easy minigame.

calling it now they'll nerf that Shinryu fight

I had to que up multiple times until I got a team competent enough to clear it

>bought base game and Heavensward bundle
>30 days free time
>I've lost almost 8 days of time because every time I sit down and get into playing the servers go down
>been stuck on main quest that puts me into a duty because the server keeps booting me out
>only level 16
Just about done

Anyone on excalibur know whats selling good on the market? Gonna be transfering over.

What's it like having to resort to name calling every time some one doesn't agree with you?

Maybe, but absolutely ruining a couple of them is inexcusable

>are you mad
I'm fucking pissed
I don't even know if the expansion is shit or not because I can barely log in

how are you liking your weeb expansion?

>get 90k'd
>First time thus far
>Character vanished
>My face

I'll just wait for the maintenance.

I know they will but I honestly hope they don't.
I loved how hard it was, the damn near required healer lb, it was intense and fun. I can't wait to do Shinryu EX and cry tears at it will be the hardest thing the game has seen yet.

>2/3 healers and tanks fucked
>1dps made irrelevant
>1dps gutted so hard it became braindead and extremely dull to play
>like 3 dps classes at most were improved upon one of those being DRG which is more or less the same but more DPS and zero risk of dropping botd
>one tank made really good
Come on, man.

>tfw can't hug Alisaie yourself

the market is fucked here like most legacy servers

You asked for this when you bitched about the Amhigos.

>mfw Ralghr's Reach

can I join party finder groups while locked out of duty finder? I had to leave an instance because I had a premade group of 2 dps and a healer and then healer disconnected every fucking pull

Make this playable.

>Dps queues
That's not Square's fault, potato.
Go play an important role if you want to be important.

>July 1st ~ September 30th
>2 months

>I believe everything anyone posts and don't actually play any of these jobs myself
Just stop.

>Are you mad?

You forgot to mention how Tank aggro is absolutely FUCKED right now. Bosses are fine, but trash is harder than the actual bosses in terms of keeping aggro and getting shredded if you mass pull.

The fact that Zenos puts the WoL in his place is pretty significant, but whatever let's kill him off in one patch.

I can't respect Garleans because they're fucking retards who get killed by their superior officers every other week.

Just finished the MSQ.

10/10, they nailed it fully.
Onward to Omega.

>want to try new classes
>can't because their class quests are instanced, enjoy your 3400 queue again
>want to progress in MSQ
>can't because it's an instanced battle, you're disconnected
>want to do a dungeon
>we're going to disconnect you near the end

I always thought cause the WoL doesn't want to be close to anyone unless theres a weapon of some sort inserted into said person's gut

>1 dps made irrelevant
kinda curious as to which one youre talking about
>1dps gutted so hard it became braindead and extremely dull to play
but thats been every dps job since launch?

none of the healers are fucked its just scholar babbies complaining that they aren't op anymore and actually need to put a heal on their bar.

You join the groups. That's about it till the timers done.

nah, they killed Zenos too soon, feels like I can just stop already because we already liberated ala mhigo

This webm gave me cancer.

Yeah I understand the general process:
jolt -> whichever is lower of aero/thunder -> fire/earth if they proc else jolt -> whichever is lower of aero/thunder -> etc

once over 80/80 jump in do your 3 hit combo, jump out, and flare if white is higher or holy if black is higher, go back to the beginning

It's just keeping track of all that without getting tunnelvisioned on looking at your bar and your procs and not paying attention to mechanics, aoes, and whatever else is happening in content.

>I don't believe any of it but I also don't play the jobs my self
You stop first retard.

>reading all the text in a japanese RPG
No thanks I don't have 40 years to spend reading about unimportant shit.

Healing that fight is a trip. If you miss one mechanic even slightly your team is fucked

Any Leviathan anons online that can invite me to the Linkshell?

Playable beast races never friend. It's time to let go.

transfers out of balmung are free user

Nah at this point the WoL must be desperate for any level of basic affection. Even their closest friends still keep their distance.

>none of the healers are fucked its just scholar babbies complaining that they aren't op anymore and actually need to put a heal on their bar.

no, their dps rotation is gutted to FUCK, do you even play SCH, not to mention that their healing is easily the weakest of all 3 now. WHM got a shitty new mechanic but they can heal and DPS like motherfuckers.

Well, the ones you see outside the steppe are probably mostly raen. They just also have a fairytale kingdom underwater because grorious Nippon.
Isn't it cheaper to sub in larger intervals?

WHM is still really strong, the lilies can use some tweaking and confessions are weak, but the rest of their kit makes up for it.

SCH players are mad that they aren't discount SMN and their fairy can't do everything for them while they try and pretend to be DoT/AoE kings

>mfw NIN

Ala Mhigo isn't the end of the game, they did bring a satisfying amount of closure to so much though so I understand, but the train ain't over by a long shot. Zenos' father strikes me with more awe then he ever could and I need more of that.

>dont even need to tankswap in ex susan because his tank swap mechanic is so weak

the offtank literally only exists to tank the orbs during the sword

Say what the FUCK you want about Xaela, Cirina was the best thing about Stormblood!

all this balmung fag bitching. what did you expect with a server that has like a 17k population during SB? meanwhile my server of 7k is absolutely fine and no one in my FC complains about DC's anymore. just take the free transfer if you can't deal with AT MOST a week of queues/dc's.

I don't mind that they made aggro a bit more imporant to pay attention to. But for the love of god, why is the aggro meters so shit? It will only tell you that you are about to lose aggro 2sec before you do, why is tabbing to different targets so sporadic and bad?

>friends bothering me to play XIV for weeks
>download steam trial version of the game before I buy
>I reach level 35 and decide to buy the complete edition on the square enix website
>turns out i have to make a completely new character and start all over because my other character is locked to the steam trial version

I even requested a refund, but I keep getting generic "REFER TO ARTICLE V SECTION 2" replies that don't answer my questions

>tfw tank
>Get to Susanoo
>First party has an AST that keeps dying and wiping the party
>Vote abandon
>"H-hah it's okay, I get instaqueues!"
>Second party
>Everyone's new, explain the mechanics to them
>Healers wipe the party again
>Vote abandon
>Third party
>2,000+ login queue
It's okay, I didn't want to continue the MSQ today anyways.

>Queue up for PvP
>Afk the entire match
>never get called out since level 60 (I'm 66 now)
>getting 700k+ exp for nothing

>only played tanks
>thinking of trying out a new class
I was interested in MNK, but apparently that's shit now
How are NIN? Already started leveling a RDM but I've always enjoyed watching NIN flip about while in dungeons
Is it worth it to buy a job skip potion for a DPS class?

I think the Azim Steppe solidified the Xaela as the best race in the game t b h

>tank aggro is fucked

What? Every skill in your tanking combo generates more emnity now. Tanking is even easier now and gives you way more opportunities to switch to a dps stance (unless you're a WAR)

I love that cutscene where they ask Alisae if she can swim and she very proudly declares that she can but Alphinaud can't. Twice.

>start playing with friend
>pick Paladin
Did I do good?

>Ala Mhigo isn't the end of the game

What else is there though? By the end of 3.0 we didn't end the Dragonsong War so there was always that, all we got for a hook was 'oh ho ho its the Ascians working with the Empire again'.

>Monk is even worse somehow

I thought this was supposed to be /our expansion/ what the fuck happened?


I want Hydalyn to pull us into her realm and just sit us down for a heart to heart and make sure were doing okay, and then tell us she loves us.

What do warriors and dark knights have that makes up for their inability to block? I can block 24% damage with the 310 shield how can other tanks even compete with that?

>Tfw tank
>I was pass the gates on day 1
>Get to Susanoo
>20 min as I wait for other to get pass gate
>Clear on first try
>Friend plays 3 days later
>Wipe 7 times before they clear

I think we know the gate was there to filter out the shitters.

>tfw just got to level 70 on my main job by queuing up for PvP and running all over the map on my choco until the match is over

hehe the fools think I'm actually doing something

Right. It would be more accurate to say whm is good despite Yoshi doing his best to fuck them up with shit mechanics.

Anyone got a treasure map yet? I'm trying to get a gaganaskin one from a level 65 node but i'm either getting really unlucky or there's something else to it.

>all that time i spent telling WHMs they had to stay in their cucksheds

fuck me they will eventually have to fix scholar though? the class was fine for 5 years running and now this bullshit.

Is there any way to pay less than $40 for this?

We still need our Empire Strikes Back.