Shit siblings did to your video games, memory cards, consoles, etc
Shit siblings did to your video games, memory cards, consoles, etc
it was my younger cousin, but saved over my file of jak 2 at least 3 times. the third time i had even put it as the last slot to try to prevent overwriting and they still managed to fuck that up. 1 i had beaten, one i think was partially through, and the final was beaten plus i was well on my way to collecting most of the precursor eggs. havnt played since
>tfw cousin stuck a bunch of magnets on my NES, said it would look cooler
>being 3 at the time, I don't mind
Fuck you, Patrick.
>Get smash 64
>Game turns into my religion
>Played it for years before unlocking everything because no internet to figure shit out and me being younger
>Friend wants to borrow it
>His little brother deletes my save
I wanted to beat the shit out of the kid, but my friend, being the golden boy he is, took his brothers copy of Banjo Kazooie as punishment and gave it to me. Looking back on it now, that seems pretty harsh, it was just a save file, but meh, you know how we were when we were younger.
Same friend and same little brother
>Lend friend copy of golden sun
>Friend falls inlove with it and is always playing it
>Really happy to see him happy
>His little brother steals the game from him and it's never seen again
>I'm fucking livid. Friend is devastated the game he loved is gone and mostly that it was my game
>Takes the little brothers copy of Pokemon Blue and gives it to me
Played the fuck out of that copy of Blue was good shit. My friends birthday was 2 months after this shit happened. I saved up my money and bought him a copy of Golden Sun for his birthday. Fuck was he ever happy. To this day I need to remind myself to buy another and replay it.
>little cousin would just smash my shit, his parents just sat there laughing like morons
I'm not so mad at him as I am at his parents. It's obvious what made him that way.
>invite gay friends over
>siblings immediately act like they don't talk to anyone I'm cool with
>invite elementary friends over
>fist bumps, daps, code names, i'mma buy you a bottle etc.
My mom broke my Donkey Kong Country cartridge in a fit of rage.
I still have mine in great condition
I WAS that kid
I was very dumb and I more than once mixed up his memory card and my memory card
>Have little sister
>Little shit is constantly hounding me
>Always tried embarrassing me in front of my friends and harassed / insulted every girl that came around
>Has made custom characters of me in the Sims and allowed my Sim to starve
>Has continued doing this until she filled up an entire room in an attic
>Called it the judgement room and showed me every single time she had a new urn
>Would delete my porn from my PSP
>Has continued doing this until she filled up an entire room in an attic
>Called it the judgement room and showed me every single time she had a new urn
I remember playing pro skater 3 on my ps2 and my fucking stepbrother and stepsister got into a fight. One of them hooked my controller cord with their foot and pulled the ps2 out of the entertainment center. We couldn't get it to read discs after that
My brother has done so much shit to my consoles. He once decided that he was going to act like his fucking bubble-gun was a flamethrower he drowned my gameboy advance in bubble juice. My copy of Pokémon gold was ruined. The same brother snapped my DS lite in half. He has also fucked over two Wiis by sticking quarters in them and trying to fucking fish then out with a metal hanger. Never have more than one kid.
You're a good friend, user.
>saving porn on your PSP
I thought I was the only one who did that.
Nothing. I was the oldest in my family and goddamn huge too.
Your friend's little brother is an awful pest but your friend was a total bro.
>complete Pokemon Platinum in elementary school, where I've done plenty of aftergame stuff too
>have it along with me in a car ride but take the cartridge out to swap in Meteos
>younger sister is getting out of the car for a sleepover
>her backpack must have knocked Platinum out of the car and onto the sidewalk
>after spending a day looking for it later a kid in a different grade apparently found it, called my sister's friend, and then that girl was going to give it to my sister the next day in school, so she could give it to me
>all excited on the bus home
>she says she still lost it
I'm confident she literally just dropped it somewhere
I owned Pokemon Red back when I was a kid. I had, for reasons I can't remember, a legitimate Mew on the console.
I loved it. I built a great team, Mew ahead.
Then my sister got ahold of it and erased it all, because she thought she could start a new game without destroying the other one. I lost Mew forever.
But on that day, despite how sad I was, I realized that things disappear and nothing is permanent. It was a valuable lesson, and I hugged my crying sister and forgave her.
Well, once my younger sister accidentally deleted my Skyward Sword data when I was at the second dungeon. Not the biggest deal, but it seemed like a big deal at the time.
my fucking retarded ass brother got Medal of honor:rising sun on gamecube and deleted two whole memory cards of shit to save the game
the game was 2 disks so he thought he needed two whole memory cards
he deleted the 300 hours melee file i had been working on for a year
>sister deletes everything on card BUT melee since she was addicted to camera mode
Best friend I ever had. It's a little bittersweet though, even if he was a pure at heart kid, he got into drugs in highschool and after just drifted away. Never seen him again.
He pretty much was a brother to me, the amount of time we spent together and I'll never forget him. I just hope he is doing well.
>deleted my Smash Bros. Melee data twice
>had Mewtwo both times
Fucking Christ, you know how long it takes to unlock that asshole?
>be youngest sibling
>older brother and sister don't play vidya
>don't have these kinds of problems
>but siblings never want to play with you
>dad takes me to work
>brother takes PSP
>leaves it on floor
>never see it again
>Younger brother and I arguing over whose turn it is to play
>He punches me, I hit back
>Mom catches us fighting
>I get 3 days on the breaking wheel as punishment, while my brother only gets 2 hours on the Spanish donkey
I hated growing up with a little sibling
My brother was okay with this stuff until he got obsessed with madden and forza on 360 (he was maybe 17 at the time, I was 5 years older). Every time he'd take my game out of the 360 to play his game, he would take the disc and just drop it on the floor next to the console (we didn't have any of the boxes the games came in because of a flood, long story). The carpet was that really short shitty cheap carpeting, it was basically pipe cleaners. It scratched the shit out of the discs.
Eventually I bought a leather binder to put our discs in and he kept leaving it on top of the console right over where the vents were causing the 360 to get hot as hell and reset. He's probably why we had three RRODs. I kept explaining to him that the vent needs to be uncovered and he'd agree, but then he'd forget and do it again and again...
My brother "borrowed" my copy of sly cooper 2 and i honestly thought that i had lost it, he moved out about 2 years after that and i got his room, he left his books and about a year after that the bank foreclosed on our house and while packing up the books my copy of sly cooper 2 fell out of one of the books
that's right, he stole my copy of sly cooper 2 and hid it in a goddamn book and forgot about it.
>3 days on the breaking wheel as punishment
That was a slap on the wrist for me. When I did something bad I would get a week inside the iron maiden. If mom was feeling lenient, it would be a week on the rack instead.
>Breaking wheel
>Iron maiden
Consider yourselves lucky. My mom had my older brother drawn and quartered because he didn't do the dishes.
>not being only child/really old half sibling who doesn't live with you master race
When I was younger my step-sister accidentally dropped a magnet on my gameboy advanced and it somehow cleared all my save data for the game inside.
So she and my step-brother proceeded to lock me out of the room we shared and did the same to all my other GBA games. They did this shit all the time, makes me glad my dad ditched their ugly skank of a mom.
Look for his facebook dawg
Deleted my Persona 3 and 4 100+ hours files, the little shit went to cry to mom because I restarted 3. I didn't spoke to him for the next 6 years.
>visiting friends house after school one day
>get a ride from my dad on his way home from work
>When we get home we see the PS1 smashed to pieces in the living room
>My brother was the only one at home that day
>He tries blaming it on me, saying I smashed it and then left
>My tells him to stop lying because I was at my friend's house since school got out.
>My brother then says that it was actually a burglar that came in and broke it and then left
>My dad grounds him
>Next week he buys a new Playstation and gives it to me to keep in my room
>My brother is never allowed to play it
and that's how I was able to stay up way later than I should have playing RPGs.
>At another friends
>Brought my Gameboy with Pokemon
>Wanted to show it to my friend since they really liked Pikachu but didn't have the game
>left it on their bed while we went to the arcade in the mall later on
>come back
>Their little brother is lying on the bed playing
>I take it back from him
>Check my save file since I was close to the end of the game
>it's been deleted
>My friend doesn't want me to get in trouble so he beats up his brother for me
>I'm okay with this
Hell, my friend with no internet at the time would come over to load up those old porn flash games to take back to his place to play.
>deleted your saves
>cries when you start playing them again
Was he deranged in some way?
dammit this thread is dead
He used to take money from my wallet until I started taking it to the bathroom, for 6 months he only played GoW and got his gf pregnant at 23, so yes.
As the oldest none of my siblings touched my games on purpose, but I have one instance
>Going on some trip
>GBA games are in a small pocket in my bag
>Brother puts small bottle of bodywash in same bag without telling me
>Brother is also a retard and didnt close it fully
>Luck out and NO games get damaged somehow
>All of my yugioh and pokemon games stink like disgusting chocolate axe body wash to this day.