So what's the Sup Forumserdict? We can agree that Rocksteady produced some of the best action adventure games right?
Batman Arkham Trilogy
The first two are the best superhero games period
Asylum and City are god tier.
gameplay wise, taking out the story... how is AK not better than AA and AC?
some of being the key word, but yes. knight feels llike one of those games i would have loved if i got it as a gift from a relative when i was like 11. after playing the whole franchise since launch in 2008 i saw it decline in quality and cant tolerate knight. i can even feel the drop in difficulty between asylum and city.
i knew from the moment i played asylum when they put the batmobile in one of the games it would be a disaster. i dont like being vindicated.
Agreed. I still like the others because I enjoyed the first two so much, but Origins was just more City, and Knight was too much Batmobile and not enough Batman and boss fights.
I've bought each one at least twice. PC / PS3 or 4.
I actually 120% completed Arkham Knight just yesterday.
Honestly one of my favourite videogame series.
City is the best one.
Knight was bad for numerous reasons.
City was decent but the open world element was a giant waste.
Aslyum is untouchable.
Asylum and City are great.
Origins is meh.
Knight is awful.
Handheld games are shit.
Give me Beyond Arkham with McGinnis.
Knight was way too much Batmobile and not enough atmosphere in general.
And don't get me fucking started on the Riddler.
6/10 game, good for fucking around it but not much else.
i 100% asylum on ps3, then 360. then city on 360. i 100% both on pc and almost 100% of origins. i was done with knight after like 3 hours, so i only beat the story up to the point where it makes you get all the side stuff to progress. i looked up the true end online and refunded it on steam
asylum is definitely the hardest because i swear goons can hear you grappling between vantage points if they are close enough, when in city you could just zip around up there with no issue. most of it was waiting for them to line up to get gadget kills though. the only hard part of city was the challenge campaigns towards the end.
i miss when riddlers stiff had actual riddles and not puzzles. fuck those damn race tracks in knight too.
i even once concidered buying thte game of the year disk for asylum and city on 360 since a friend said they count as a different game for more achievement
It's a shame, cause Batman's controls and combat were the best in Knight.
Landing on a car and flinging the driver out is a pretty damn good feel.
Knight simplified combat even further than it already is with the multi fear take down chains and slow mo. It's already simple and easy to break, making it even simpler just ruined what challenge there was. You can practically play Knight asleep. City on NG+ was perfect level of difficulty for the type of game it was.
I feel like I'm one of the only people that genuinely loves Origins.
Sure its the least polished and the open world is bland but I feel it has:
some of the best bosses,
the best version of detective mode actually requiring you to search for clues
Doesn't fuck up Batman and Joker's first meeting
Story is actually good
Best version of Bane
I just don't get why its so hated
the fear take downs should have had to be earned, noy given the moment youre in a predator encounter. like, take out a few guys wothout being seen, then you can stike fear into the last few and take them out real quick. it would have been the continuation of the last guy panicing in asylum, a mechanic i sorely miss
Origins was honestly better than it should have been.
I think its biggest problem is just that it feels completely unnecessary.
>Arkham Asylum drew inspiration from classic Batman comics to create its own realized story based around game play that made you feel like you were Batman
>Arkham City drew inspiration from classic Batman comics to create its own realized story based around game play that made you feel like you were Batman
>Arkham Knight ripped off classic Batman stories to sloppily tie together the first few games' plot based around game play that forced driving sections into an already proven formula
Arkham Knight looks AMAZING. The graphics are jaw dropping and miles ahead of the previous two. The combat too feels polished and expanded upon as well. Unfortunately, missteps regarding the story and the Batmobile really ended such a compelling trilogy on a flat note.
It's such a surreal feeling playing it. The first two games are just great games which really made you feel like a superhero, with more improvements upon the last than negatives. Then the third comes out and somethings are so fucking polished and improved upon while others feel like they remembered they had to include them at the last minute.
Knight isn't an awful game, like most of the internet would like you to think. It's just an unfortunate misstep right at the finish line after an almost flawless marathon before it.
so, really, DID anyone catch the game last night?
The combat and traversal system are shallow and boring. Period.
>"you'll totally never guess who the Arkham Knight is guys it'll blow your mind!"
>it's fucking Jason Todd
Bravo Rocksteady
Arkham Asylum was fantastic, especially because when it came out superhero games were almost always total shit. The rest have all been way worse.
These games were only good for ass. And even that got nerfed in Knight.
Part of it is that people were feeling Joker fatigue.
Arkham City was the height of the series.
Asylum and City are great, some of my favorite action games ever, the attention to detail is amazing
They both just feel like an episode of Batman TAS
Knight was alright, but I feel it got very repetitive, eventually I was just praying it would end soon, didn't touch it after I beat the main story
It would be good it it weren't buggy as The Courtyard on PC.
Totally agree. My favorite vidya series of all time. I take a walktrough of Arkham Knight over Bloodborne without a second thought. I even enjoy Arkham Blackgate.
My current ranking of preference:
Knight > CIty > Asylum > Origins > Blackgate
I have all the cheevos in Steam for Asylum and 100% of the trophies in PS4 for Knight, only missing some stars in the challenges. I'm only missing the calendar man trophie in City. In Origins and Blackgate i'm missing half of the cheevos, and i'll never get all of them thanks to the online.
Period? like the one you have each month?
Best Riddler, best Joker, but the start of the downfall of Harley Quinn as a character.
Origins had fucked up combat, and the stupid as shit electric gloves
they really are incredible games. the story is so good and the characters are so well presented. you feel like a superhero when youre playing it
I feel like they sorta screwed themselves over with all the Arkham Knight hype. It was either gonna be a) Jason, which everybody for the most part had guessed months before release or b) an OC donut steel or literally who that nobody would have cared about.
Origins would be as good without the glitches and poor collectible locations, Knight without the endless batmobile content. But then again Asylum had monotonous enemies and encounters, while City had little respect for the villains except the Joker, Mr. Freeze and the Penguin.
Best games of last gen. Shame Knight was so bag.
Knight is overly hated. While it has the weakest story and bosses, I think the pace is on par of Asylum and the gameplay is at it peak. The only thing gameplay wise that didn't work was the predator Batmobile sections.
try getting 3 stars on the harder challenge areas then. I agree that it's not difficult, but the skill ceiling is higher than you think
Good things about Origins:
>SOME of the bossbattles, not all of them, like some people say: Bane, Deathstroke, Firefly, Copperhead, Croc in a lesser degree
>fun new types of enemies: the martial artists and the venom thugs
>comfy christmas theme and great snow effects
>great indoor levels
>fun sidequests, except for Riddler
Bad things:
>instead of playing with the concept of being a prequel (what if you had Spider-Man 2 swinging instead of gliding? and a more limited detective vision) it's basically Arkham City (they even reused the freeze greanade and the grapling gun boost)
>the annoying shock gloves
>the worsened upgrade system
>the rest of the bossbattles: Shiva, Deadshot
>shit open world, looks fake as fuck
>worst Riddler of the whole series
>bad execution of good ideas, like the random crimes
>a minor detail, but they fucked up Harley backstory, she didn't knew Joker until the asylum, and now she knew him in Blackgate
Over emphasis on the car.
Easy games made ridiculously easy.
No real bosses.
Half the missions are collect a thons or repetitive as fuck.
Fear Takedowns.
Gigantic city with nothing to do.
I don't feel fear takedown is overpowered, cause you have to face more enemies than before. It's compensated.
>That entire Sup Forums RP thread as citizens of Gotham during the events of AK
Comfy shit, bro.
Excuse me?
I was sad the Sup Forums "leaks" weren't true but AK was still generally fun outside tank battles and the story.
Asylum is a 10/10 though. City's like a 9.5.
Do you have a screencap?
100% each game on both PS3 and PC.
All achievements except for Origins multiplayer achievements, some of which are literally impossible.
Finish each game without gadgets and/or without detective mode.
Will soon buy Remastered to do it all again.
Enemies could catch you going between vantage points in both games but yes, Asylum was the hardest of them all. Even though that isn't saying much.
Campaigns were a bitch due to some bugs or some very specific takedowns required.
Knight had the most options which is definitely what the character is about but I liked the barebones combat of Asylum. It fit the area. You were alone on the island with few resources, couldn't get Lucious to upgrade your car tank or send in a super suit. Also, the punching was more satisfying, especially the audio.
City on NG+ had a few really good moments of combat (usually a mix of guns and melee), but it was still too easy.
Agreed. Origins is actually my favourite because of the setting and the bosses. Best writing by far as well.
The unnecessary tweaks to the combat, poor polishing, bugs, and complaints about "Joker again" (which is a stupid complaint for this series) brought it down.
>Robin! You take the giant black guy, I'll carry the girl!
Thanks Bats.
>I was sad the Sup Forums "leaks" weren't true but AK was still generally fun outside tank battles and the story.
Yeah, i liked the Arkham Knight we got at the end, but i expected even more from Rocksteady, unachievable expectations. It was my personal MGSV. That user's OC sounded great.
How's the collection on PS4? Wasn't there a controversy over the remasters looking worse than the originals?
what leaks are these?
>"A brand new character for the game!"
Technically true.
Arkham series is one game where I actually wish there was a bit of resource management, particularly in Asylum.
Having a finite amount of each of your tools for each encounter would've made the game a bit more interesting in approaching situations, especially if you're presented with times where you're sort of running a gauntlet of encounters and your tools would be dwindling and you may get reduced to just your stealth and your wits.
I like what Knight wanted to do, but the execution fell on its face. Too reliant on the new vehicle mechanic, a good interpretation of Jason Todd that was hampered by both having to explain who he was, and having him to a heel turn.
Some stuff look better: there's now rain in the outdoors of the asylum. Some looks worse: most of the characters.
>>a minor detail, but they fucked up Harley backstory, she didn't knew Joker until the asylum, and now she knew him in Blackgate
That's just comics and the stories that go with comics. Origins had calendars that said "2013." You just have to shrug your shoulders and go with it.
And Origins' Riddler was among the best. Far better than a racecar track maker.
>Arkham series is one game where I actually wish there was a bit of resource management, particularly in Asylum.
Agree, what if you had only 50 batarangs for the whole night?. It would add a survival horror touch.
Some of those leaks were better than the actual story.
>And Origins' Riddler was among the best. Far better than a racecar track maker.
Weird opinion. Origins Riddler is the City one with almost no death traps, and more puzzles only in quantity but not in quality. Knight one only sucked at the final bossfight, but the rest was a great experience to me.
My ranking for Riddler: City > Knight > Asylum > Origins
Well there's the asylum Batcave that could be used as a sort of resupply center, but it's such a nuisance to get to that players have to decide before entering a building or undertaking a new area if they want to go back to the cave to stock up or if they just wanna plough through area after area trying to conserve everything as much as possible.
Definitely in favour of this. It would have done so much toward making you feel like the Bat. Can't just go around spamming shit like Superman's laser eyes. The utility belt has limited storage and some of the shit in there just won't do you any good in many situations.
Origins Riddler had true to the character banter, taunting, and outbursts. He pushed people and organizations with blackmail by hacking their systems and outwitting them.
Knight Riddler was ridiculously out of character. Engaging in combat, building robots to fight Batman, and even worse, fucking racetracks? It doesn't fit with him at all. Most of the challenges weren't targeting Batman's mind which is the character's entire reason for existing: proving he's smarter. You don't do that by seeing how fast the guy can drive his super car. The robots would be forgivable if not combined with the rest of that retarded shit.
He was fine in Asylum and City.
some interesting ideas, but it definitely sounds too busy to have been pulled off properly
The Riddler is amazing in this series because he actually has a genuine character arc. YOu can actually track his (d)evolution over the course of the games. He's all suave and cocky and handsome in Origins, becomes a more proper, tradition Riddler in Asylum, and then becomes desperate and petty in City by doubling the amount of trophies and throwing in physical challenges, and by Knight he's literally living in the sewer, trying to prove that he's smarter than Batman by making him drive fast.
Listening to him getting more and more panicked when getting the final ten trophies in Knight was solid gold.
I liked when he called you out for using the internet to cheat.
I preferred the one that ended with a Joker clone being made that would be ready in 10 years or so.
>"How is THAT a puzzle, Eddie?!"
">You just don't get it."
The funny thing about this is that it had information on Man-Bat and Fear Takedowns before they were revealed.
I'll always wonder if this might have been, and then the game's six month delay was to rewrite half the game because of the leak. This got covered on a couple low-level gaming sites.
best story and scarecrow
best gameplay, bad story
comfy snow and fast travel
grafix fest with forced batmobile
I like them, I hate all the busywork it has. I don't like doing stupid puzzles, I don't like having to go into every corner to find a dead guy that will give me a % completion towards a most wanted and I definitely don't like that so much content is behind such dull chores.
Aside from that, love them. Playing Knight for the first time right now, ignoring anything but the main storyline because I can tell that there's a lot of busywork that I won't enjoy on every other mission.
It was definitely not rewritten because of the "leak". the games story wasn't great, but it didn't feel stitched together
>So what's the Sup Forumserdict?
X, X, X, X, X, X, X,X, X, X, X, X, Y, X, X, X, X,X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, A+B... COMA.
>free flow faggot shitâ„¢
Best Story, Best Atmosphere
Overall great, but doesn't due anything particularly better than the others. (My favorite)
Wasted premise, Best bosses, worst open world, worst gameplay additions
Weakest story, Best gameplay, best missions, weakest side missions.
Origins keeps crashing on my PS3 around the part where the guy gets thrown out the window. Is this a common problem? I just want to finish the fucking game, I like the comfy winter atmosphere and origin story for Batman.
Also Knight seemed to have the least puzzles in the main game
City is invalidated by Asylum and Origins. It's a total mess, and the open world is horrible.
How is it invalidated?
Why did Joker never get a good boss fight in this series? He's supposed to be the Batman villain.
Replayed all four games a few weeks ago. They are some of the most fun and replayable games out there. The combat is simple but perfectly captures the idea of being Batman and fighting thugs on the streets, making you the right amount of overpowered while also making some encounters not pushovers if you're on hard or above. I'm sad Sup Forums as a whole keeps repeating the press triangle ti win meme, because that only works in Asylum 90% of the time, or very early parts of City, Origins and Knight.
My favorite character is Superman, so my dream is that Rocksteady makes a Superman game, devoting as much care as they did for Batman, making a new combat system that makes sense for it and a world that is as fun to explore as Gotham.
Everything it does, those games do better.
Hey look, someone who also thinks knight is the best. Cool. I just thought knight had the most batman stuff in it. And it was as of extremely high quality. Sure the story isnt as compact and tight as the first two. But there's just so much game there. Ill never stop saying its the best. I get a fuzzy feeling just looking at the game case sometimes.
Detective mode was better in Knight.
Not the best batman vidya trilogy...
Origins doesn't do anything better.
I love the hell out of Knight too, man. I've replayed it the most by far
I love them all.
Asylum set the stage.
City made the stage bigger.
Knight made the stage better.
I don't hate any of them and don't see how any fan of one can truly say one of the other two was a flop. Being the goddamn batman is satisfying in all of these games.
What if you had a fighting game like Dead or Alive (3D movement) into these games, it would purge Batman characters from Injustice and could be used for the bossbattles: Deathstroke, Shiva, Arkham Knight, those types of enemies that can go toe to toe with Bats.
I liked his bossfight in Batgirl DLC.
Wally Wingert deserves an award for his Riddler performance in all four games.
I also think Knight was the best, it was the culmination of the series in all aspects. Replaying it right now and everything from combat to predator sections to soundtrack to flying around the city or destroying everything in the way with the car is just amazing. And it looks fucking next gen.
People don't give enough credit to it, I loved every moment, even the races. Wished they had focused less on race track DLC though and more on the challenge maps and beefing up the solo story packs which were underwhelming. They did a good job supporting it with costumes and maps, though. There's like 30 high quality Batman costumes in the game.
Those borefests? The third one is in my immediate backlog, and i can't gather the will to finish it, it's just so boring. It doesn't do justice to Lego or Batman.
Character dialogue was top notch in Origins. That scene where Alfred is telling Bruce he's a spoiled child is fantastic.
I don't think Knight is the best, but its still amazing. I think it had a pretty weak story and annoying Batmobile predator sections, but it wasn't anything huge
>Weakest story
I keep hearing this criticism, but I feel like Knight was able to evoke the most emotion from me of the three.
The only parts of Knight's story I really liked were Oracle's plotline and the Joker fucking with Batman
100%. That Ace Chemicals thing could have worked as the ending. It had more touching moments, but I think the general writing of the Arkham Knight (Jason) wasn't as on par.
>press x meme
Sure, you can do that in any street fight and take minutes to finish, OR you could use combos/gadgets to get the most out of the fight while ALSO ending it sooner.
only retards mash buttons
You mean his City boss fight + Harley? Meh.
I really wanted to play Knight again, did not managed to finish it, but then i remember the forced Batmobile shit
Me too. I noticed that most people that call AK's story bad are usually mad that the Arkham Knight character ended up just being Jason Todd, but I think they had a pretty good re-telling of his story in the game. It wasn't supposed to surprise old fans, the way it was told from the very start.
>Arkham Knight character wears bat-like helmet and symbol, knows Batman's tactics, clearly has a grudge against Batman, knows who his allies are, wants revenge
What was supposed to surprise was the Joker infection plot and that was successful to me, as an old fan, and the fake death of Batman and the revelation of Batman's identity and his 'death'. I loved how the director found a clever way of making the Joker more present without being cliché. It was legitimately unsettling seeing the Joker in every building, poster, wall, statue etc. He even mimics the Man-Bat in one point. It's great.
The Batmobile is slightly overused, but it's only annoying if you suck at it.
How it is possible to suck at that shit? It is literally boredom