I love how in denial Switchfags are. Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console...

I love how in denial Switchfags are. Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console. Not a hybrid. Not a handheld. A home console. That replaced the Wii U.

Nintendo isn't going to abandon a market they have been dominating for years.

>B-But the Switch can act as both!!

No it can't. Nintendo makes the maximum amount of money by selling two different consoles each with their own unique library of games. To treat the Switch as both would be abandoning half their profits. Retards.

The New 3DS XL is currently the world's best handheld and will remain as such for a long time to come.

Anyone who refutes this can stay mad.

Other urls found in this thread:


3DS is dying, mate. I'm not ruling out the possibility of a strictly handheld 3DS successor, but you're fucking delusional if you can't see that the 3DS's time is winding down.

>Nintendo makes the maximum amount of money by selling two different consoles each with their own unique library of games.
Not sure that's true, most people aren't going to buy both systems, and most of Nintendo's fan base in the past went to the more affordable platform with cheaper games.

>The New 3DS XL is currently the world's best handheld and will remain as such for a long time to come.
That is true, at least if you define 'a long time' as 12-18 months. In that time frame we'll probably see a more portable sub $200 Switch and the discontinuation of 3DS models other than the New 2DS.

Nintendo's future is as a single platform company, not counting the likelihood of very cheap holiday consoles following the run away success of the NES Mini.

>mainline pokemon game coming in late 2018
Just give up senpai, you lost.

3DS should have died a long long time ago

>240p screen
>Shit controls
>Hardly anygames in its first year
>Nintendo's shitty revisions that led to super jewing

I'm surprised any one accepted this garbage in 2010+1


people are glady paying 400 dollaroos for a pspro when they could spend twice the amount for a decent tier gaming pc

>3DS is dying, mate
now thats not true.
the 3ds makes up for half of nintendos sales right now
more then likely we will see another ds successor in the next year and a half or so
switch will more then likely recover once it gets more games and splatoon 2 comes out

I've literally never plugged my Switch in to the TV, I only play the console while holding it in my hands.
a hand held

Only thing you are right about is the 240p screen haha.

Keep hating despite it being the best console of last gen

>No it can't.
Yes it can.

>3DS is dyi-

>good but DOA, should have been on switch
>wtf this one is out already you fucking nigger


The reason the Game Boy & DS lines are so successful, and why other handhelds fail when put against Nintendo, is threefold.

1. Marketing. Nintendo dedicates marketing to their shit, while other companies back off marketing rather quickly.
2. Deals. Nintendo loves exclusivity deals. While 3rd parties typically hate them, at least they're able to make a buck on the handhelds if they give it half a chance, since the consumer is more likely to take a chance on a $30 unknown than a $60 unknown.
3. Cheap. Home console games are be fuck expensive to make games on. So were a good chunk of other handhelds, from Game Gear to the VITA. GB/GBA & DS/3DS? No HD to worry about, FPS can be under 30 FPS and nobody gives a fuck. Massive musical scores? Meh, just use a lower sample rate of music from a previous console game and call it done.

It's the truth senpai, 3DS isn't getting much original content anymore. It's going to be a slow drip of experimental A/AA games at most until it slowly fades away through the next 1-1½ years.

Typically, when Nintendo says they plan on supporting one of their handhelds into the next year, that means they are 6 months or less away from announcing their next handheld, and under 18 months away from the release of said new handheld.

What Nintendo should do is create some dev tools to make it trivially easy for developers to create downloadable games for the New 3DS systems and then have that same software able to run on the Switch.

It wouldn't be full backwards compatibility, but it would give some advantages of a larger cross-compatible platform and could get devs to take advantage of the New 3DS's enhanced hardware more due to the promise of that same game being able to be played on the Switch.

Except PC has nothing worth playing.

>Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console.
Do I just miss all the times Nintenbros go full retard when I stop lurking?

I agree, Nintendo is not going to drop the handheld market when it's so profitable.

They've been talking about converging their development strategy for a while now
Next one will basically be a gaming tablet. I think that's fantastic desu.

What's going to happen over the next few years is the Switch will get smaller, cheaper, and more portable revisions slowly pushing the New 3DS prices down till they're in the $99 price point the 2DS was in.

Then they'll get a budget Switch put together around the time as the Switch 2 as the new $300 high-end handheld is released and repeat the process.

PC has the same shit they release on PS4 and One

>Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console
No, they always plays play up the hybrid gimmick, and it's only in the US, where they think they need to keep up appearances that they haven't abandoned that particular market. In Japan they're completely open and honest that it's a handheld you can hook up to a TV.

I, for one, hope they drop the 3ds after 2018. It would be one less device I have to buy to play Nintendo games. Also, fuck 240p.

>I love how in denial Switchfags are. Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console. Not a hybrid. Not a handheld. A home console. That replaced the Wii U.
I have seen significantly more people bring up the fact that it's a portable device in response to criticism than using the argument of it being a home console for such a thing.

As a nintendo's exec, would you bet both of your market on the console that success the legacy of the pile of shit that is Wii U, or do you start R&D a new generation for one of your biggest cash cow in history

I think if you move pokemon and mh over to switch. The switch would inherit the 3ds sales.

>nintendo says it's a home console
>nintendo says there isn't an artificial shortage, competing with apple, etc

core rpg doesnt mean main line you know, and he avoided using the term mainline or next pokemon.

new gen MH wont be on Switch after the deal

>No, they always plays play up the hybrid gimmick, and it's only in the US, where they think they need to keep up appearances that they haven't abandoned that particular market. In Japan they're completely open and honest that it's a handheld you can hook up to a TV.
Why do people on Sup Forums insist on writing fanfictions and pretending it's the truth? Is it that hard to do the slightest modicum of research? Here's a fucking Famitsu article published in Japan that proves you wrong.

>it would mean losing both their profits

not really, game companies profit from the selling of games, not of consoles
at maximum they would cut the money they'd need to make two consoles

but yeah, the switch is way less handheld than the 3ds, but I'd still carry it to university campus or take it on a bus/plane travel
it's not something I'd take on the bus between school and home, but it's portable enough

I hope nintendo makes a more powerful portable console on the following years, but that would make a shit ton of DS players pissed off, I suppose

Where the fuck do you see people defending the fact that it's a home console, even worse, fanboys ?

The voices in your head are not a good argument to start a thread user.

>In Japan they're completely open and honest that it's a handheld you can hook up to a TV.

Shinya Takahashi calls it a home console. In Japanese.

That's just, like your opinion, man.

Honestly, if you think PC has the weakest library and is uninteresting... then how are the consoles keeping you? Through sheer, infrequent exclusives?

PC isn't for poorfags or simpletons, that's undeniable. If you can't stomach the headache of looking up basic component/building instruction, or the cost, then... Oh well? Stick to consoles, but know that its library isn't strictly superior. Numbers aren't everything, but we're given the option to weed out whatever the fuck is thrown at us. If Sony/MS fails to bring hit titles, then you're SoL for months, possibly for the year.

When has Nintendo ever used the word mainline.
It's a core RPG, literally the core of the series. You think they'd say core RPG if they mean Mystery Dungeon?

So many ports jesus, the 3DS really is dying...

I feel like Nintendo is the only console you couldn't live solely on. Like, you could have just a PC easily. Hell, you can emulate 99% of Nintendo's library on it, with the percentage increasing every year.

Sony? Sure. It's not the best but you can manage. You get basically every multiplat and a handful of exclusives.

Xbox? Less exclusives than Sony but pretty much all the same multiplats so why not?

Nintendo? Hell no. You're missing out on 95% of games. Granted not everyone likes every game, but even if you have reasonable tastes, there would be tons of games you'd like that you're missing out on

To be fair Metroid and Mario & Luigi are preeeetty fucking great.

But yeah, if they keep this lineup of remakes, they'll probably be just on time to kick 3DS out on Jan, 2019.

>Anytime Nintendo mentions the Switch, they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console.
>Meanwhile, literally ALL Of the commercials stress it being a handheld

Yeah, sure, its a home console. Whatever you have to say to convince yourself that its doing fine while surviving off of 98% ports and 2% actual new games. Do people just not attempt to compare game releases last year to this year or something?

Nintendo is somewhat unique in that it makes profits off of both; they don't generally have powerful enough machines for it to realistically seem that they're selling them at a loss, the hell do you think they make so many limited edition portables

Yeah probably. A big sign of a system being slowly phased out is when the games suddenly start drying up into nothing but quick to make ports. The same thing happened in the final years of the Wii U, its games releases dried up pretty noticeably, while Reggie stated the NX would not replace the Wii U. And yeah, I will be buying both the Metroid and Super Star Saga ports, but I am not going to act like the 3DS is having a regular games release year this year.

>3ds gimmick is that it plays games in 3d
>No one uses the 3d
Whatever you say.

I don't think Reggie's past statement on NX means anything. He just didn't want the Wii U sales to die down because of him saying "Oh, we're totally ditching Wii U as we launch this new hybrid console." More units they sell on full price before the panic settles among Wii U playerbase, the better.

Frankly, I didn't go for Wii U. 3DS seemed sufficient at the time and at core, PC gaming still is too damn attractive to me. That said, Switch has actually made me learn the console controls, which is something I've refused to do in years. Even played all of Dark Souls on KB+M. And it's the fucking Zelda that turned me. Can't say I'm surprised.

In japan its marketed as a handheld. Its getting the mainline pokemon and its getting kirby early as if it was a portable.

>literally ALL Of the commercials stress it being a handheld
They stress the gimmick (portability) in the same way Wii commercials stressed the gimmick (waggle)

Nintendo isn't going one-device-only, not after the Wii and DS were both hugely successful. They have no reason not to keep trying

>I don't use the 3D therefore no one does

So many good stuff. 3ds really has a good library too.

>To treat the Switch as both would be abandoning half their profits.

or they'll sell to both audiences and make the same amount of money

Ya, nin-toddlers are the worst. They literally cry/defend anything negative that nintendo does.
Idk how anyone could un-ironically think that nintendo had the best e3 when all they showed that people are talking about was a metroid and kirby game that prob wont be out by next years e3 and a gameplay trailer to another mario game everyone already knew about.

They didn't, really. Early 3DS sales were pretty bad. It was only after the price drop and a few key game releases later in its life that the 3DS really took off.

You know snes was getting games like Chrono trigger during the N64 launch, right?
When a console do well in the land of the rising scuttlebugs, they let the console live for 2+ years.

But when things go bad, nintendo drops the console like a hot potato.

>It's the truth
No it isn't you're going out of your way just to shitpost at people liking what you don't like.

My girlfriend bought me a switch tonight, are there any good games to get right now besides zelda?

>Online gaming including Ethernet port
>8 player tv party games
>Pro controller is infinitely more comfortale
>Massive difference in graphics, assets, usable console power (inb4 who needs BotW when u have 100 text-based rpg puzzle games???)
>Doesnt look as autistic as the day now I'm an adult
>Decent motion controls
>Much larger screen
Haven't owned a Nintendo product since the ds lite, pretty fuckin happy with my purchase, looking forwards to this year's releases.

MK8 if you haven't played it yet

She must be feeling guilty about being spit-roasted by Chad and Tyrone the night before.

Forgot about that, thanks man


It's a console in the sense that it's being marketed as a console and is the successor to the WiiU, and not the 3DS line of systems, but, objectively looking at the hardware, it's a handheld. Nintendo just knows from experience that high end handhelds with shitty battery life don't sell, so they're marketing this as a console first and a handheld second because it can function as both, and it's premiere games drain the battery like water through a sieve. I still expect them to release a handheld only system with a shitty screen resolution and uncomfortable controls in the near future, once the 3DS stops selling.

B-but Pokemon isn't owned by Nintendo!

It is partially owned by nintendo

Arms if you like fighting/boxing style games.
MK8D if you haven't played MK8 yet.
Puyo Puyo Tetris if you like puzzle games.
Fast Racing RMX if you like F-Zero/Wipeout style racing games.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth if you haven't played that yet. Seems very suited for the Switch.

Shouldn't you use a crying sony wojak or something

>Nintendo isn't going one-device-only
If the Switch will get a mainline Pokémon, it's end of the line for the DS family. The 3DS is still hanging on because it's profitable despite the fact that it's eight years old, longer than ANY Nintendo handheld's life save for the original Game Boy. Given how Nintendo handhelds sell far better than their home consoles, how is this a bad thing?

What is the best console of nintendo, for someone who hate all the games of pokemon and the legend of zelda?

Is that I play all the games of the legend of zelda and pokemon.

And I also hate all RPG's

>they ALWAYS stress it's a HOME console


Snipperclips to play with her

>literally doesn't name a single game just "muh consoles"

>it can't act as both
You can play games both on a tablet like screen and tv screen. You can take it on the go and charge it on the go too. It can act as both. They can have 2 mobile consoles at the same time since again, the switch can be played on the tv.

Calling us nintenbros really showed us switch owners, sure shows how mature you ps4 bros are, meanwhile us nintenbros will keep playing our fun games that we can fit into our busy lifestyles on the go

Jesus christ anyone who makes any kind of image like is a triple retard, regardless of their brand loyalty


>3DS is dying, mate
Why do people try to insist it? It's not, not by a long shot. One of the first Nintendo consoles to live longer than it's typical life span toon

doesn't the 3ds outsell the ps4 every month in Japan?

People really want to believe that they're going to support the Switch full time and not divert resources to the 3DS. So they pretend the 3DS is dying.
Might be a form of post-purchase rationalization because they're afraid of another Wii U happening. I am too.

They aren't diverting resources to the 3ds. Only 3rd parties will continue developing for it well into 2018 and beyond. Nintendo has almost no projects for 3DS by themselves after this year.

Not mad, I don't even care, I'm a broken person that will buy anything those chinks throw at me to play them Nintendo IPs.

What actually compels me to write this post is, what does drives people like you OP? This isn't even the usual shitposting, it's a legitimate concern blown up into weird hybrid of you shitting on a made up type of Nintentoddler and autistic screeching of your market analysis.

Are you just too poor for a Switch? Is that it? are you sad your 3DS is getting less and less games?

This is how I feel. I got one for my birthday and have no idea what I will do with it after zelda? Mario and mario rabbids looks interesting but they are months away. Maybe fire emblem and xeno down the lone? But nothing else has peeked my interest and the other consoles will be getting a ton of stuff.

This is such a non-argument. Who cares? I can play it as a handheld exclusively. Hope to buy one when some video games come out for it.

>Splat2n next month
Those are the heavy hitter releases besides Zelda. Mario + Rabbids looks like a great XCom style game, whether or not the style and Rabbids are annoying. Gameplay is always King for Nintendo games.

It is though, or at least 1/3 is

I would be on board with Mario + Rabbids if you can never have a Rabbid on your team but it looks like you have to put up with them until you unlock the actual Mario characters

Switch isn't a handheld tho. I can call a pill of dogshit, clear cut diamonds all I want. Doesn't make it so.

Shut the fuck up dude.

>update to 3.0
>switch starts losing connection to wifi while it's asleep
well shit

>Can literally be used as, and is sold as, a hybrid handheld device
>Not a handheld

how high do you even have to be

The 3DS is not going to die as long as the Japanese market for them stays as massive as it currently is. That's just how it works.

>They pretend the 3DS is dying.
>The only first party games coming out for 3DS are remakes.

There's nothing to pretend. And don't cite Pokemon as some evidence of the continuation of the 3DS line; even Pokemon Crystal was released after the GBA was. 3DS support is ending, if not this year then by this time next year.