This isn't unironically one of my favorite action-adventure games

This isn't unironically one of my favorite action-adventure games

>"but muh New Vegas"
Yes I know it's not as good as new Vegas

>"mug RPG"
It's pretty clear Todderino is departing from classic RPG's. doesn't mean this isn't a great game for what it's worth

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck are you even saying

Todd pls

yeah it isn't. I agree.

He is trying to justify Fallout 4 being a shit RPG by saying that it isnt such a shitty sction adventure

Wouldnt be a problem if it wasnt part of an RPG series and advertized as such

This is the post equivalent of a finished Bethesda game

Pic unrelated, no idea why that's even there.

I had a blast playing it on consoles when literally nothing else was available, but when I bought it on PC I found it completely unplayable. It's just no fun. I have 10 hours into it and most of that is testing shitty weapon mods.

How is this your favorite action adventure game? There are so many more polished and better designed games than it


Retards be like:
>Use Your Witcher Sense 3 is better
even though they're wrong.

Yes I meant IS

It's not my number but I feel like it gets more shit than it deserve. The gunplay is great, it's got some cool areas to explore, and the Lore is pretty cool. What games are you thinking of?

>its a good game but its not a good _____ game

I mean.... System Shock 2 is gonna be pretty shitty if you're expecting a Japanese rhythmic game

The gunplay is great compared to what though? I mean, I've played plenty of other FPS games with much better gunplay.

that wouldn't even be a problem in regards to just enjoying what you're playing

But this game is not visually pleasing , well voice acted, or even well written and it's still buggy as sin, meaning it has to stand on its own in terms of gameplay.

which STILL wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so painfully average. sure, mechanics are a HUGE improvement over 3 and NV but if you take away the role play then that's all you have to stand on and all it amount to is an average cover shooter with an awkward VATs system. Sorry OP, I really wanted to like this one for a standard post apocalyptic shooter alone but it couldn't even deliver on that well enough.

I think It's better than Far Cry and unmodded STALKER

>the gunplay is great

not really, Fallout 4's gunplay has been the standard in shooters for over a decade

Elaborate. What makes it better?

>playing on console

jesus the load times drove me insane, I can't play it when it isn't on an SSD of some sort

What system did you play it on? I can't remember any major bugs really. But I agree on the poor voice acting. I guess maybe I just liked it cause theirs hardly any open world offline shooters. I get this, STALKER, or Far Cry and STALKER is a pain for me to play because half of my left hand is sort of crippled so playing KBM sucks. Maybe The new Metro will be what I'm looking for

The new Metro isn't open world.

Everything feels more natural to me. The recoil, the physics, the aiming, it all just feels more satisfying to me. Maybe I'm alone in that

PC. from one CTD so far, to very minor annoying things like music playing over someones dialogue so you cant hear them, or an enemy spawning where they shouldn't and intruding on that synth interrogation quest outside diamond city, as well as facial/character animations being all over the place. Also my Red rockets building mode is all fucked up

I hadn't looked into I think past initial E3 news but still looks promising. "Sandbox survival" sound promising

Nah, you're not alone. Plenty of people have low standards. Not inherently a bad thing, it does mean you can enjoy a lot more things than others could. God knows I've tried to enjoy FO4 but just can't, even with a hundred mods installed.

It's just large levels with multiple objectives you can tackle at your own pace. Still looks good.

Play more shooters, user.

>1 hour in "this game is shit"
>24 hours in "this game is fucking shit what the hell"
>168 hours in "fuck you Todd, I hate this game please I don't want to play anymore"
>744 hours in "I want to cry, please let me stop playing this game"
>4,320 hours in "..."

user, please stop. Don't do this to yourself.

I already have... it's the only game Ican play anymore. It's like some weird hex or spell from Satan himself.

>Load up New vegas after years away
>Long as fuck load times
>Keeps crashing every half hour or so randomly, installing various fixes and mods barely helps

>Load up Fallout 4
>Max out settings
>Loads quicker, never crashed

I like the setting of New Vegas but it hasn't aged well, it could do with a remaster and optimization unlike Skyrim that didn't fucking need one.

But you don't even like it.

>This isn't unironically one of my favorite action-adventure games
Fair enough. I mean it's not that great

Hating on Fallout 4 is literally a Reddit thing.

I know, every moment is my eternal hell. I blame mods for continuing this suffering and torture. Todd really was playing 5D chess all along. He knew he could sell a complete pile of shit and people would still play it.

Is there any reason to not run jsawyer AND project nevada?

>disable shit features of pn while keeping the good ones
>nice changes of jsawyer
literally perfect

Oh hi Nude GayAss, please fuck off to Reddit. I'm so fucking sick of people talking about that diherrea game. 9 FUCKING YEARS


But whyyyyyy user? What could the mods possibly be offering that you can't find somewhere else?

>turbo autist
like clockwork

it has a good ambiance but otherwise it's shit

>It's pretty clear Todderino is departing from classic RPG's
Stop being okay with this you fucking worm

People don;t understand that you can still like a shit game. It being shit is a FACT. It being fun is an OPINION


>he admits he goes on /r/starterpacks
*le tiBs le Bedora heres le upBoat m'lady /s./s./s./s./s. PLS DON'T DOWNBOAT LE GENTLESIRS I WAS JUST KIDDING./s./s./s.

Are all the people who hate 4 just butthurt pc fags who can't run it and can only run NV?

Fallout 4 is garbage though. I would rather play 3.

also stop spouting memes for once in your life kid

It feels like a standard fucking game to you. Shut up.



you know i want to play as a fighter, not some washed up whore that made bunch of kids with some goofy ass ugly nibba.

Half that shit can be applied to NV.
I dont understand the dialogue complaints either.. What the character says is usually a lot longer than the text shows. I understand the voice acting complaints but man you guys look for everything to bitch about

>Start game for the first time
>"Can't wait until i lvl up to get some guns and finally see a deathclaw"
>Get power armour,mini gun,10mm gun, laser rifle, see a deathclaw,get a companion
>basically all the end/middlegame stuff within 10 minutes
>No point in using melee weapons since there is ammo everywhere
>No point in really playing since i have seen it all in the first 10 minutes
>Choices don't even matter it's just Yes,Yes,No(but really yes) & Shaun
>Build a settlement instead
>Finally gets raided
>"sweet i'll have to fight of waves of enemies"
>It's just 1 raider

What a let down.

The dialogue complaints is due to the 4 options leading to the same outcome most of the time. Usually, when there are diverging paths in the dialogue tree, it's just Yes/No with a possible charisma check to bypass a quest instead of having more unique options.

>same 4 outcomes is fine
>watered down dialogue compared to previous titles is fine
You're a retard kiddo

Are you saying that NV and 3 werent filled with binary choices? Cause they were

Y yes
X yes B no (yes)
A yes but sarcastic

They had some binary choices too but weren't filled at all. FO4 was filled with binary choices with some charisma checks here and there so you can skip a quest.

>Mod the game several times
>Still can't find enjoyment
>Paid mods are about to kill the free content

I regret every penny, not even modding could save it.

They had more choices than 4, and choices that were based on that actual skills you had. You can clearly see in the picture the difference.

Stop being a retard dude and fuck off back to your hugbox leddit

It's really satisfying to betray the railroad. I just went there with Deacon when I betrayed them for the institute and had a good laugh


None of them were as blatantly offensive as Fallout 4.

One point you can tell your adventures to kids in a vault, except it's all stories from the beginning of the game in single sentences and doesn't even flow together.

Yes fallout 4 simplified the dialogue but you autists act like its the end of the world. 95% of the game is spent walking around collecting shit and shooting things. In that regard fallout 4 is much better than 3 or NV

Complacency is a cancer, kill yourself.

Nah, it's not the end of the world. There are plenty of other, much better games to play. FO4's just a bad game with plenty of things to shit on and that's what we're doing.

>STALKER is a pain for me to play because half of my left hand is sort of crippled so playing KBM sucks
gitting gud at stalker isn't difficult, the early game weapons are kind of shitty though.
>scoped rifle and lean around corners to btfo long range enemies
>shotgun and lean around corners to btfo close enemies
>abuse artifacts and energy drinks to zip around like a speed fiend

Im sure you were up in arms about New Vegas not adding anything besides ADS

>power armor in first 10 minutes
>fight deathclaw in first 10 minutes
>minigun in first 10 minutes
>power armor literally everywhere
>fusion cores literally everywhere
>dialogue is equivalent to month old bread
>world is nearly the size of skyrims (without the mountains) but congested to all hell
>retcons various things
>paid mods got removed into paid mods again
>vaults are forgettable garbage
>every companion is bi to fit the agenda for the nu-age
>story is 3 with reverse rolls
>story is bad even if you ignore this
>every faction is shit tier with almost no depth
>mfw I ordered the pipboy edition because im a fangay despite all the red flags

That power armor is garbage and the minigun has no ammo when you're done. It's not even worth bothering with power armor for the first 30 levels at least if ever.

>Power armor
I used it to kill the deathclaw and then didn't use it again until BOS quests.
>Fight deathclaw
How's this a problem?
>Power armor literally everywhere
Once you get into the 20s raiders show up with it, but not really any more frequent than 3. More so than NV sure
>Fusion Cores everywhere
Did you not spend all of 3 walking around in PA?
>Dialogue sucks
>World is twice as big as NV and 3
Sup Forums finds a way to make this a negative
>Paid mods
Yea inexcusable
Superior "dungeons" everywhere else
Who cares
>Factions are shitier
Cause the NCR and Mr. House were so interesting

The perfect Bethesda fan. Todd himself would be proud.

It's the best Borderlands

Honestly I just installed settlement mods and spent another 100 hours in it.

Currently 270 on Steam, my most played game. But I have probably over 500 in New Vegas, it was just that I didn't buy it back then.

I just don't have a pole up my ass like you all

It's definitely possible to do the entire game in power armor as soon as you get it. I've done it on survival mode.

>not enjoying a shit game means having a pole up my ass
So, do you go around enjoying every single video game in existence or something?

I agree. I played a lot of FO4. But it's like you ordered a burger and they hand you a great taco. You KNOW that the burgers these people make are amazing, you know this and that's why you were looking forward to it. The taco is good, but it's not a burger. And it's not helped by a screeching horde of people who are almost chanting "it's just as good as the burger!". Maybe they're right, maybe the quality is identical. But it's not the thing I expected or wanted from my visit.

>food analogies

I never played a Fallout game before, and though this one has some flaws, for me it was a fun experience, I put like a hundred hours on it and have never regreted. I guess I just didn't have the opportunity to compare it to the previous game in the series and get butthurt for what it became

Is the DLC worth it?

I can't justify spending another $50 on a game this old

Why are the dlc not cheaper by now?

Shut up and pre-order Fallout 4 |VR| for 59.99€

Far Harbor is worth it, if you like Fallout 4.

Nuka world is shit.

The rest depends on how well you can tolerate settlement shit.

>Cause the NCR and Mr. House were so interesting
The worst faction of NV is more interesting that 4's factions combined.

I liked all the good things about fallout 4. I wish it had what I liked about nv. This is a legitimate reason to hate on it. Fuck you if you disagree.

Far Harbor and Nuka world are like real expansion packs, they're worth it if you like the main game. Automatron is good if you want to build robots as provisioners and guards to help out

>"food analogies don't work" meme

i like fallout 4

the combat is fun, the artstyle is great, the sense of exploration, especially on survival, is good fun

its a 8/10 shooter with some minor rpg elements in it.

Didnt know that System Shock 1 was a japanese rhytmic game

>the dialogue isn't watered down

No one in the world is defending Fallout 4 dialogue retard. I think even Emil is being embarrased.

Speaking of New Vegas, I did some calculations to see if hollow point bullets are ever useful at all. The standard damage formula in-game is:

DAM - DT = DAM(final)

With hollow-point ammo, this becomes:

1.75 DAM - 3 DT = DAM(final)

Now, basic math says that if we merge these into a simultaneous equation, we can find the point at which hollow-points deal the same final damage that normal rounds do (for the same enemy DT). This yields:

1.75 DAM - 3 DT = DAM - DT
1.75 DAM - DAM = 3 DT - DT (rearranged)
0.75 DAM = 2 DT
DAM = (2/0.75) DT
DAM = 2.667 (or two and two thirds) DT

From this we can see that if your DAM is greater than 2.667 times the enemy's DT, hollow-points are actually more efficient than normal ammo. Let me demonstrate with some examples:

Cazadores have zero DT, thus HP ammo is automatically better because of the damage boost. Deathclaws (excluding babies) and Robobrains have a DT of 15. This means that a weapon with a DAM of (15 x 2.667) = 40 or more is better off using HP ammo against them. Brotherhood Paladins (the most heavily-armoured enemies in-game AFAIK) have a DT of up to 31. In this case, HP ammo is better if your DAM is (31 x 2.667) = 82.67 = 83 or more.

Now that last example isn't very promising except in 1 (potentially 2) case(s): Those of the Brush Gun and Medicine Stick, whose DAM (I can only speak for the Brush Gun here) can easily reach 120 with the right perks.

So it could be said that with a DAM of 83 or more, HP ammo is always a better option than standard ammo! Even ignoring that, a DAM of 40 is very achievable using .308 weapons such as Paciencia (GRA weapon).

This user tried to

No, but I dont go around bitching about games I dont have to play, especially when there are "lots of better games out there"

>mfw I preordered the game and season pass

I've put over 200 hours into it and it's still fun to come back to. Solid 8/10 experience.

Saying that food analogies are a meme is like saying an apple is an orange.

Dude, Nuka World looked pretty good. Great concept. Made me make a new playthrough ready for it's release. And what a surprise, it's fucking trash.

Far Harbor was indeed fun.


Good for you user. The rest of us like to discuss about things and not just the things we like. We're capable of criticism.

A clock can be right twice a day. Also go back.

>fighting a near end game enemy minutes within the game's start isn't a problem
You can tell Bethesda made the whole Concord thing a flashy show for game journalists to show off the game

>power armor being as frequent as your typical leather armor drop isnt a problem

>you could walk around in power armor in previous games without fusion cores user
I'll admit power armor being more of a vehicle needing fuel to operate is one of the only things f4 does well. It still doesn't excuse the fact that fusion cores are fucking everywhere and aren't rare whatsoever.

>readong comprehension on the map size
I didn't mock the map size, I said it's disappointing that it's only slightly bigger than skyrim. I mocked how every few feet there's a location. Map feels bloated; and yes, that can be a bad thing

>superior "dungeons" everywhere else
Way to ignore my point again.

>having companions having the same preferences and no depth isnt a problem
It killed the individuality of the characters.

>NCR is boring
Yeah it's not like their history dates back to f1 or anything. Super bland, you're right user.

>because you don;t like 2 factions in NV means that all of f4's factions are well written and interesting
How much did Todd pay you to post that?

The improvements in combat where not even close to offsetting all the steps back they took in the actual rpg side of things. And since the games dialogue, skill/perk checks, and perk builds got gutted or got shitty. It just meant that despite better gunplay and a new world to explore it was still overall less fun/less interesting to do so.

There was no interesting solutions to situations, boring dialogue with everyone with almost no skill checks and a completely arbitrary speech check, and just overall no role playing feel to anything. Your SPECIAL felt like just boring stats, and your perks were just for combat or crafting.

Sorry but the gunplay and world improvements weren't that great that you can overlook everything else.

>Fallout 4 got rid of DT
I remember 3 making deathclaws easy as fuck to kill. Then NV came out and deathclaws were a terror again. Then Fallout 4 and they aren't even a threat until they become bullet sponges. That being the threat of a boring fight.

Only power armor that's common is the BoS one if you fight them, most of the rest is incomplete suits around military sites