Remember the days of logging into this screen back in 2006?

Remember the days of logging into this screen back in 2006?

Other urls found in this thread:

What? did it change now or something?

Back when it was good I'd just listen to the login music before playing. The soundtrack in this game is amazing.

I 'member

>tfw was only 8 in 2006
>didnt even have a pc yet

It's that time again.

I want to go back, bros.

it is finally fixed

are we ready to go again?

What'd they fix?

Also doesn't everyone hate this one for the HP Washing shit?

I sure don't


Where does this play again? (besides the wolf and sheep event, which i don't remember)

The new source.

HP Washing only matters if you're desperate to do Horntail.

Is there even a single Maplestory area comfier than Commerci?


I hop over to /msg/ from time to time to play on a privet server to relive the good old days.
I fucking miss being a kid

>there are teenage kids on this thread that will never live through the glorydays of being too young to buy games so you download all the free korean mmos in their prime

>the only free games they get access to now is mobileshit

damn gaming fucking sucks for this generations kids.

I remember.
I tried to play it again fairly recently and I probably shouldn't have done.

Thank you for reminding me about Ragnarok Battle Offline

I wonder how many people took the Orbis first Orbis boat and got buttfucked by surprise Balrogs.

You're also a liar and an attention whore.

Fuck it im downloading mapleroyals, ill see some you of lads on there in a couple of days. Wish me luck and dont forget to fame me

>tfw didn't have a PC until 2009
>tfw taking turns on our accounts on a friend's PC when I stayed overnight
>tfw his parents' room was right above his and his mother would unplug the his PC's Ethernet cable if she heard us and woke up late at night
We were in high school and it was the weekend, I never really got why she cared.

>MMORPGs are all dead
>it's all about MOBAs and Overwatch now

Alright fuck it, time to download.

let me know your IGNs


I remember graduating high school in 2006. Signing up for my senior classes was when Broa first opened up. I was racing another cleric mage for rank1 spot on the server. I didnt sleep for 4days. Worth it..... maybe.
Also, I still have my original Mark of the Beta hat on Scania.


>Be 9 in 2007
>access to internet and parents didn't care
>mostly read and watched stuff
>went on Sup Forums from some forum post
>enjoyed playing Maplestory
>Remember going on a cousin trip to Washington and we played Halo 3, Wii Sports, and lot of Wii games for a week
>Suddenly mentally bad shit goes down on me that required hospitalization
>Parents sue school for doing fucked up shit on me
>Home-schooled until 2010
>Recovered quite well and did great from middle school to high school
>Getting a very good job soon and finished college

everytime someone mentions pre-2007 era stuff, I legit cry because it's something that I will never experience again.

No I was playing the superior MMO

>it took an entire summer just to hit level 30 about a decade ago
>made a character and got to 130 in less than 24 hours


Enjoy your no range

The record is 1-200 in like 50 minutes now.

How does dick taste??


It's all cash shop shit and having a dozen high level buddies to cast buffs on you.

What killed MMOs?

I honestly spend a lot of time thinking of how I would make a game that expands on those parts of Maplestory we miss.

For example, it would be pretty cool if players could actually own their own instanced ship rides. They would be able to plot a path on the world map and invite people for 5-10 minute boat rides. Very similar to the ellina-orbis trip but with more user input.

Check it out:

Don't forget Party Quests. To this day, no MMO has ever had something as fun as PQs so I'm disappointed by everything now.

Played on a private server a couple of months ago. The art direction and music is TOP NOTCH in this game, but I can't say as much for the gameplay itself.

90% of enemy variety is at most superficial. They don't have any skills as they are just differently sized hitboxes that move toward you once provoked. Some move a little faster, some have more HP; and some do more damage, but that's about it.

It's neat during the first few levels, but the grind becomes a real drag after level 50.

THanks for the report.

I never made it to level 30 until I went back after they revamped the grind. Still got bored really fast. No idea how people stuck with this game.

Lets go baby.

I used to play MapleStory many years ago, I would like to try it again.

What is the best way to do so? The official MapleStory? Or is the game broken?

MapleRoyals in the new Sup Forums guild:

thanks, I'll give it a go.

I never played Maple Story but now I am looking for a comfy MMO where people are nice and casual about the game.
How is Reboot? That seems to be the all free game mode.

If I kill myself now, can I be thirteen again in thirteen years?

No, because I wasn't a peasant who couldn't afford Final Fantasy XI.

yo wait for me.

Okay I tried the game, such a horrible UI that I uninstalled.

I can understand why children like yourself can't get into it.

Really, it's for people who played 10+ years ago.

I'm 30 and played two spouses ago.


Sure thing little Billy.

this is basically one simple explanation for my entire childhood shiiiet
i remember i got beaten up by my father so bad that i got caught for using his credit cards on this game lol

there's plenty of good f2p games nowadays


Nah I remember this

Remember Guild PQ?

Why have MMOs died
Why did we have to lose comfy social games
Why did Nexon have to ruin everything

>All the friends you made on the game and didn't exchange contact info with are gone forever
>Your old account has probably been used by hackers and banned by now

Because you wanted free2play.

If you're not prepared to pay a subscription, then the developers need to rake in the income some other way. Servers aren't cheap.

Thanks for posting it so I didn't have to

I love it.


Remember making friends on HHG1 with this music playing?

Remember how crowded it was?

>people in the comment section actually like it


But that's wrong, MMOs have become far less grindy over time and more easy and solo-able.

>MMOs have become far less grindy over time and more easy and solo-able.
And this is the fucking problem.

I just want a fucking 1080p re-release
please for the love of god. I'll even forgive Maplestory 2, I swear.

Holy fuck the memories. Are they any private servers?

Yeah, I know and agree. There's no party aspect, social aspect, grinding aspect anymore. There's also no more risk and value based on time rather than real world money.

>That mmo that no one played but you.

Whats her name Sup Forums?

Post good nu-maple songs


But since its actually a MORPG instead a MMORPG im not sure it counts.

Either your full of shit or just didn't play games when you were younger. Ditching a game because of UI alone seems a little silly too.


We can never go back
I want to die every single night

Dead Frontier

Why did mid-00s Korean MMOs have such great soundtracks?

They didn't.

I beg to differ.

I'll never forget having that Chinese friend in high school who loved this game

I sort of miss the game... I stopped playing it because someone somehow took my account when I was on a break from the game and got it banned.
I got it back after contacting support 2 years later and I had no idea what was even happening in the game anymore.

5th job part 2 in a few hours bois

Nobody cares.

i do


Who remembers this?


would you?