What point do you stop collecting games ? Realistically how many games does a person need and how many can you truly master before you die?
> Oldfag 32
> 650 games
> With job & wife, lucky to beat a game a month.
What point do you stop collecting games...
after a while you just admit that you will not get to everything and just enjoy whatever you play.
But do you still go on collecting for current gens when you have backlog spread between 7 systems?
I want a Switch and PS4 pro. Plus I'm pretty compulsive so if I own a system I at least try to get thirty games for it. Bare minimum. I ask myself why. Seems like I'm in a rush to beat one game just to beat another. Becomes almost chore like.
Collecting games is lame. I collect Zippo lighters. Will be worth money one day.
better than me. I buy games and can hardly finish them nowadays. I can't tell if it's because there is too many good games to play, or I'm just starting to hate video games.
There's way to many games. I want another game crash just so I can catch the fuck up.
now when you say seven systems...more like 36 and yes i still pick up stuff for new systems, been playing ARMS lately.
I'm so glad I don't have the hoarder gene.
Wow. Respect. I collect only the systems I really want to collect for. No Xbox shit. Nothing older than the NES. But I will go on eBay/ Amazon sprees and buy thirty to fifty games in one day. My newest system is the 3DS. But when I buy a new release for it I feel guilty because I still have Sega and SNEs games I haven't got to. How do you overcome that ?
You just hoarde them on Steam and have nothing to show for your money in the future.
just set aside a day once a week where you play nothing but retro games. that is all it takes.
you can play retro games more but setting aside at least one day a week where you go to the retro instead of the newest toy helps tons.
my wife has even gotten into doing it and she don't normally even play video games at all, she has been playing Mega Bomberman and dispite having almost no hand-eye coordination has managed to make it halfway through the final zone.
jesus fucking christ your everywhere
I can only get my wife to play puzzle games like professor Layton and shit. But when it comes to hand eye coordination she's basically retarded. She plays Mario Bros 1 worse than me when I was five. KEK.
multi-tasking is not hard.
I spent two or so years casually collecting and as soon as my copy of Parasite Eve that I spent $20 on shipped from america skipped on the 2nd disc I stopped completely.
Honestly collecting games is nothing more than a subconscious coping mechanism from my lack of success/social life and as soon as I realised that I felt dirty buying games.
disc based media is always a crap shoot.
as for the other part, good luck with that.
Why are you even on Sup Forums? Shitposting and being a faggot is waaaaay worse than buying a game. Holy shit.
My local game shop cleans my disc for free in their machine. So even the couple times I got burnt I always had them cleaned and no problems. Resurfaced I should say.
that usually works, though i have had discs that could not be salvaged though i paid so little i guess it didn't hurt so bad.
for example: about 12 years ago i bought a sega saturn and playstation with about 30 games each in fairly poor condition out of the back of some guys pickup truck during a city wide garage sale, while in rough shame most of the games worked except one: Children of the Atom for sega saturn. i paid to have it resurfaced and nothing. i later realized why it didn't work was due to the disc being exposed to heat and was warped.
forgot to mention, i paid $5 for the sega saturn lot and $5 for the playstation lot.
the sega saturn had rust on the internal shielding thats how bad this stuff was.
>being a faggot
What the fuck dude?
I didn't mean to offend you if I did, that's just my personal opinion. I'm sure you can have a healthy life and collect games but I didn't so I had to stop.
As for posting on Sup Forums it's cause I'm addicted and it's a quick fix for boredom.
>Collecting every single game
Why not just focus on a specific genre or franchises that you like? Hoarding every single game feels like a waste, you'll end up with games that you don't even like and too much stuff that you wouldn't even play.
Because I like them all. Strategy, High school simulator, FPS, etc.
Except fighting games and mmorpgs. Ironically I think they are a waste of time.
> Better learn every possible button combo and practice it religiously so I can be the best .....until people stop playing it.
Online is the same.
> I better prestige and max out everything so I can be a bad ass....until the next call of duty comes out and they shut down the server.
But why Vidya if you don't like it.
The hating games but I'm still on Sup Forums is just a meme. The people on here are mostly just being a dick for the sake of it
Yeah I don't buy shit from people on CL because of the same shit.Buy through a place that has money back guarantees and shit like that
after a good cleaning everything looks fine and only the one game was unplayable.
price i paid makes up for it since any place with a money back guarantee is going to be full retail.
Fair enough, hopefully you'll have enough time to play all of that.
Don't get married, gotcha.
I had amassed a pretty nice collection but slowly lost interest in collecting games. The major problem was that one of the fun aspects of finding rare games was going out to a mom and pop game shop in the middle of nowhere, or a funcoland that just got a bunch of new games from frustrated moms punishing their kids, or just searching the goodwills for good finds.
Now you can't go anywhere without someone bringing up their ebay listing and changing the price to their "opened, used, and scratched copy of Misadventures of Tron Bonne GAME DISC ONLY" by adding literally $100.00 to the already steep asking price.
>opened, used, and scratched copy of Misadventures of Tron Bonne GAME DISC ONLY
Just in case anyone thought I was exaggerating this.
That is one ugly foot user.
That's my hand, user.
Actually having in house pussy saves me money and time instead of chasing chicks at bars. She just reads or plays her 3ds when I'm playing. She does like to watch me play Spooky games.
I stopped giving a shit at like 16, consumerism is a mental illness and I just pirate everything unless I physically can't pirate the discs (just PS4 at the moment). My stacks and stacks of burnt video game discs sloppily titled in sharpie are all the collection I need.
Holy shit. Fucking JewStop
How bad is your commute? The only way I can maintain sanity with a full time job is if I can play video games when I get home. I have to budget time somewhere almost every day. I can't just play during the weekend.
i never collected games. i grew up on a modded ps1 which was common where i lived. from that point onwards, i would just buy a console once you could mod it to play games.
I understand collecting games you thinks are good but not the ones that collect every piece of garbage there is.
I take a train into Denver so I usually play my 3DS on the way. It's about an hour round trip.
Yeah I don't understand completion ists like John Hancock. Like why the fuck would you want Barbie games, Shovel ware and fifty sports games. Luckily I dodged that disease only to have a lesser one.
>Collecting games on earth is for niggers to steal and for Gaben to ban you over using "pirated" unpaid mods in steam games.
>Eternal life enables you to complete your backlog.
>"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." -Matthew 19:21
>No GTA SA or SMT Nocturne in heaven, because it depicts sin such as gambling. prostitution, and murder; and demonic rebellion against God.
>Suddenly realize game prestige is meaningless and materialism brings life-affirming despair and SJWs bombarding you with white guilt, while the promise of heaven brings life-denying despair and guilt over psychological loosh pathogens with the prospect that only the puritanical is allowed.
>materialism brings life-affirming despair and SJWs bombarding you with white guilt
These gymnastics.
Materialism is not the same thing as consumerism.
I threw my physical ones away, and started collecting on steam and gog instead.