how do you like the flagellant user?

Because you like getting your best character crited 3 times in a row and getting him into death's door and surviving endless vollys of attacks only for him to die of a heartattack

you have low standards and are easily addicted to grind simulators

knock knock bitch


Beats me I just uninstalled it.

I can deal with wipes and losing all of my money and progress but somehow having my party surprised in the first hallway, before I'd even entered the first room, and being unable after five turns to move everyone back into place turned my sperg rage dial up to eleven.

The game's significantly more bearable when you use cheat engine's speedhack function to speed up all of the fucking minutia and tedium. There's no reason everything should take 5 seconds.

but why not just git gud and enjoy the game?

ive restarted like 4 times

>getting a party wipe ever
never happened to me in 200 hours, except once on purpose to stall Vvulf
Maybe you needed to get good

People who wipe don't bother creating proper team synergy. Then run into every dungeon with the same classes and trinkets. I can't watch people stream this game. They'll run into the ruins with a bleed heavy team.

Fun but it's a pity you can't stack them like Aboms

It's alright nick, the game wasn't made for plebs

>tfw you wanna run a party with 2 of them


speedhacks just turn it from a fucking atrocious game to a pretty bad one

they don't fix the shallow gameplay nor the fact that the game is still all about grinding the same few dungeons until your numbers get high enough to finish the game

Sounds to me like you don't enjoy playing the game or something.

I haven't dealt with any wipes on this playthrough. Getting good isn't the problem. I wasn't having any problems, it was going great.

But with how my characters were taking turns I literally could not fucking move my crusader and hellion back up front while an acolyte, courtier, and madman spammed stress attacks on everyone until they were up to 50 stress from zero before I'd entered the first fucking room. I was paralyzed, none of my heroes could do anything and I was going crazy.

yeah cuz it's shit

>they still haven't fixed the retarded hunger mechanic

The old chinese fire drill bullshit doesn't happen as much later in the game once you upgrade your armor.

Just a heads up, that Crocodile in the first Courtyard CC mission was buffed.

It heals bleed and blight when it enters the water

>Go into the Crimson Court
>Clear most of it out, almost die to monster mosquitos
>wew lad i'll rest them up and do a newbie quest
>BEWARE OF THE FANATIC as soon as i load in
>oh shit maybe he isn't as strong as i think he is
>meet him, Auntie gets killed by his hammer, Hellion is burned at the stake and we need to run
>fuck me how can things get worse
>Shrieker stole 8 of your trinkets
>no lvl 5 heroes
>fuck it i'll outlast the bird with protection and healing
>Vestal gets crit to death, Houndmaster dies to vomit and bleeding, and Hellion dies to Shrieking Flight
>Only left with a broken Leper in the end
this fucking humiliation conga line, i had to take a break from losing so many heroes in such a short time

Is this game considered difficult? I have only moderate experience with dungeon crawlers.

It seems to me all you need to do is get 2-3 (incase one dies) vestals and focus on upgrades/items that get their healing up. Keep one in every party. The rest is just risk analysis and finding good class combos.

It's not hard if you know what you're doing but the RNG will completely fuck you over and there's nothing you can do about it.

Because you are full of confidence, and we all know where it leads...

would you recommend the game at its current price on steam?

Are there not different versions of the new wandering bosses, like with the Shambler?

10 dollars is a good price.

RNG daddy be goo to me

If you're a masochist then sure why not.

Just keep in mind that even if you do everything right you'll still see your progress burn in front of you.

What's wrong with it?

No. The only new wandering boss is the fanatic. There are 3 bosses in the courtyard location along with 2 miniboss type enemies plus a whole faction of mosquito vampire men.

Never play real roguelikes and dorf fort, bud.

ok, so what is the best way to start this shit?
just toss guys into the meat grinder and upgrade the estate? im figuring getting attached to anyone is a dumb thing since anyone can die from stupid RNG shit

The Fanatic is the new wandering boss, works like a mobile Hag where he starts by burning someone alive while whittling everyone else down with weaker attacks

New to the game, having trouble managing heroes. Like my favorite crusader is chock full of negative traits now, so do I dismiss him even though he's a little leveled up? When do you let a hero go and replace them with a new one?

desu the giant bug slightly aroused me for some reason

pretty much. Screen out the heros in the early game. You don't want bad curio interaction negative quirks, and you want combat focused positive ones. Focus on getting deeds first, and upgrade the carriage asap. Roster size first, then more heroes each week. After the first 3 weeks, you'l fall into a groove

idk how people wipe in this game, if the rng takes a bad turn just retreat

you probably already made even from loot by the time that happens in any dungeon if you have a minimum of planning

I think most crying ive seen about this game over 2 years is just people who think things will magically fix themselves when they got a few unlucky crits and 2 afflictions or deaths door

isn't the game on sale right now? like a whole 50%?

>ive restarted like 4 times
>restarting in a game with no game over and infinite resources

You will have to get attached to your heroes. All upgrading the estate does is enable you to upgrade them. You'll spend so much money improving their skills and gear, carefully parsing through positive and negative quirks until you have ones you want. You'll spend so much time and effort getting the best trinkets for them and working out which other heroes they work best with.

Then you'll watch them die, one after another, and you'll have to start the process again and again until you've finally got your perfect team completed, ready to embark for the final dungeon (where they will also die).

Usually before they get to this point. If you really want to keep him, then send party members you don't care on runs, dismiss them, and spend the cash on your crusader.


> Falling for the "losing is fun" meme
I recommend drinking bleach

>dlc comes out
>every random streamer starts playing it

god it physically hurts to watch people be so horrible at this game

Don't just throw people into the meat grinder. You'll need some of those guys to kill bosses, or do long dungeon runs. But you're right about not getting attached to anyone.

Negative quirks that stops people from doing things in town aren't that bad, but shit that takes control from you like Kleptomaniac, and stat debuffs must be removed ASAP.

Try running through the warrens and cove a few times, both contain curios that can purge negative quirks.

Is that in the game files? I still can't find the sprites in mine


I agree. I have never had any character deaths that didn't come from me pushing the limits or from times when I simply didn't care if they lived or died.

The retreat button and the fact that you get to keep estate upgrades are what make the game noobie friendly.

i stole it from the wiki

Is this game still hard for the sake of being hard?
I kinda wanted to buy it but then I remembered all the shit they added just to make it harder because LE DYING IS LE FUN xdxdxd reddit meme.

He's really fun to use

Not big on direct damage, but his fat bleeds and heals really lets you turn the tide

nigga pack a lunch or three

It's a pleasant but challenging experience. Preplanning your parties and gear to better fit the areas gives you a sizable leg up against the RNG

>It seems to me all you need to do is get 2-3 (incase one dies) vestals and focus on upgrades/items that get their healing up
Damage mitigation through stuns and quickly killing problematic enemies is much better than trying to heal through the damage and stress

Occultists and the new Flagellant also can throw out enormous heals while being more useful in combat than she is

>isn't the game on sale right now? like a whole 50%?

it's $9.99


are there any shit skills that i should avoid wasting money on or is everything useful, just at the right time and place?

>No torch run for some gold with disposable heroes
>First fight in dungeon
>Every hit misses or is resisted by the enemy
>Team is 80% of the way to panicking after first fight
>When done with the run your team is half and dead and fully afflicted
>Get back to town with a good amount of loot dismiss all party members from that run

This game is a shitty meme. It's half-realized.

>That pic.
Okay, what did the Ancestor do this time?

If I buy the ancestral edition when I already own the base game, does it let me gift the base game or no?

He just wanted that good succ


Oh how I envy you, you petulant hedonist.

I think is hilarious that maybe, JUST MAYBE, this time the ancestor didn't started shit, and this is how he got down into the abyss.

>get hunger trigger barely into dungeon
>finally camp
>eat full meal at camp
>get 3 more somehow before end of dungeon

>WANT this dlc
>Haven't even done with the base game
>Can't bring myself to delve into those tier 3 bosses dungeon

Most skills can be useful in a comp that works well with them. At the start, when money is low, pick four that you like for each hero, that fill in with the comp you will usually send them with. As you start to get more and more money, you can level up more and more skills.

you have to enable it on a new game

i though you had to beat the game too but nah

>This is how a life is taken.

>this time the ancestor didn't started shit


install the mod that rebalances trinkets (broken atm)
install the mod that lets you stack items higher
install the mod that removes negatives from trinkets
play on radiant mode to reduce grinding
save scum by keeping a folder with old saves, replace twice (i.e. again after load from backup once) when a run goes south

>She was a vampire all along.
>He was only doing his best to remove an abomination from the world of men.

For once the Ancestor plan backfires and bite his ass

>check the bug fixes
>crocodilian now cures bleed/blight when submerging

>He doesn't play on Radiant Mode to reduce the amount of grinding.

Don't forget to also mod in no deathblows so that even if your heroes get on death's door you don't have to worry about losing them.

What exactly is that new shop item for? That bottle you can buy alongside your other provisions before starting a mission.
It sounds like it's for helping out with stress, but I'm not sure how/when you can use it.

>all these shitters who are too dumb to make decisions when playing a management/strategy game

>PROTIPS FOR How to be a little bitch at vidya


>playing on babby tier mode and still has to savescum

literally me
Minus the low standards
Mine are just normie unlike Sup Forumss absurdly high ones.

Heard of Blight and Bleed? Ever thought something similar will be added but adds Stress instead? Guess what Stress based enemies have now.

Dot stress

I think only two enemies for now got the dot at the moment (the Gould and the Violinist crew)

Whiny bitch

I think it's retarded how so many trinkets have horrible downsides.
But I think some of them should have it. I wish there was a halfway mod that removed negatives from weak trinkets but kept the negatives from the stronger ones.

Ah, okay. Haven't spend that much time on the DLC yet, so I haven't encountered them yet.

Sweet christ no

Enjoy the mindless no-fun simulator? You might have the assbergers.

Maybe you should play Diablo 3 or go watch the new transformers movie

whiny loser

Is not that bad. the Ghoul howl deals arround 3 stress per turn at veteran level but it has a big chance to infect everybody and he can stack it.

kys faggot

Do you think our character fucks any of the heroes?

>actually thinking a sickdark mobile game is any better than either of those

Grave robber and Abom get kinky with each other
Plague doctor and Leaper have consensual sex with their masks off
Vestal and Crusader mutually masturbate in front of each other
Hellion and the Arbalest mashes muffs when no one is looking
And the Antiquarian sell herself to the highest bidder.