Who else has P5 as their favourite game of all times Sup Forums?
Who else has P5 as their favourite game of all times Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"we ran out of money in the second half"-sona 5
>better than 3, 4 or most of SMT
it's definitely one of the best games I've played in at least 7 years
kek'd hard
I played about 35 mins of P4 Golden today and I now feel qualified in saying that the entire series is complete shit.
Fucking this.
The 2nd half was such a disappointment. If the gameplay wasn't as good as it is I would've dropped it right after Pancakes goes edgelord.
Ah yes, P5, where you'll spend 2 hours reading through interactions for every 15 minutes of gameplay.
What a nice game you have
A close second behind Bloodborne
Its probably my favorite of this gen, nothing really comes close. Also kind of makes me want to start giving VNs a try again.
P4D for me.
But HEY why don't we have you skip fucking 3 months or something :^)
Hope that's fixed in P5G or whatever
I don't quite get Bloodborne, can someone explain why it's their fave game of all times. Not memeing, seriously curious
A shame I played Yakuza 0 before playing this. I thought that game was better
No, but Revelations Persona and SMT If... are.
Because gameplay.
>implying 4 isn't the worst in the series
I went into the depths without maxing out everyone's SL and I'm fucking pissed about it. I was able to Max out every non party member, while my party members are all stuck at 8 or 9. Dammit, I wanted to have everyone's ult persona's to kill god.
It's the only neo-Atlus game besides SMTIV and Megami Ibunroku Devil Survivor to at least try and be original.
The only thing original about IV is the OST
4 is by far the worst game, this guy gets it
Is it worth it getting Person 5 for the PS3?
It's the first game to not have a shitty Press Turn implementation or derivative. The change back to an older style of writing and aesthetic is a breath of fresh air after ten years of Final Tensei Fantasy, and it does it without falling into a pitfall of nostalgia narcissism like most similar games, retaining traditional elements while also giving them new life.
casino is the best palace in the game tho
What if the expanded edition of Persona 5 has a FeMC option like 3?
But..... What if the story is substantially different..... What if you go to school with Yusuke and Hifumi, and you meet the Shujin gang after you Morgana, Yusuke, and Hifumi choose to take on Kamoshida
If you don't already have a ps4, yes.
What if you just fuck off?
It's one of my favorites of the year. Of all time? It might be in my top 50 along with P4G.
Not even in the top ten, OP. The intentional limitations were just too much to tolerate for multiple dungeons on end.
>P4 MC is a total chad
>P5 MC is a literal puny faggot
>both are self insert noncharacters you project yourself onto
Reminder that user always post the same "my self inserts is better than your self insert because he's a chad"
Qualifies for the best game I've played in the past 10 or so years. Despite people saying the late game was weak, I still found myself enjoying every second of it
What the fuck is this game? Every time I see a video it's just a guy running around a school talking bullshit with other anime characters.
No. You're crazy. I don't think it's very good at all.
P4 MC was more bland and self insertable
P5 MC was sassy and had the best girls
you need to be 18 to post here OP
>Two Bronze trophies away from getting platinum
>Buy all drinks trophy - didn't think about getting this one until after I hit endgame
>All requests - Rushed Moon, so I missed out on two of the B rank requests
>Already beaten the game twice
>Don't want to blow yet another 60-80 hours for that shit
I'll replay it in a year or something I guess
Absolutely mate
This would be pretty amazing. Also P5 FemC for full on bisexual options please.
Really though that would make quite the difference. Ryuji could never treat FemC like he did MC Ii'm pretty sure
You're assigning arbitrary characteristics to entities who lack any. They are both exactly the same.
>They are both exactly the same.
>different hair
>exactly the same
>this self insert protagonists is MORE BADASS and gets all the ladys and has sex hes so much cooler with his awesome long hair.
>actually looks different
>people with eyes can see how it is different
Oh yeah sure it was EXACTLY THE SAME
It's not my favorite ever, but it's the best jrpg I've played at least. Probably either 3rd or 4th favorite.
My protag gets all the ladies + a guy
Checkmate m a t e
>gets a literal whore, a pedophile, and an extremely mentally disabled child
No thanks.
Smt iv is shit
This guy gets it
Nocturne best smt
It's you again.
I did love SMT3, but I still think that Raidou is the best SMT. The nice thing about mainline is having more than one really good game to have to deliberate over as your favorite even if they aren't any of the recent ones, as opposed to Persona where 5 is really the only good one.
>Not having Pixie as his waifu
SMT2 needs a remake desperately, so we can all stop arguing over which game is the best.
>Black Rider is doing something fucking weird in this dungeon
>Let it happen
>He turns into Pixie
>didn't even remember that I fused her into one of his pieces
>Very sweet reunion that I feel a little bad about because of this
>She rejoins and has great skills
Maniax edition was not a mistake
>kept waiting for secret final boss to pop up like P4
>never does
Pixie is already the Hero's demon.
It's already the best game, a remake would just ruin it.
Persona 4 is my favorite game of all time, but 5 is pretty high up there
Nigga Maya could have abused me all day long
You're retarded. Joker was an utter badass and solidifies it with the hell of an ending to a great game.
Why was Imagine's ost so fucking good? It was a shitty grinding game, it has no right to have one of the best soundtracks in the franchise.
Joker is really the only character in this series that I would hate seeing fucked over by the spinoffs and anime.
There's very few ways you can screw up a character that can just be carried by Fukuyama anyway in the absolutely worst case THAT badly but I feel like whoever Atlus hands their IPs off to always manages to find a way to do the impossible.
The game's story takes a nosedive when Makoto the robot mary sue shows up.
Oh god, now I'm having flashbacks to what they did to Devil Survivor 2.
if I'm being honest the only songs on that OST that are really good are the remixes of tracks from other games, and some of them are kind of spotty.
Are the Phantom Thieves just?
>the best boss and biggest dick that's the best to hate is used as the first boss
what were they even thinking
They were thinking they wanted to reference Catherine.
Every superhero needs a good origin story.
Fuck me this OST is good, did Meguro pen this as well ?
ikr, I get that it made sense to introduce him as first boss but he's the most hateable and by a long fucking shot. Piggy guy is also a cunt but the rest are not nearly as bad. I even enjoyed Masashi Shido
It's up there. I've never had a game in the past 5 years have my full attention 90 hours through. I felt like a kid again, and then when it was over I went back to not being able to finish anything and wishing I could replay it for the first time all over again.
He's only the best villain because they actually took the time to build up to his palace. Okumura was the worst villain because you know nothing about him other than the fact that he's a generic evil CEO that overworks his employees and that's it. If every Palace had the pacing and buildup that Kamoshida's had, P5 would be one of the best games of all time.
You can't have new games as your favorites, you instantly become an underage newfag.
>hell of an ending
>just temporarily banishes some literal who no name entity that was so weak it wasn't worth Nanjo's or Mitsuru's time
Probably the weakest character yet in the series.
>Make pretty good cover of Nocturne's Fierce Battle
>Don't include the lyrics
why this
P5 was so shit that dropped it after Fukaba dungeon
SMT4A on the other hand i got till lvl99 and got the kill your friends ending.
Also a literal dickhead who nearly fucks up the entire world because waaah I don't want to forget my friends
jesus this sounds fucking awful without the barking
Late mention that this artstyle is fucking amazing, same for
They did Yu pretty well in the P4 anime. The shitty ass true end OVA, Golden anime and Arena games shat all over the fun deadpan characterization he had there though.
I'm probably the only one who thinks this but I liked the final boss theme more than Rivers in a Desert. The beginning sounds has more of a mainline sound to it.
Yep, it was much MUCH better than Rivers in a Desert. That one just did fuck all for me, especially when in P4 you got blessed with this utterly incredible track youtube.com
Even the vocalist for P5 was hit or miss for me until I listened to the credits song which was fucking amazing imo
I still liked this song a lot, it just took listening to it more than once before it really sank in. Our Beginning is top tier as well, the "main theme" of the game was handled a lot better in this game than it was in 3 or 4, where only the credits and one other song featured it and in the case of P4 one of them was just the title screen.
I prefer 3.
5 seemed rushed towards the end imo. But damn, the soundtrack was so good. The characters were decent. Gameplay was an obvious improvement from all past entries. Story was alright. But I still prefer 3.
Still better than SMT since SMT is pretentious dogshit faggots like to pretend to like in order to seem like "hardcore" gaymers
It's to late in the thread for weak bait like that, this is already a hijacked SMT thread.
Kaneko's early work is his best.
Don't understand why neo Sup Forums sucks this game so much.
Game becomes insanely repetitive by the 3rd palace. You have even less freedom than previous games. They pad so much fucking useless dialogue through texts. Morgana is annoying as fuck and even makes Teddie look good compared to all the shit he says. It was a poor choice in sound to make every ambush start with a loud ass shing.
Game could've easily cut out a lot of the stupid plot lines and replaced it with more gameplay instead of reading through dialogue than going to the next day and repeating the same thing.
Also helps that this was based off a real life event.
From the little gameplay I've seen of the earlier SMT games, I don't really get the appeal. Maybe I need to see more. I like the idea of the different settings that SMT sports over the high school setting in Persona, but the whole first person dungeon crawling bothers me.
>the whole first person dungeon crawling bothers me.
Yes, I too enjoy the deep and complex third person gameplay originating from the modern Persona series.
I've been on a Cowboy Bebop / Akira binge the last few days and I'm just so sad that this particular art style disappeared. I wouldn't mind at all even an animation in this style again
Mate you saw in this thread, half of Sup Forums seems to dislike it. Personally I fucking love it, but I know there's better. If you ask me Super Metroid is still the best game of all time and there are still better JRPGs out there. Still the Persona series (and most ATLUS games to be honest) tend to make me forgot my critical thinking and just get absorbed in the world
>half of Sup Forums
if that was true, the hateboner threads wouldn't be dying miserably with barely any replies nearly every single day while the waifu threads hit bump/image limit constantly
the game is on the receiving end of some hostility from a minority due to the nonstop threads, the anime and Sony exclusivity, same as with pretty much anything else
Are you retarded or just really new? Waifu threads for every game get shittons of fast threads because autism and image dumps. Threads for actual discussion usually last longer and have some dead time in between actual discussion. The less worthless threads generally concede that the second half of the game needed a significant amount of work, while the first was stellar. Beyond the obviously higher production values of P5 all the games have their own flaws and virtues and this is even reflected in most posts, as people frequently mention which of the series they prefer. The threads are dying out a bit now because it's been two fucking months of non-stop discussion, and waifu threads tend to stick around longer.
I think we'll start seeing more hate threads once people start beating the game. Looking at the trophies only 37% have completed the game so far on the ps4. I feel like most of Sup Forums is just looking at the characters and making waifu bait despite only playing a portion of the game.
Leave Yaldboaths theme to me
Not going into Okumura's character too much was deliberate. The team only really pursued them because the website wanted them too, and they learn that lesson after the palace.
Neo Sup Forums? You mean this abstruse cesspool of r/videogames and 9gag like all other boards here?