Post your physical vidya collections

Post your physical vidya collections

Others r8 n h8

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If you don't own a stack of NES carts as tall as you are you shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums.

I'm half a centimeter tall. I have to jump on my keyboard to type.

Still towering over Manly Tears.

whats with all the collection threads all of a sudden?

It's neat to see what other neets have I suppose

while true multiple threads dilute the quality of any given thread.




Otherwise I have a shit ton of doubles, too big to display collectors editions, cardboard box era handheld games, and random other stuff not on display.

Can I borrow your Steambot Chronicles?
I'll let you hold on to my Vanguard Bandits.


>Custom Robo
you are okay user


Found it for 20 bucks used somehow.

>Everyone with a PS2 owns R-Type Final


need more Syltheed Lost Planet owners.

My apologies



Nice sheets, kid.

Sorry about the bitrate. If it makes you feel any better I was breathing really heavily in the uncoverted version of this. Just ask if you want to see a better picture of a console or something.

I like those sheets my main man

a lot of sony stuff. I can dig it

That backplate looks to good to be official. Who made it?

Love the sheets

>buying games

Nintendo of Japan.

>playing games

I fucking wish I still had all my games
Young me sold them off for money like a retard

I'm glad my mom stopped me from returning games. She said that I should learn to pick better games if I plan to return them later.

Not shown
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Final Fantasy XV

Almost for got to mention a shit ton of PS2, PS3 and 360 games in boxes in my garage.

I would pull that shit back in your house my man. That's gonna get ruined.

>All the Gundam: Origin books

What's it like being a gajillionaire?

bought 1-4 as they came out but took forever to read them do to work/school/gf ect. last year i just asked family for them during Xmas and my birthday. And lord behold it worked.