ITT: Games that ruined its series

ITT: Games that ruined its series

>Good game
>Worst Metal Gear

Game's not even out, god damn you people are so mad.


for real, like wait for it to come out before making these claims

>Not every MH after FU
Sup Forums proves it doesn't play games.

At least it's not Frontier

t. nintenbro.



Pic unrelated? MH was never good

You are a whiny baby.

If they're not shitposting, maybe they mean how it caused all of this shitposting.

shit comic

It makes it look like the core of MH fans are nintenidiots when the best selling MH games are the ones released on non nintendo platforms.

I doubt anyone is actually mad. People are just false flagging.

This games future potential is fucking GLOWING right now. Everything is in place for this game to be super good I'm hyped as fuck. The only thing I don't like is the lack of blood effects but ill live.

Do you really think it is?

I just think it would be the "best" monster hunter game ever if they give us what they showed at exhibition

If there is one thing I should worry, it feels a scripted show a bit

walked RIGHT into that one

I cannot understand what this image is trying to say

Am I autistic

>food analogy

I was worried too when I first saw the reveal trailer but after watching the 20 minute japanese stream recording I'm not too worried anymore. The only real issue I take with the demo is how obnoxious the fireflies are, hopefully they aren't needed to find monsters and I can just run around like a jackass until I find it or memorize exactly where the monster spawns and rush it


One of the most bland and forgettable sequels I've ever played. Mass Effect 3 was comparatively better to ME2 than DS3 was to DS2.

- Every area is totally uninspired, most of the enemies are too straight-forward
- the quicker weapons are CLEARLY highest tier
- DLC has too high level requirements for alt build variety
- 2on1 invasion system
- "epic" multi-stage boss fights everywhere
- story is just as generic and lame as DS2

Why do people put quotation marks around epic?? Being epic is cool you hater stop with your edgy shit.

Why are Nintendo fans so butt hurt about this? Just play if on ps4 or pc. If you only own Nintendo devices, one told you to be retarded.


it was also the easiest in the series.

really cooks those steaks.....then eats them while running. yeah fuck MHW

It's not a 1:1 rehash of 3U

Bet you like that Nintencock don't you? Suck on my ass you retard, no one asked you be autistic. But for now, why don't you keep.deepthrating Reggie's BBC don't your respiratory tube, I'm sure your hungry for his cummies aren't you? Faggot.

So just emulate it on PC if you wanna play it.

reminder that monster hunter died at 2

>I cannot understand what this image is trying to say

>Am I autistic

I think it works the other way around.

>25 minute playtest
>Literally 2-3 minutes of actual gameplay

Why wouldn't someone be mad? Right now the hype is mainly "yeah console graphics".


The ending sucked, so retroactively the entire journey sucked as well.

because they feel betrayed that they won't get a monster hunter game for their favourite nintendo consoleā„¢

it's like when capcom switched from psp to Wii/3DS except everyone is 5 years younger

the game didn't even come out yet
people said that shit about MH4 (special moves are fucking retarded game is dead), and before that MHtri (wagglan shit? game is fucking dead)

This implies Dark Souls 2 didn't already ruin it

>can't into analogies

That would mean you believe everything that comes out of Capcom and shit, and you look like a hopeless fan, so shut up.

I don't like MH-type games at all, but man, does is your comprehension pathetic.

No you're completely fine. The artist himself was autistic and as a functioning human you are having difficult comprehending his madness.

>does is your comprehension pathetic.

>glowing green fireflies that track resources and hunts
>damage numbers
>heart beat sensor is basically a health bar
>mounting is even easier to do and is just as op as ever
>anime garbage from Generations/XX is still in the game
>hook shot is casual garbage with a short cooldown
>fast travel to and from camp
>op stealth
>lock on item throws/etc
>recovery items can be used while moving
>movement speed while using recovery items is almost just as fast as base running speed
>healing can be cancelled
>woman constantly spouting hunting tips throughout the entire quest
>game seems to place a massive emphasis on environmental damage against hunts
>game also seems to place a similar amount of emphasis on constantly having some other monster show up to damage or distract the hunt because they do so much more damage than any hunter could do

I think the only things that I liked about the stream were the graphics, the right stick being tied to item use, and new attacks. Everything else made me even more skeptical than I already was. Has there been any comment on quest timers? Also does the quest end after the hunt is killed or does it go on?

>another nintenkiddie making up bullshit to make this game seem bad
Getting really tired of this shit.

>Lying this hard

>they didn't watch the stream

>Lying even harder


everything he pointed out was seen in the stream, you can argue wether they are good changes or not but they are all things that are present.

Do you have Reggie cock down throat aswell? Does he not have enough BBC cummies for all of you?

>sonygers are so dumb they can't watch a 30 minute video showing all the stuff in that post

The real problem is that Cross is they make the hitstops weak as fuck, and Double Cross not even bothering to address that.

>point out stuff that's in the game

Nintendobabies are STILL this assblasted.

>getting mad his bullshit was BTFO
>putting optional shit as negative's
>putting his opinions in as negitives
>ignoring the fact that they fought 1 monster by itself for most of the video

>Can't use fast travel when in combat unlike farcaster
>Healing is slow and gradual, getting hit cuts it off entirely.
>Grapple takes too long to cooldown and has only been shown a couple of times, latest stream didn't even showcase it all that much on the monster
>damage numbers can be turned off
>Stealth is nigh fucking useless when you are seen by the monster as shown by the Anjanath plowing through the hunter despite being hidden
>Woman is only for the tutorial
>Environmental damage is limited and only deals the same amount of damage as a couple of swings from a weapon
>Demo is scripted to show off what the game can do

Street Fighter V
Resident Evil 5/6/7

I could go on. Any time you appeal to Western audiences Capcom games suck.

Speak up.
His phallus is still down your throat, I can't hear you.

>optional and exaggeration
>mounting has been in
>muh anime
>exaggeration with no evidence
>literally nothing wrong with this
>stealth doesn't work during fights well, seen during gameplay trailer
>lock on has been in
>slowly moving, monsters are more aggressive and don't back off like in other Monster Hunters so it's almost necessary
>hunting tips were because it was a tutorial mission
>environmental damage is cool and it's supposed to attract the west. Doesn't look OP at all, basically just static normal traps that you could always place
>Monsters fighting each other will most likely just happen during story missions. Fast to hit the damn thing than to lure forever

>healing slow
The healing isn't slow. It's gradual but it's far from slow. don't forget that the hunter can run while using healing items.
>>Grapple takes too long to cooldown
It really doesn't. they use it a bunch of times near the end against the hunt.
>>damage numbers can be turned off
They're still there. That also doesn't address the glorified health bar. >>Stealth is nigh fucking useless when you are seen by the monster
Oh really? because it was shown off differently in the reveal trailer.
>>Woman is only for the tutorial
Did they actually say that?
>>Environmental damage is limited and only deals the same amount of damage as a couple of swings from a weapon
Even if it did that little damage (which it doesn't) it has other effects as well, like making the enemy get stuck for 10-15 seconds somehow. Also the Rathalos that showed up fucked the hunt up really badly and did around 1000 damage.
>>Demo is scripted to show off what the game can do
And? does that really negate anything that I said?

>large empty sea
>shittiest dungeons that would only be surpassed by BoTW not even trying to do dungeons
The only good things are the artstyle and Ganon, i never got the praise this game got.

>"waaahhh i wanted the same game I've played 4 times before waaahhhh"

Eat a dick I'm happy we're finally getting a current gen MonHun

Looks like Dragon's Dogma so its probably better than all other MH games.

>>optional and exaggeration
Proof that it's optional? Also how is it exaggerating anything? It shows how healthy the monster it and when it becomes sporadic the monster is enraged. The more it slows down the closer it is to dying. It's 100% basically a health bar.

Because it looks like it's casualized garbage. They're changing mechanics in ways that I don't like. Stuff like adding damage numbers and being able to run full speed while drinking a potion when before you had to stop, making it a strategic move you had to time in the more intense fights.
I have a PS4, not being able to play it isn't a worry at all.

You guys all bitch and moan about the most mundane shit like its new but you seem to forget that theres always that easy as fuck tutorial quest in the beginning and chances are thats what they have shown so far

In the defense of the people shitting on the game, a lot of the stuff did seem very off-putting. This is coming from someone who even plans on buying it.

Portable 3rd is still the best one. Better than FU.

>Stealth was used against the Jagras in the trailer, livestream shows the hunter trying to hide and use a potion but the Anjanath still found him and tackled him.
>Healing is slow compared to the instant heal from previous games.
>They have already stated it's a tutorial and considering the woman is treating you like a beginner then yes.
>Rathalos got stuck for 12 seconds from breaking the dam. It's also a one time thing and a 4 player party got nowhere to killing it meaning it has more health to spare.

Fireflies have a level up system each hunt, you can manually follow the tracks if you'd like
Heartbeat is mostly useful to know if something is enraged. Also can be used to know what third of the fight you're on I suppose by how it peaks. Isn't a full blown health bar like said
Grapple hook has a long cool down and can only grapple at certain points

>>Healing is slow compared to the instant heal from previous games.
Slow compared to instant healing doesn't mean it's slow. Watch the stream again.
>>Rathalos got stuck for 12 seconds from breaking the dam. It's also a one time thing and a 4 player party got nowhere to killing it meaning it has more health to spare.
So it did a bunch of damage and made it stuck? I don't really see how this goes against my points.

You're probably right about the tutorial lady but it's still there and i mentioned the stealth against the Jagras before and how OP it was shown to be in the reveal trailer.

>Heartbeat is mostly useful to know if something is enraged. Also can be used to know what third of the fight you're on I suppose by how it peaks. Isn't a full blown health bar like said
So it's basically a glorified health bar? You aren't saying anything that disproves this. The grapple hook also does not have a long cool down, they're shown it being used pretty quickly in the stream.

Game's not out, but I'm not saying that's an argument because we don't know if it'll be good, we don't know if it will ruin the series because we don't know if it will sell enough to change the course of the series.

It's still not a traditional health bar, hence exaggerated
You might as well call monster limping and tells health bars
Or drooling a stamina bar

What is so complicated here?

At first, CAPCOM had a lot of Nintendo costumers while selling a good game. Now they are shitting up the game and making it so that the game is everywhere except the nintendo consoles, while also removing all the weeb, which makes it shit, so they lost even their Nintendo costumers and now have no one except that guy eating sandwich who starts eating shit

>Lost their nintendo consumers
>Available on PC
>Game is almost unanimously warmly welcomed outside of Sup Forums
It might not reach Capcom's ludicrous expectations, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to crash and burn.


Fixing those shitty as hit boxes means ruining the series? If anything 4U ruined everything for adding mounting despite how solid the rest of the game was. FU had a great amount of cool content but was a shitty game gameplay wise

Is this your firsthand experience of Capcom's treacherous nature?



It's not an exaggeration if that's how it basically functions.

>glowing green fireflies that track resources and hunts
Only hunts

>damage numbers
Not a problem. Was big sparks if you hit a hard part is now damage numbers.

>heart beat sensor is basically a health bar

>mounting is even easier to do and is just as op as ever
Being easy is not a problem. We have to see how OP it is

>anime garbage from Generations/XX is still in the game
Not an argument

>hook shot is casual garbage with a short cooldown
You should stop calling stuff garbage without arguments

>fast travel to and from camp
You don't have to stop your hunt oh no

>op stealth
Didn't look op at all

>lock on item throws/etc

>recovery items can be used while moving
They should reduce the speed more in battle but that's it

>movement speed while using recovery items is almost just as fast as base running speed
See above

>healing can be cancelled
And you won't get the full heal

>woman constantly spouting hunting tips throughout the entire quest

>game seems to place a massive emphasis on environmental damage against hunts
Valid complaint

>game also seems to place a similar amount of emphasis on constantly having some other monster show up to damage or distract the hunt because they do so much more damage than any hunter could do
Just hitting still seems more effective than luring

>Has there been any comment on quest timers?
They're in

But that's not how it works. Health bar implies you know exactly how much health is remaining
This feature only separates it into 3 tiers

Full health to x%
x% to limping
limping to dead

>only hunts
We've seen it track resources you fool. Watch the reveal trailer or the stream.

>not a problem
casual garbage.

Watch the stream.

>being easy isn't a problem
How is this a fucking argument? We've also seen how op it is. The hunter can use it to pull environmental objects on top of hunts and if he gets knocked off of a mount then he can use it to get back on instantly.

>not an argument
So it's fine when MHW does it but when X/XX did it it was trash? no one fucking defends anime tier shit in the other games, so why start now?

>You should stop calling stuff garbage without arguments
How is this an argument? We've seen the hookshot in action and it's extremely casual.

>You don't have to stop your hunt oh no
What are you even trying to say at this point? this makes no sense.

And you won't get the full heal
Still heals and the heal is pretty fast.


>Just hitting still seems more effective than luring
No it doesn't. You need to pay attention to how effective luring is int he stream. The hunt got lured twice. the first time it got distracted for like 20 seconds thent he second time it took over 1000 points of damage. A single hit from a hunter did around 50 damage.

You need to re-watch the stream. It seems like you don't fully understand how the health bar functions. There's more than three tiers to it. If you do end up watching the stream again, actually focus on nothing but the heart beat sensor and you will see what I'm talking about.

>tfw they end up betraying everybody and monhun exclusively remains a movie series

It tracked monster snot to level the flies

I never complained about action in X

The only thing the camp changes is that getting stuff doesn't take that long anymore


The fireflies were shown off tracking resources. Stop being stupid and re-watch the two videos.

>I never complained about action in X
It's still dumb and most people fucking hate the game because of that shit.

>The only thing the camp changes is that getting stuff doesn't take that long anymore
Being able to fast travel to and from the camp is a big change. Also the hunter can swap all kinds of gear at the camp mid-hunt.

>MHWfags getting absolutely BTFO ITT

Can't ruin a series that was always awful.

Pretty clearly moves in bursts user, unless you're implying the damage numbers are off
Watch during the beats while the rathalos is attacking it and then watch it during the sleep bombing

>It's still dumb and most people fucking hate the game because of that shit.
Flashy shit was the one good thing about X/XX, anyone who has actually played the games will tell you they have much bigger problems than "being too anime" which is stupid shit only NeoGAF faggots like you complain about
>Being able to fast travel to and from the camp is a big change.
The trade-off is that you're not allowed to retreat in the middle of combat, it's not like previous games where you could just throw down a farcaster and escape from battle.
>Also the hunter can swap all kinds of gear at the camp mid-hunt.
This is purely a QoL change

People have such fragile emotions nowadays that they can get angry over a future video game release. It really is pathetic.

So does this mean there will be more regular releases for MonHun on consoles or will it have to be hot garbage with no end-game to compliment the regular handheld releases?

I realize these two are not mutually exclusive.

Does it even work yet? Citra version a shit. CEMU I'm not sure though.

>Flashy shit was the one good thing about X/XX,
retarded plebian detected.

>Flashy shit was the one good thing about X/XX
>The trade-off is that you're not allowed to retreat in the middle of combat
Breaking the line of sight with the monster is still a way to go about retreating int he middle of a fight. that same thing almost happened when they were luring the monster up the archway during the stream. They had to slowly lure it to the Rathalos lair or it would end up breaking the line of fight and losing track of the hunter. Hell they even showed off how fucking blind the hunt was when they first found it. They stood in front of the thing and it didn't react at all. It only started tracking when it got attacked but the line of sight was pretty easy to break in itself.
>This is purely a QoL change
Not an argument.

MH World won't ruin Monster Hunter, but Sup Forums will definitely ruin the MH community over this game. For no other reason than it's paradoxically NOT on the system they want, but on the system they've wanted it to be on for years.

The game isn't even out yet, we've seen like an hour of combined footage, and people are already talking shit about it like they know every aspect of its development.

Why do I keep coming back here.

Realismfags have been trying to ruin the community for years and its only now MHW is opening the floodgates for them.

What I'm worried about is that it'll be turned into the next Dark Souls now that it's on PC.

I'm buying it for PC myself though but I have to admit the PC audience really likes getting memey with games.

>muh community
>reddit spacing
>dank soulz
Not only reddit but also summer

>Not an argument.

Rather, it's an argument you just don't care to hear. Removing and updating poor/outdated mechanics is what every sequel should do, and MH does not have a good track record of streamlining anything. Removing archaic barriers to entry that are kept around for arbitrary purposes is foolishness. People are just salty because it took Capcom thirteen years to finally fucking significantly upgrade this series. Why do people on this website hate change.

What do you mean by that? I play Dark Souls and MH regularly, and I think there's a ton of crossover between both communities. They're not totally dissimilar. If anything, I'd be thrilled if MH became more like the Souls community because it would be a great deal more active.

Because not having to go through 2 loading screens because you brought the wrong set is for casuals
Hardcore gamers prefer loading screens