Would you fuck her?
Would you fuck her?
Do you want to lose your dick?
because she is sharp like a sword
like a what?
>ywn dual wield phi and pyra
I'd berry my sword in her sheath.
sorry, can you speak up? the atari thread is really loud.
I would fuck anything at this point
at the very least i would ask for footjobs
I'd shove my dick in her mouth to make her stop talking.
>tfw 20 and still a KHV
What's her opinion on anal?
wait, hold on, i'll try telling them to quiet down.
You're saying sword wrong, it's pronounced sword.
Oh sorry, I always thought it was 'sword'.
Haven't you heard the news? We have a new sword to fuck.
Don't worry user, at least we have each other
That's right my dude
>be absolutely shitfaced
>somehow bring girl home, we're making out and shit
>she pushes me down on bed, unzips my pants and starts sucking my dick
>I throw up on myself and pass out
>wake up with "DICK" written in lipstick on my wall and all the money in my wallet gone
Not only am I still a virgin, my trust in women has worsened. Truly the worst of feels.
I'm 34. There is still time.
Save yourself. I'll tell you how.
is it behind the knee?
Atleast you got your dick sucked. That's contact with a female than I've ever had.
Welp, this thread went from 0 to r9k pretty fast
>get so drunk you throw up on yourself
>don't deserve what you got
uh huh
The OP was asking if we would fuck a female character. People who browse this shithole are called Sup Forumsirgins for a reason. It's not surprising that it went this way.
I would cuddle her.
Only if I can tape her mouth shut.
I didn't expect to end up bringing back some chick that night. Otherwise I would have used a bit more moderation.
Then she would cuddle your insides with her cock.
Ah to hell with this, I'm going to go party with the Atardis.
The trick is to have practice girls. I know, I know. Everything in society tells us not to treat women that way. And absolutely, treat them with respect. But be honest with yourself, the first girl you go out with won't be the one you marry (not at 20, anyway) so just go out with someone you care less about. Make your mistakes, and move on to someone you do care about.
She'll remember you as a shitty 20-something relationship, and you'll both move on with your lives.
It's a billion times better to do that than to end up at 34 with way too high standards and alone. Believe me.
Godspeed fellow virgin anons. May you not end up like me.
why is puke-chan eating all those drug
that works too
How is that even possible, user? What decisions have you taken in life?
Okay, but if it isn't behind the knee I'm going to hunt you down until you spill the secrets.
>Hasn't played Yume Nikki
your a meme
Fun fact, the latin for sheath is vagina.
Puke-chan is so popular that they made a game about her?
I was obese from ages 10-28. I took about 5 years to lose 150 pounds. (Slow, I know). I thought weight was my only problem but then I realized I had so many pent up social issues from my weight that I still can't talk to girls or act natural around them. I'm in therapy now to try and chart out a course in my life.
The thing is, you can completely fuck yourself in this life. Nothing is stopping you. I knew I had problems but figured they couldn't be "that bad". Then it was too late. Or at least, I'm hoping it's not quite too late yet. I shitpost on here about what I wish I could've told myself when I was 18-20. Because fuck. No one should have to endure this.
I don't know what you're talking about, but godspeed user.
Ok, I'll go out and find the closest woman I deem attractive and ask if she wants some fuck.
Bring her blue and yellow.
Also, treat her with respect. I'm not advocating for disrespect here. I'm just saying go in knowing it won't be permanent.
If I end up with a loving wife and family I'm going to be pissed.
no... you ignoramus
iit's a 2d japanese game made in the early 2000 that's begotten alot of popularity over the years and even have it's own Sup Forums.
(Uboachan) (look it up)
So do you're self a favor before you look more dumb and stop calling her puke chan because we all know what it is WHILE YOU sit there not knowing and not being apart of Sup Forums's "in" crowd which makes you the lowest on the totem pole in society bub. Now close your mouth from being in disbelief on how I roasted your ass to smithereens and educate yourself to the internet culture that existed before memes
If you are still a kissless virgin by 18 you'll be one for life, I've accepted this at least I'll become a wizard in 6 years.
I've been on Sup Forums since 1998, never saw a puke-chan thread or game up until now.
No because shes not real.
you just got rused m8
oh. my. god.
You know what?
I was about to go easy on you....
but I can't let that slide.
You've been here since when? 1998?
Do you even know WHEN Sup Forums was created by christopher pule? I've been here for over 5 years and I rememberr them all. The black nazi Sup Forums raid. The puti putti loop that played for an entire day. The BEH DA BE DETIN COTTON EYED JOE that played all day. The Green and purple. The ghost radio. The Blue waffle. the dude who'd post that minecraft picture into every thread talking about minecraft... THE GHOST RADIO. THE VGA AWARDS AND THE TRIBES BATTLE WHERE WE DESTROYED. I AMMM THE ALPHA I AM THE OMEGA AND YOU. YOU ARE BUT A DUSTY FART FROM THE ANUS OF A DOWN-SYNDROME RIDDEN BOY.
Now leave my thread and never return you...
summer fag
you just... call me a summer f*g...?
thats it... ima chargin my LAYZER.... u better get out of here before i shoop da woop and make all ur base are belong to me.
you had your dick sucked at the very least. wanna know what true pain feels like?
>meet a girl in highschool
>short stack, long hair, freckles, big tits
>plays vidya and watches anime
>holy fuck
>she is literally the girl of my dreams
>she tells me goes to DnD club every other week
>decide to join the club to know her more
>we talk about vidya and life related shit
>she's actually super sweet to talk
>time goes on we become good friends
>as i leave school one day, she catches me right before i leave
>hands me a small, pink envelope with my name on it
>inside was an invitation specifically for me to her birthday
>holy fuck
>birthday comes by
>i make myself look as good as all the power i possess allows me to be
>head to her party
>introduces me to her friends and play cards against humanity before the party starts
>we all kinda talk about sexual things
>learn that she was really into ass play
>not long after though, i learned another valuable life lesson
>a lesson that will stick with me until the day i die
>that lesson was she was actually gay the entire time
for real tho, the lesson is my sorry ass will probably not get a girl. i'm moving out for college soon, but i seriously doubt i'll ever find another girl i can relate so much to.
i'd like to add on that this wasn't the first time i've talked to a girl who turned out to be gay. i think i'm cursed.