At least it wuz before I fucked everythang upm
least it was til julius fucked everthang up
At least we wuz until I fucked everythang up
Heheh, my fellow African ancestors... long ago they used to be powerful rulers and other highly-prestigious nobles.
that grove street one is just perfect
>mfw RTS uses the Pyramids as a source of Stone
What are some black ludo?
At least it WUZ before i KANGED everything up
I'd be unironically OK with this moving existing IRL.
Cara is ugly as fuck
>Written by Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino
>this thread again
> we wuz kangz
> we wuz soldja
> we wuz mastah race
we wuz everyfin nigga
what do we need da wite man fo?
it be time, dare i say
to hang white?
>Neogaf got assblasted because Crowbcat added "We wuz kings and shiet nigga" to the AC Origins bit of his E3 video
>mfw i realise Sup Forums is slowly becoming a shitty Sup Forums
t. nog
It's pretty funny, dude
> Impliyng Sup Forums isn't a cesspool of idiocy and lack of creativity that leeches unto memes created by other boards because they haven't come up with something truly original since laughingelefman.jpg
Somebody get rid of this hothead
Nobody respects Trumpanzees.
There's literally nothing wrong with WE WUZ KANGZ Sup Forumseddit.
who could possibly be behind this post?
god damn that's a lot of redpills
Why the fuck would someone bother sneaking a tranny in there?
WE WUZ KANGZ is a decent enough meme. Not on baneposting level but not the worst either.
It's been getting this way over the past 2 years or so. Definitely more so the case now than ever before. I've been here since 2007, but it really doesn't feel like home anymore.
I've been here since 2005 and I think you should kill yourself.
/fit/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and maybe Sup Forums (haven't been there in years) share a very large userbase
Sup Forumsmblr is slowly seeping its way into Sup Forums though
Sup Forums was Sup Forums before there even was a Sup Forums
It's in there too user on mixtape.
Okay, but you first.
This, only after GamerGate and the 2016 election did the faggots start infesting these boards. Beware the nu-user, it is a real plague.
Politics came to vidya. Sup Forums tried to warn us, but we told them to fuck off. Now I truly see what they mean when they say
>Sup Forums is always right
No it wasn't. Sup Forums didn't always get triggered over a black person exiting in any playable form in a videogame. You faggots confuse all of Sup Forums being casually racist with all Sup Forums being right leaning.
The problem isn't that people who post on Sup Forums come here, the problem is that some faggots who come here can't keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
You're just fucking cancer
Ancient Egyptians were tall, blonde, blue-eyed NORDICS
Thank you for proving my point, now fuck off back to Neofag and never come back you nigger loving cuck.
2/10 you didn't use enough buzzwords
Can you fuck off back to gaia or gamefaqs or Sup Forums or wherever you came from because you don't belong here
They have and always will come here pretending to be SJWs to stir up bullshit.
Fuck Sup Forums.
Fuck you.
You obviously don't belong here, Sup Forums and Sup Forums has proudly been hating niggers since 2005. So fuck off to Beofag, R*ddit, Gamefaqs, Rock Paper Shotgun or whatever other cyber commie infested shithole you faggots dwell on.
I've never been to Sup Forums and I don't browse gamefaqs. In fact I've probably been here longer than you.
That's rich seeing as I migrated here from something awful. Kill yourself.
>on the xbone-
>on the xbox one x
It was Redditors who swarmed here like flies to shit during GG who later went on to create bastardized Sup Forums and Sup Forums mimics like /r/The_Donald tho?
proudly hating niggers sure. Whining like little bitches about everything you agree with is new though.
m00t birthed me onto this site you have nothing on me.
He's right though, fuck off faggot.
I'm never fucking off.
Holy shit. This is the kind of person than infests this site now.
Telling people to fuck off and whining about kotaku has been happening here for a decade user. Speaking of, fuck off faggot.
>The trailer literally starts with "WE"
You cannot make this shit up
Whining about Kotaku is one thing. Shitposting to the point where you couldn't even discuss Battlefield 1 is another.
That's entirely the fault of the cancer in the games industry now that's made it so tokenism is prevalent and transparent.
And a little bit because this board has about 10 times the population it needs.
Alright newshit, you know the single event that made the most normies flood this fucking website? The fappening. They wanted celebrity nudes and some faggot on Sup Forums that had them got the world to focus its attention on Sup Forums to get them.
Shitposting about the fact that the commie swedecucks were putting niggers all over where they don't belong? Much like we're seeing again but with the strong, independant sheboon.
racist much?
I agree with you on that
It's sad that I can't really tell if this is ironic or not.
Saying the word nigger doesn't make you a racist user.
Why is Mafia 3 getting lumped in with these other ones? That game came out last year, you'd have more of an argument using Nadine from U4 since she's in Lost Legacy?
>hating on wewuz
>wanting to discuss fucking bf1
Wow it sure smells like shit taste in here.
back to Sup Forums blumphftard
But I voted for hillary, user
>wanting to discuss vidoegames is bad
Please terminate yourself
Imagine how this looks to someone unaware of the meme
The level of their confusion must be fucking hilarious
What did EA mean by this?
At least the fourth pic looks ok.Why did wolfenstein II feel the need to make the nogger literally ugly
>Itll happen by the year 2000
did they set a new date?
>wanting to discuss AAA trash
God damn I love the internet.
I cannot get the sound of the WE out of my head, days later. Why would they put that in the trailer?
dat unteel da waid deveel fukked ol up
Thats not how it works
I was gonna make a sarcastic post about how I fucked up by coming to Sup Forums for videogame discussion but that's actually true.
What's weird is that the Afro originated in the 60s due to the rise of the Black Power movement, but wouldn't that not rise in Wolfenstein with the Nazis taking over the country?
Oh boy user, know how I know you're a one-board peasant?
Because every board has slowly been becoming Sup Forums. Even places that other boards call tumblr like Sup Forums are getting hit pretty hard by the Sup Forums crossboarders.
Nah, the pharaohs were greeks.