Congratulations SE, this is officially the worst launch of any expansion of any major MMO in history.
I'm fucking pissed
Congratulations SE, this is officially the worst launch of any expansion of any major MMO in history.
I'm fucking pissed
why is it bad?
i just started arr and I'm really enjoying the game so far
>He didn't play Star Wars Galaxies when NGE hit a week after trials of obiwan
I've never seen an MMO kill itself and destroy its long time playerbase so quickly.
The servers have been fine all day up until now though.
>85% of player already finished the content
>everything in SB is dead except for the endgame EX trials
Truly the worst
Mostly server issues specifically on NA datacenters. The main quest line was roadblocked at a few points because you couldn't get into the instance for it and so much shit is gated behind it. I couldn't progress until 2 days after early access started. Duty Finder also broke tonight.
tell me what to play instead senpai
>skip scenes
>skip reading
>skip everything
>rush followed by early guides
>skip bro just skip I need to prove to the rest of the world how autistic/virgin I'm.
Meanwhile the rest area still around the early new areas enjoying a comfy new expansion (level 63 right now playing almost all the days since early-acess )
> waa-waah wtf SE no new content for us on level 70 ;-; bad launch and game!!!
I wanna hug the Scions. All of them. Especially Minfilia.
And hydaelin wants to hug the WoL and then fuck him nonstop for days which is why she meatpuppted minfillia. You'll both get your wish soon.
Why do people feel the need to make themselves suffer so much?
Any max level dragoons around?, how does it feel?
If you're talking about technical/server issues, I highly doubt it's worse than Wotlk pre-patch and launch.
Hydaelin is a crystal and not my mother. Give me back Minfilia proper. I want to go on adventures with her.
>Literally the only person playing monk in my FC out of 80 people online
I'm making a mistake I'm sure
I want to hug Papalymo ....;;
>tanking for both a black mage and Samurai
>both don't use quelling strikes/diversion
>healer is overhealing and spamming holy too
>just wanna stance change and fell cleave 4 times
Least they goaded me.
They literally having nothing else
Its sad but true
can i log in yet
>Doing Lakshmi Ex
>Have the adds on me right away as I blow them apart as a mch
I want to hug Papalymo by strangling the life out of Shinryu with my bare hands. The pressure applied will break through reality and feel like a gentle embrace to Papa Potato
You're doing it the right way user. I'm going back through the zones to get aether currents and do all the quests in the area on my second job just to get a little more world-building in. It's really fun.
Is this game fun?
I had fun from levels 1-15 and 1-30 until my free month ended but I'm not sure if it's going to be fun after that.
>I'm some bimbo from the other side of the world that can't even liberate her own shithole country she didn't grow up in
>I'm a lizard from under the sea
>I'm some random fucking autist
>Shit why won't they take us seriously?
>tfw Mateus player
>Smooth connection and no queues to enter the server
>90K several times in Leveling Roulette
>They never kick me
>Killed maybe three groups of mobs and the last boss in total
>You gain 1888912 experience points.
Fuck Minfilia. Am I the only one that found her to be annoying as hell?
Oh, thats cool, the tune you get when you log out from the inn bed is a remix of the victory theme.
>Not logging out from the comfy bed after removing all your gear
85% of people havent even reached 70.
I refunded and resubbed to WoW.
I now have a sudden crush on those big muscle roegadyn. What the hell has SB done to me.
I keep getting the 1 person in queue issue, but otherwise it's fine.
Just wish there were more people doing stuff in the zones... feels empty wandering the steppe by myself
I want to cum on that MILF crystal
Lv 68 unlocked doma duty. Decided to call it a night, worried about getting kicked afyer long dps queue
alright patch 4.1 when? already done with this shit and ready to get back to wow
the game doesn't get really fun until you get up to 50+ and start getting your full toolkit.
I'd put up the cash for a month if you have the funds for it. The 2.0 story is the weakest of the three to be sure, but it builds up really nicely into 3.0, and it stays really good all the way through 4.0.
Gosetsu has an endearing personality. If there was anyone I'd hang out with in game its him and Raubahn close second.
She's kinda annoying when she tells you to go do stuff. When she welcomes you back though it's the kind of thing that gets you all fuzzy inside.
Is Mooch II just 100 gp 180s cd to ignore the HQ requirement of regular Mooch?
The description is vague as fuck, like every fishing one
Yea I discovered that a while ago and it put a big smile on my face :3
Can anyone do the extremes right now?
I picked up the quest from the wandering ministrel but after the servers fucked up they just disappeared and are no where to be seen and can't queue up for it.
>still no option to side with the empire and wipe out the ala mihggers
I just want a giant roe tank to protect me through dungeons now.
No, I hated her and her voice. She is only tolerable when she becomes the the voice of the mother
>decent amount of people who play as Au Ra in my FC, so they were pretty jazzed about the Azim Steppe
>Told them to look up stuff on the Goro
>now FC discord is full of horsefucking jokes
Just as keikaku
That's not warlords of draenor
>he didn't accept zenos
What a shitter
Gosetsu is a total bro
Curious Gorge is a total bro
Hoary Boulder is a total bro
Most of the Roegadyns are chill as fuck, they're easy to like
Not on my server.
Azim Steppes is the only place SB that has people in it. Everywhere else is dead. It's either that or everyone left my server without me knowing.
>Make a big Hyur
>Call it a Roe
Why does it get fun after 50+?
I really liked playing SCH and using DoTs and using bane, does this gameplay change much or get more complex later on?
>wiping out perfectly good rape material
now the beast tribes in fantasy africa need to be purged to the last man...bird...thing
M'naago can stay.
What did the Garlean Emperor see behind Elidibus's mask?
Was he really that ugly?
I just wanted to hit 70 before i go back to work and wont be able to play for a whole, stop being so mean user...
Some classes change significantly after getting later skills and/or traits. See MCH, BRD and PLD
>this is officially the worst launch of any expansion of any major MMO in history.
Retard detected.
grats. It's an awesome dungeon. If you want a pro-tip, you should skip doing the lv. 69 story quest until you get to 70 and finish your Job story quests. Trust me, you don't want to get gated for the 70 msq missions right when things are coming to a climax. I got blue-balled hard
I just think the NPCs confused him as a Roe because of how big he is.
>tfw our boy is set up with that pussy game for life
Am I retarded or does 60 MCH now have little to no real damage potential?
>only Arenvald's catboyfriend appears to be aware you all swooped in on someone else's drama
A lot of zones are instanced into not feeling especially active compared to non-instanced zones with less total people.
Classes change and as your toolkit becomes more complete, jobs start coming into their own and filling the niche that they were designed to do.
I'm not saying low-level isn't fun to play, but it depends on the job. For example, BLM is really not fun to play low-level since you don't have all your abilities and have a disjointed rotation. It really doesn't become "complete" until you get to 60, but it's one of my favorite jobs and one of the most fun imo.
where's Hildebrand gonna show up again? I miss him :(
You'll have to go all the way out to Doma to find him.
He's hanging out with the emperor.
works for me :^)
based on his reaction, I can only assume it's a garlean, or at least someone the emperor has previous personal experience with.
Soon I hope, probably after some case in Doma.
Then Gilgamesh is bound to appear in Omega at least.
>when he called you his first friend
Its not fair i tell you, i just wanted a battle buddy. ITS NOT FAIR.
I know.
Ruby Sea has 3 instances of 20 people each, and even less in the peaks. Where else would they be but in Azim Steppes or the endgame zone.
>implying she won't try to poison him or some shit like that
Although she did seem pretty broken in the castle though, maybe she'll have a redemption arc?
>He accepted Zenos
Way to disappoint the man. Thought you were true warrior, but no you're a sissy.
>those fucking machinist firing lines in pvp
what do you guys think the "Super Savage" thing is gonna be? I have my money on Titan
I wish Zenos would have survived. They could have killed that mhigger wolf skull whatever bitch. Seeing her face always made me angry.
So is the expac shit or
I don't think they can swing redemption for someone who spent years brutalizing the population, regardless of her motives. She might turn into a primal fight though.
>It's a "main bad guy walks briskly towards you " fight.
I really felt pressured by that encounter
Got too many other important dps abilities to take diversion. Deal with it fag.
>tfw she's either gonna escape and be a bitch later or try to redeem herself
crush her skull
What? You do realize it's canon that the warrior of light fights for the sake of challenge right? Sure we do save the world on the side but the reason we so carelessly throw our face in danger is cause we enjoy it. Zenos was just a more extreme version of our goal. Why wouldn't I accept him.
Revive Zenos pls
I am enjoying actually feeling like a Bard now, Wanderers Minuet and Pitch Perfect are just wonderful when you either get lucky or have 6 DOTs active.
>yfw she corrupts Goetesu using her feminine wiles
Name 5 of them.
Guys I need help.
>havent bought stormblood yet since i dont agree with any of the changes
>sam looks like its op only to ship units
>know it's going to be months before we get any balance changes
My friends keep showing me screenshots of things I might enjoy, but it keeps sending deeper into a pit of despair. I don't know if I'm the fox and SB is my grapes or what.
Am I just kicking up dust over nothing? I can't afford to be burnt by another purchase right now. Please don't meme on me,
I'm a war-main if that helps.
>redeem herself
God I hope not.
>I killed your friends, but now I'm helping you, everything is forgiven, right?
MCH are in the cuckshed now
So that you could fight him too.
>accept Zenos
>don't pull an MGR and accept him as being batshit insane
We know this is your first MMO you don't have to keep telling us.
Did anyone notice Jessie in the cutscenes setting up Omega?
Don't set yourself up for disappointment user.
Ok then that sounds about right.
Does the quest structure change much past 50?
I've vaguely familiar with instances, raids, etc but would you say this is where the real fun is in an mmo?
Could I get a recruitment code?
Lost best girl for this
wait a second you can split the damage from Stormsplitter?
i got my 10 tokens and assumed both tanks would get the vuln up if they got hit so we always single tanked it and swapped