What went so incredibly right

What went so incredibly right

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Crow mom

autistic fanbase

>Sony dumbasses won't shut the fuck up about their one fucking ok game

There's your answer

I like to imagine he's been working on something big for the past 5 years and had no influence at all on the past 3 games


they made Dark Souls fast and cinematic and put it in a Van Helsing setting


>playthrough game blind
>use cane whole way
>game is an absolute joke
>get on Sup Forums
>everyone cries about how bad the cane is
its not an ideal weapon but the game is so easy I didn't even notice.

Story Chalices
>boring dogshit that no one should ever have to go through

Root Chalice spelunking
>some of the most fun coop shit From Software has ever made

Remember how there was that one kid who only had one game for his system? It's his favourite game, and it should be, since it was his only game. People who swear by Bloodborne are similar. They can't help that it's their favourite game. That's all they had.

So is the online dead?
Im lvl 80 and can't get a single invasion
Tried the frontier, fishing hamlet, mensis, and old yharnam

Atmosphere, themes, level design, some of the bosses.

What went WRONG:
>chalice dungeons
>combat mechanics (wants to be fast but is still based on DeS/DaS's slower fundamental mechanics, also shit framerate)
>all the autistic flailing beast bosses
>shit plot (note I said PLOT and not lore)

We aren't on 2015 anymore. The PS4 now has a lot of other great exclusive games besides Bloodborne.

Pretty much everything.

It's the most geniunely good and complete game of the 8th generation

>a Van Helsing setting

The absence of a real plot is a point in its favor. The best part of Soulsborne games is that they don't prioritize the narrative over the game itself. FromSoft handles story and lore perfectly: you get your little intro movie explaining the lay of the land, and then from there it's all game.

>ok game
It was genuinely masterpiece tier, really captured the magic of DeS and expanded upon it while dropping a lot of dumb shit from the DaS period. Really, really, great game. Sorry you haven't gotten to play it yet.

The story was really fleshed out though.

>shit plot
Story should be experienced through gameplay, by paying attention to the environment around you. Interactivity is key. Spoonfeeding plot should not be in an action game. BB got it right.

This goes for every souls game. It's meant to be played as it comes out. As forward thinking the invasion systems are in these games, they die quickly when the newest game comes out. DaS 3 is fairly dry and its the latest.

You should check out DaS 1. NOBODY plays that shit. No messages. Fucking ghost town. DeS is even worse.


>DeS is even worse.

Don't remind me. I don't know why they switched the color of summon signs from blue to yellow/red/purple. I'll never see another blue summon sign ever again.

>just ok

It's literally amazing you asshurt nigger.

the soundtrack


DeS plot:
>gather Demon Souls so you can lure the Old One back to slumber

DaS plot:
>ring the Bells of Awakening, then gather the Lord Souls to power up the Lordvessel, then defeat Gwyn and usher in an Age of Fire/Dark

BB plot:
>uhhh I dunno, just fight some beasts I guess? shit happens lol, fear the old blood, dreams, kos or some say kosm

You can be minimalist while still giving the player character some direction and some reason for what they're doing, BB has zero direction. You just go places and kill things while weird shit happens. Now maybe you think that's "refreshing", I think DeS and DaS handled it better. I can take DeS and DaS pretty seriously, it's really hard for me to take BB seriously.

The game is so fucking hard its not even fun to play, also the whole game is just dodging everything its so boring

I really hated how amazing Maria's theme starts out amazing then they go into loud chanting. God dammit Miyazaki.

Ludwig the Accursed, Gherman: The First Hunter, and Gascoigne the Hunter are the best tracks in the game.

After years I got my chance to play Bloodborne on my friend's PS4. He had bought it a few months ago and said it was great. I had only played DS1 and 3 on the PC before. Skipped 2.

I just wanna say while the game is beautiful, aesthetically and game design wise, and improves on the DS formula in every way, it fucking sucks dick at 30 fps on the PS4. It's honestly terrible, especially for a game of this speed, and the fact that I'm used to 60 makes it worse. I probably won't be picking it up because it was so fucking disappointing. Huge downgrade. If Sony EVER (read: NEVER) releases it for PC it'll be the 10/10 it deserves but right now it's a solid 7
I'll get the PS5 60fps remaster

instead of what just holding your shield up? fuck outta here

Everything honestly. Well, everything but the chalice dungeons. Fuck those.

idiot, pay attention

Don't play it then. It's methodical combat not a power trip

Coop in Root Chalices is fucking fun as hell though. The story Chalices can go fuck themselves.

I did pay attention, you're the one not paying attention to my posts. I know the game has a backstory, I'm talking about the player's motivations, what the player is actually doing in the video game, the P L O T. Not the overall story, not background, not lore.

>t. butthurt ps4-less cuck

I kind of agree. All your motivation you get in the beginning of the game the note in Iosefka's Clinic that says "Seek Pale Blood to transcend the Hunt." and Gherman just saying "go kill some beasts it'll do you some good."

Anybody got the copypasta hat sums up every souls game? Dead dude, fuck mountain, etc.

You're forgetting that all of those games have side characters with their own agency and sub plots and in DeS especially areas have their own unique backstories to uncover.

The whole point of the Souls games is that you're just some nobody stepping into a much larger world that you often don't understand, to be used by those who know exactly what's happening. You're just a really strong mook that everyone has designs for.

BB literally told you to find a way to end the hunt. It was the first fucking thing you read in the game.

>DeS is even worse.
>played DeS like 6 months ago
>coop signs at major bosses
>had several pvp encounters

I don't know what game you are playing.

That's not the point he's trying to make though. His point is that Demon's / Dark gave your character clear story motivation of what they should be striving to do.

Post criminally underrated BB soundtrack


One reborn and laurence the first vicar are 2 of my favorite tracks and nobody ever mentions them. Instead they mention lady maria which is total shit

This track always makes me think of Batman for some reason.

Hell yeah The One Reborn is sick

I'm talking about the main plot.
Yes but as I showed, DeS and DaS had a central plot motivation pushing the player character forward, BB doesn't really. Obviously the player themselves is playing the game presumably to have fun and have an experience, but a plot motivation can help draw you into the world and give you clear goals (that are satisfying to complete).
"Find a way" is incredibly vague. What does that mean exactly? It's basically just "play the game faggot", might as well not even say anything.

Maria's good, don't be salty. The buildup through her various stages to match the intensity of the fight is really well done.

I see people mention Laurence all the time. But yeah I feel they really fucked up on Marias. The intro is so fucking great though with the bell and the string work. Then "lol chanting". That's why I fucking love Ludwig the Accursed. Very good instrumental work and the vocal work does nothing but compliment and enhance it.

not him but if you didn't watch the hugh jackman van helsing movie as a kid and fucking love it there's no hope for you nig nog


I wanna' do a new run. Someone give me my build.

japan studio

Maria's theme is great you're a fucking idiot

Except we're talking about the plot here. It tells you what's going on and what the acquire in order to stop it. In a brief sentence you find out that it isn't just random violence but a hunt (which in itself explains a lot - there are beasts which are common and known in this land and there is an organized resistance to them) and that with this object you can end it. Along with a few lines of dialogue in the opening cinematic you have a good understanding of the world to get started (blood is important and has great powers here, there are otherworldly beings, there are others like you who are also hunters, etc). You have more than enough to get started on your goal. Now you need to find more information, gear, etc.

It's succinct and to the point. It was very well done.

>Get Sack'd
>Put in some dark ass dungeon
>This shit

Behold! A Paleblood sky!

Either Beast Claw with rune or Kos Parasite with 99 Arcane

It's a decent exclusive in a console devoid of good exclusives.

>fast gameplay
>good story (blood/beasts) enhanced by a good twist (great ones)
>bosses are more hit than miss
>every tool is unique, most drastically so
>scaling mechanics and distinct weapons/items make multiple playthroughs appealing
>DLC is arguably the strongest single piece of add-on content any game has received in a long time

It's not the greatest game ever made but it absolutely deserves the praise it receives.

Every time. .

OK here I go:

24 fps
Ayy lmaos
Gehrman is the only good boss
10 days
Chromatic Abberation
DaS1 is better
DaS2 is better
DaS3 is better
Sup Forums only likes it because it's exclusive
Sup Forums only hates it because it's exclusive
BB is not a souls game
DeS is still better

>DaS2 Better
Your opinion no longer matters.

The joke------------>


>I'll get the PS5 60fps remaster
good choice my friend

Except most of the story is hidden away in item descriptions. Don't get me wrong, I loved the environment and aesthetic of BB, but I didn't understand shit about the story during my first playthrough.

>be weeb gamur who worships Japan's vidya industry
>get into dark souls
>love it
>get all the das games and play all of them
>what next now
>get ps4 for bloodborne
>get bloodborne for ps4
>play 30 minutes
>turn off console
>haven't touched ps4 or bloodborne in 4 days now

How is it actually possible for you to play on 30 fps and meme resolution without being a mouthbreather? I didn't know it was THAT bad, holy shit it's awfully immersion breaking. Why do they let a diamond (bloodborne) be worn by a nigger (ps4)

>shit plot (note I said PLOT and not lore)

It's perfect for lovecraft, which is about 4 pages of character development and then 30-100 pages of descriptions of landscape and monsters.

How retarded do you have to be to not understand what's going on in BB?

Like dark souls with guns

They went for the whole 'plot twist' story and it ended up really working out.

Art direction, atmosphere and OST are are bonded... seemingly sexually. All of it works together.

Weapons have no niches so none of them play the same, and if they do it disappears when transformed.

t. blind fanboy

It was pretty agonizing for me too to begin with, got used to it eventually though and now I look past that and consider one of my all-time favorites.

Post Kos' sexy lips

its by all means objectively a mediocre game with ok atmosphere