where do you live senpai
Best Buy gets them on the reg. Check back every Sunday.
What is the best console of nintendo, for someone who hate all the games of pokemon and the legend of zelda?
wondering this too
every place i've seen it sold it comes with a bundle which i don't want
Why do you hate fun, are you a "mature gamer"that only plays big boy games
just call your local bestbuy/walmart etc when they are in stock. Otherwise just call every day and pick it up when its available
is not that.
Is that I hate everything that is Pokemon and the legend of Zelda.
And I wanted to see if there is any nintnedo console, where there is no game of those 2 fucking franchises
And besides, I hate all RPG games
90% of people that hate Zelda haven't played them
>some BR with Reddit spacing
Jesus, you're a double nigger.
I hate zelda games.
And also all that is that pokemon shit.
Is there any Nintendo console where there is no game of the legend of zelda and pokemon?
I want to avoid those 2 shit.
Are you trying online or in person?
either works
Go get a part the switch don't need shitters like you hogging up a console someone else can enjoy
I walked in to Walmart one night about a month ago and they had a couple in. I had the cash on me so I went ahead and bought one because I figured I'd get one some day anyway. Didn't take much effort OP.
ut I want a console where there is no game of those shit of the legend of zelda and pokemon
Most stores got a bunch of stock day of arms release. It's your own fault you didn't get one then.
virtual boy
They had a ton of the bundles on Gamestop this weekend.
Toys R Us is your best bet. They don't do reserves on them and they're not open at midnight or whenever they get their trucks.
Call your local one daily asking when they're getting them in stock again and eventually you'll get a date. Then your happy ass needs to be there waiting outside in line for a few hours before they open. The management staff will eventually come out and say how many they have to sell and essentially tell everyone else after the first X people to fuck off out of there.
Then you're done and have one.
Is there any virtual boy emulator?
I think the virtual boy is the only Nintendo console that could play
I think I know the perfect console for you. Have you heard of the Virtual Boy?
>ut I want a console where there is no game
PS4 should be right up your alley
>something else assoicated with internet shopping services
thats the easiest way
Yes, I've heard of Virtual Boy
Is there a Virtual Boy Emulator?
If so, give me a link
Seems more likely that people that hate Zelda have only played one
Depends on what kind of games you want to play. Not going to mention obvious first party Nintendo titles such as Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon.
- 3DS has a lot of good RPG and puzzle games; and can play all DS cartridges.
- Wii U has more "mature" third party games (thought most are not the latest in their series), including any Wii games.
- If you want to play mostly GameCube games, then get a Wii, which can any GC game iirc. And you can get Wii component cables for fairly cheap.
- If you want to play GBA games, a DS Lite is probably the most cost effective and best quality way to play them.
- The 3DS, Wii U (and maybe Wii still too?) have a lot of the popular NES and SNES games available as virtual console titles.
>tfw third world country
So easy to buy them.
You don't want one right now, especially not if you have a wii u. Zelda, and then fucking nothing for 8 months. You might as well just wait and hope they straighten out some of the 20 known hardware issues. I just bought a second $80 pair of joycons, and this one's NFC reader is fucked right out of the box, same as the one that came with the system
I all I ask is a Nintendo console where there are not and where there are no games bloody shits eas The Legend of Zelda and Pokemon
>walk into a gamestop today on a whim
>right as the UPS truck filled with Switches was pulling up
Okay, I should have read the rest of the thread before typing my reply. Yeah, pretty must the only console without Pokemon, LoZ, or any(?) RPG would be the Virtual Boy. I hope you can have fun with that, veen thought I think you're missing out on some good vidya games.
Okay, it's the Virtual Boy.
And is there any Virtual Boy emulator?
Not sure personally, but a quick web search came up with a few results.
have they fixed the problems with screen and the wrist straps and the dead pixels and the screaming noises yet?
It's called the fuck off.
>give me a link
>give me
You're on Sup Forums, burrito bandito. Fuck off and Google.
>mfw just bought my Switch a week ago from a Walmart that had five in stock
Granted it was 7am and an hour away, but it was well worth it. Feels comfy
Haven't seen any of the problems you mentioned
>and then fucking nothing for 8 months
>ARMS in June
But I guess that doesn't count because you don't like it.
>Splatoon 2 in July
>Mario Odyssey in October
>Xenoblade 2 confirmed for 2017
But user...
Or they were trapped in the Majora's Mask-Skyward Sword Dark Times.
What are you talking about user? They're fucking in every Bestbuy and Walmart. It's not selling worth shit anymore. Nintendo is going to be fucking bankrupt by 2020 at this rate.
Stop being a retard.
If you don't want a zelda or pokemon game don't buy them.
Did you know you can buy a console and also not buy games you don't like? For example, you could buy a Gamecube, but you don't have to buy Wind Waker or Twilight Princess.
Xenoblade will not sell a single Switch console.
Dear OP. Here's how you do it. Switch isn't selling that well in one are of the modern world, and that is the United "Sony ass kissing" Kingdom.
So you can buy it from Amazon UK. it's region free so it's no problem!
My Switch never had any of these problems nor did anybody else's that I talked to. It's not like the RROD where there possibility of getting a defective console is likely. PS4 and Xbox one had day one issues too but they were extremely rare too.
Thanks for avoiding the point of my post. It's still a game coming out, and there are games coming out before 8 months.
Why is it such an issue in the USA, to get a Switch?
please, get a PS/XBox/PC/buttplug/whatever, but Nintendo consoles aren't your thing then
let me guess, you bought all of them, didn't you?
which is?
>Nintendo is going to be fucking bankrupt by 2020 at this rate.
wow, Nintendo is going to be bankrupt soon...
not to mention that issues were fixed
Bankrupt, gahahahaha
>Why is it such an issue in the USA, to get a Switch?
Because it sells like hot cakes, complete with shortages due to lack of parts
>bragging about putting 12 hours into Mario Kart since launch
Yeah man, I'm sure it's a great console if you only play games a half hour a day. Might as well not even buy consoles. You aren't getting more than 20-30 hours out of ARMS/Mario Kart unless you're literally autistic.
>let me guess, you bought all of them, didn't you?
Fuck no. Only thing I'd ever scalp are those retarded limited edition sneakers that Nike and NBA players put out.
It's in your best interest not to get one right now anyway
They're still ironing out the launch unit kinks
There aren't many kinks left. Latest update fixed the weak wi-fi signal... And the joy-cons are fixed in newer units. What's left?
I bought 2 units that both had the bending problem when MK8 launched. Returned them. Waiting a few more months
dead pixels
Are you retarded, console literally paid for itself with an extra 11k to spare, and you get to play Zelda and other fun games on your spare time
the holster or whatever the fuck it is gives the screen scratches from taking it out and putting it in
>expecting Nintendo to ever stock their products to a reasonable degree
Segautists please fuck off.
>blaming Nintendo when Apple is literally buying up all flash storage chips on the market
walked down the game isle of the walmart in saugus, ma like 2 weeks ago and they had 3 in the case. walked by specifically to see if they were still sold out. when i saw them the impluse to buy one almost got me, but they had all the games that were out with it right above it. 5 or 6, only two you'd even give a shit about, those being zelda and mario kart, and those are available (mostly, i understand there's extra shit in mk8deluxe) on wii u.
so i said fuck it, i'll wait for e3 because all i'm really waiting for is monster hunter on my TV again.
MH got announced, then said they weren't localizing it. Then they announced world.
400 bux saved. fuck nintendo right now. not worth it.
Here in mexico its full of them, because they cost 200 dollars more than in the us and because everyone here is a poorfag, if you are really desparate import one from amazon, its gonna be like 500$ tho.