What was the point of ending E in this game? It made no sense unlike it did in the first game

What was the point of ending E in this game? It made no sense unlike it did in the first game.

Forced meme

The point was everyone found meaning for themselves in the end. Sort of. I don't raelly think 2B did.

Not really anyone did

No, retard. The point was that no matter how much you struggle, no one can do everything by themselves, and that just like the androids have to rely on each other, so do we in real life.

That any evolving intelligence will eventually develop and exercise free will.

E is a treatise against nihilism. How does is it not make sense?

But most of them did, that was the whole point of the game. As pointless and stupid as everything ended up being, the machines evolved past fighting endlessly, 2B and 9S sort of decided to live for each other, A2 arguably moved on even though her development was stupidly rushed, the pods realized they cared for the androids, and they all continue living for each other.

No dumbass, how stupid do you have to be to miss the theme when they spell it out? At no point is anything in the game ever about people relying on others, everyone has subversive asshole relationships that they end up moving past.

>tfw trying to solo those credits

It's just an out-of-nowhere pat on the shoulder that didn't have anything to do with the rest of the game so that it could end on an optimistic and positive note.

It's a brilliant ending, but it wasn't properly built up at all, so it was kind of wasted in a way. Still, it was good enough that most people don't really care about that.

Piss poor compared to the first game's final ending.

do your best and try to save the world again

maybe there is nothing to save after all but you have to keep trying

The minigame was totally detatched from everything else and that was a little cheap. You could've put that in anything and it would've had the same emotional weight.

But if everyone had just fucking died (again), the story would've been completely pointless.

I feel like at some point, the original idea for the ending is that the pods would recreate 2B and 9S from memories (as in your save data) and it would've been exactly like the first game where you have to delete everything to get the final ending, except it would've made some kind of sense this time. But they didn't want to repeat the exact same thing so it just kind of happens.

I know it's difficult, but don't forget, we've got your back. United Kingdom.

is it even possible? Im sure some 2hu fag has probably done it by now

Obviously I'm not just suggesting they remove the ending and leave a big gap in its place. They'd have to replace it with a new one.

I'm just saying it would have made a better ending for the first game than it did for Automata. It actually fits the themes of that one.

There was no ending E in the first game.

The theme isn't completely out of nowhere because the machines end up reaching a parallel conclusion, although (like everything else in the game) it should've been set up way better.

I don't know if it would've been a better ending for the first game. I've never really thought about what the first game was about. Not sure how reviving everyone would've worked.

It's symbolic of choosing your own path in life seperate from that which has been forced on you, or predefined for you. Finding your own meaning in life. It is a perfectly thematic end to the game

>mfw people on Sup Forums are literal retards who can't grasp the simplist of concepts

Who knew

>ending theme is literally called “weight of the world" which laments that 1 person can't do anything on their own
>2b and 9s find their resolve to shoulder on through relying on eachother as motivation

Who was the red girl, were they alien AI?

That's really not the point, and Weight of the World is more about 2B against the destiny which has screwed her since time imemorial.

Every relationship where people are relying on each other is portrayed as subversive, destructive, and unhealthy. The biggest obvious one is how the machines rely on androids to have an enemy so they can fulfill their purpose. Their ultimate conclusion is moving past that pointless relationship, the exact opposite of your interpretation. Likewise, 2B and 9S's relationship ends up pretty much ruining everything ever, 2B keeps killing 9S in an existence she hates, 9S goes crazy after losing 2B, A2's entire character is about getting over her grief because she's too empathetic with her squadmates, YorHa takes advantage of people's relationship with its E units. Even the pods' original programming linking them to the androirds is subversive and evil and they move past it.

So you should back up that interpretation, because the title of a song is not strong evidence for that theme.

Basically you're telling Taro to fuck off with all the sad endings.

>Every relationship where people are relying on each other is portrayed as subversive, destructive, and unhealthy

The entire fucking game is about the companionship between 2B and 9S. It's a fucked up situation, but calling it unhealthy is fucking stupid. The entire reason 9S goes crazy is because he LOVED her. Are you too stupid or socially awkward to realize the subtext of this relationship? How she tries to keep him at arms length because they love each other and that it destroys her every time she has to kill him? Are you that fucking dense?

>Their ultimate conclusion is moving past that pointless relationship, the exact opposite of your interpretation.

Great, it's a good thing the machines have literally nothing to do with ending E then.

>A2's entire character is about getting over her grief because she's too empathetic with her squadmates

Which literally only happened because she got involved with 2B and 9S and learned to care for others again.

>YorHa takes advantage of people's relationship with its E units
Yes, YorHa is fucked up. Good thing ending E is literally called "The (E)nd of YorHa"

>Even the pods' original programming linking them to the androirds is subversive and evil and they move past it.

Because the Pods learned to CARE about 2B and 9S over the course of the game by seeing their relationship grow.

You are so fucking dense it's unbelievable.

>literally killing the credits

it is kojima level genius

>It made no sense
Are you just pretending or did you really miss the part where Pods gained their own will and went against rules to save their androids?

What happened to the machines?
What did A2 so in her ending?

it made plenty of sense. The Pods were supposed to delete everything related to project YoRHa but they had gained a sense of self through the course of the game and decided not to, and to save the 3 androids

The bit with the hacking minigame against the credits is the security measurement initiated for disobeying the command

>It made no sense unlike it did in the first game.

NieR didn't have an ending E (at least in the game itself). Stop pretending to know shit about video games because you watched some crappy "summary" videos.

>They decided "fuck this we out" and launched an Ark into space
>She sacrificed herself to save 9S

>Great, it's a good thing the machines have literally nothing to do with ending E then.
I can't believe you're this fucking stupid. The game beats you over the head with what the theme is, "do you think it was all meaningless", "do you think games are pointless," and you still don't get it at all.

I don't know if you're a deranged shipper who doesn't know what a theme is or if you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

No the point of the game is not that people have to rely on each other. That leads to disaster over and over and over. This is all over the place, between androids relying on humans, machines relying on aliens, then machines relying on androids, and also 2B and 9S relying on each other which leads to all kinds of horrible shit. Unless you're retarded, there is no way you could possibly get a "people have to rely on each other" message out of what happened in the game.

I've explained the theme, the game has explained the theme, I don't know what else could make it more obvious.

>Killing 9s over and over again

This is the part I couldn't fucking understand at all

At what point does she do this? It showed flashbacks of the intro but that was an unavoidable situation, and why assign an E unit to him anyways?

She's killed 9S more times than she can count, before you start playing the game.

He always loses his memories of it. She has to remember the pain every time which is why she tries not to be close to him but they're intrinsically drawn to each other so every time she has to kill him it hurts.

Also the purpose of 2E is because 9S is such a high grade model, his natural curiosity will always lead him to discover things he shouldn't, and he'll go batshit.

2E takes him out.

>machines relying on aliens

I can explain it.

The point of the game is as you said, meaningless and pointless.

Humans are dead. Aliens are dead. The machines and androids are fighting for something that they will never see.

And even if the androids know, and hate that the humans are gone, they're still driven to protect them, and to know their touch.

>Points out prompts you're supposed to say no to
>Ignores the lyrics of the fucking song that literally say "I wish that someway, somehow, that I could save every one of us, but the truth is that I'm only one girl"
>Ignores the fact that the only way to get the ending in the first place is to rely on the help of others

Sasuga, shitposter-kun.

Your implying that 2B is aware of all the shit yorah is doing and does nothing

Also the machines leave in their arc during ending D, not E you shitbird. I can't believe YOU'RE this fucking stupid. They have nothing to do with ending E.

It's implied that she doesn't know what's going on and that she's only following orders.

There is no Nier Ending E, at least not within the game. Stop pretending to play video games, it's pathetic.

>2E constantly killed 9S, because he became too close to learning the truth about humanity
>fast forward to game timeline
>commander just tells 9S the truth, just like that, despite having to tell 2E to kill him over and over again previously
That was kinda anti-climatic

She probably hated the situation also, and there came a point where she decided to risk trusting him over having him killed again.

I agree a little bit though. It would've made more sense if 2B and 9S both found out, because it would have been a lot harder for her to have them both killed. But that's just me spitballing.

>automata is getting a novel
>more retarded endings to a game outside of said game

>The NieR: Automata novel will tell an episode that occurred behind-the-scenes of the main game volume, and we’ll get to learn more about each character that appeared in the game.

Don't get your panties in a twist. It's just fleshing out side characters.

I wish Emil was more involved.

>Develop free will
Not if the god of another world gave them free will in the first place

It's implied, also said by A2 at some point, but not outright said, you have to see read the additional documents and media of automata, there's an official short story about how many times she killed him and how she felt anger and remorse each and everytime.

Also, A2 bodied both 9s and 2B four times straight before meeting her in the forest.

There's already a post ending, basically 2b can't reboot 9s because he's failing, people posted what the script was going to say (bad ending with 9s never waking up and 2b staying still forever)

On the last day of the concert (where this followup was showcased) it got changed as a big fuck you to everyone leaking it online changing the ending to a pretty anticlimatic, but good ending

He is, before and after, check up his additional stuff and his weapon story.

Oh boy, not this shit again, the entire point is that each new generation of YoRHa was built upon the sacrifices of those that came before, and that you (the player, the person) are ultimately a sacrificial pawn existing to eventually be replaced, Jesus Christ, what is so hard to get about it?

It makes no sense that you need to delete your save. At least in the first game you were erased from existence so the save deleting thing actually made sense.

It's thematically relevant, not lore-relevant. Ending E is thematically about relying on each other, and making sacrifices for the sake of others.

This game reminded me of this anime

It's shit. The first game with it's shitty gameplay is actually a better game.

>Ending E is thematically about relying on each other, and making sacrifices for the sake of others.

So basically it's a ploy to make the people playing think they are good humans beings when they aren't.

You're shit. Your dad, who is a woman, is a better man than you.

Even bad human beings can't do everything alone. I would have thought you of all people would've figured that out by now.

Sup Forums being so shit is hardly the work of one person, after all.

"i like jrpgs" more like "i dont have a job"

>have to samefag because his shitty joke wasn't obivious while defending his shitty tumblr game

So sad!

You're an idiot.

I can use MSPaint too.

Good for you. It's pretty useful for saving screenshots.

I love endings like this, all the pseduo intellectuals on Sup Forums come out of the woodwork and start calling each other idiots because of their differing interpretations of the ending.

So le randumb Mr. Taro wanted people to have a shitty circlejerk?

No thank you what a faggot.

The red girl was a symbolocal form taken by the Machine Intelligence collective mind, and chose that one for whatever reason that sentient machine ego would.

The girl was pretty much the product of the Machine Network going beyond the wills if their Alien creators. Think of it as a Lingering Will of an Overwatch godmind.

Why was it a little girl?

Read Jackass' data file that you get after ending C, y'all.

Actually it's what happens when the machine intelligence network intentionally labotomizes itself.

Not much of a "godmind" going beyond anything really, just doing what it had to do to keep going. And in this case what it had to do was literally make itself retarded.

I was hoping for more interaction with A2 outside of combat, with 9S coming across her while seperated from 2B or something. Would have made the eventual mindbreak of 9S more than just a rushed revenge plot, as there's a greater likeliness that he'd feel a sort of betrayal or whatnot.

I stopped playing this after the giant robot in the ocean boss.
Does the game get better after that.?

- In order to resolve this inherent contradiction, the machine lifeforms began to intentionally cause deficiencies in their network, diversifying the vectors of evolution for all machines. This is the cause behind some of the more "special" machine lifeforms, such as Pascal and the Forest King.

- Meanwhile, the deficient network began repeating a process of self-repair while incorporating surrounding information, until it finally reached a fixed state as a new form of network. Traces of information regarding human memories from the quantum server of the old model were discovered, indicating that it had integrated them during the final stages of its growth process. Said server contained a record of the discarded "Project Gestalt," as well as information on the human who was the first successful example of the Gestalt process.

- Having acquired information regarding humanity, the network's structure changed once more, becoming what might better be called a meta network (or a "concept", to borrow the words of the machines). This led directly to the formation of the ego we identify as N2.

Would have liked more nods to the Grimoires and Kaine.

The pod decal for them was nice, and the bit in Emil's boss fight in the desert was good too and seriously fun, but I'd have appreciated more.

The Kaine costume ain't enough for people like you.

Not really, since I miss interacting with her mostly.

Why should it be? Don't you ever want something small to have a bigger part?

A... bigger part?

You mean... her penis?

Mkre or less.


Personality type 2 is their most dependable model after the rework following Number 2's little episode.

Turns out it was only dependable because of crippling depression and once that realization is made shit goes off the rails.

An E unit was assigned to 9S because he's their most inquisitive active model and the last time they made inquisitive little boys they immediately went rogue and fused with machines so they figured they ought to be more careful.

Yes, but apparently it takes 2 hours.

>The minigame was totally detatched from everything else and that was a little cheap
It's literally the hacking minigame though, representing the Pod's attempt to hack through his own source code. It wasn't detached.

The simplest way to beat them DANMAKU SHOOTAN GAEMS is to keep your eyes on your own unit and focus on identifying defensive options in the incoming patterns while shooting vaguely in the direction of the enemies which will eventually be chipped down from random hits.

So yeah about 2 hours.

It's literally the machines cosplaying as Yonah. No seriously. Literally. Okay there's a bunch of other data involved but they really liked Yonah's so they chose a little girl as their homosona.

Is that just your own assumption? As far as I know the game only says theyre based off a human, but never hints as to who.

>2 hours
Jesus christ fuck that, I tried about 15 times and only got to like the 6th word in the hard part. Glad I gave up

I think it hinted at some quest NPC, but shit if I can remember. Maybe it was in some Drakkengard game

For all the fucking effort they put into making the main character's waifuable I think my favorite character in the game by far is Jackass.

Not because of her so-randumb explosions science bullshit but because she's seriously the only fucking character that figures out just what the hell is going on in this world but instead of sobbing about it and going crazy or giving in to wallowing in dolorous ennui like the others she just says that's bullshit this is bullshit who's responsible for this I'm going to kill you fuck the moon fuck machines fuck.

Did they ever fix the shit where the names go invincible? I was literally 2 waves from beating it solo once and then that shit kicked in. It seems time-based, and combined with the names getting weaker over time, makes me thing it's some kind of negative-integer bug fuckery happening.

>but never hints as to who.
It literally says the original subject of project Gestalt...

But ending E wasn't in the first game. It was also a retarded happily ever after asspull.

>whole game is about the meaningless cycle of human existence
>behaving a certain way because everyone else does, even though we dont know why, constant conflict, ultimately ending in death for everyone
>lol jk ending find your own meaning, work together!
The game should have ended when A2 and 9S killed eachother. As edgy as it was the atmosphere was really well done, then they just throw it all in the trash with some naruto tier "you just gotta believe!"

You mean Nier?

Where does it say that

>instead of going crazy
>so-randumb explosions
>I'm going to kill you fuck the moon fuck machines fuck

want to try that again?

Oh, fuck off faggot. A TTGL-esque triumph of the human spirit is a far better subversion than yet-another-Taro-cryfest.

No he's the test subject, and he did it because they promised it'd work on Yonah.

Although I guess it was still improper wording?

The meaning is that you can find happiness in the meaninglessness world, not that you "gotta believe", I have no idea what you mean by that.

Machine Research Report.