Should I recruit her Sup Forums?

Should I recruit her Sup Forums?
It's fucking retarded she comes with a CF drop but still.

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You recruit girls for how cute they look, not how useful they will be.

fight it out


If I could just see my CF, I wouldn't care, but this bitch ain't worth losing Debonair or Destin over.

PC emulator, with mouse as the gamepad. Absolutely amazing. Only thing is it is a tad slow vs the console.

use the item glitch abuse and forgett about this bitch,

You already got the valkyrie girl, and hopefully the healer daughter of the berserker. You are set man.

Literally the only special character I care about is Destin. Sheen didn't offer to join me, and Liedel and Ankiseth joined, so I know I must be in the higher-bracket of CF, but I've been fucked out of Debonair and Destin before.
Next run I'm gonna go low to get Calibur.

destin is a much better character, the man spares your llife if you do the bad ally shit ending, go for destin

P.S. I think you mean Leia and Katreda?
Aisha and Liedel are way cuter.

I got her. As long as you are playing correctly you'll still be able to get the zenobians.

Well I have to honestly say that a OB64 thread was the last thing i expected to see today

Now I want to play this again. My biggest nightmare is enemy keep running away into mountains. Chasing them is a pain.

It's FFT's 20th anniversary, so it's natural today is Matsuno day

I've got her and the Zenobians (it will always be a Z to me, fuck LUCT), I think my CF is way more than needed, I think Destin only needs a 34? I was just wondering if Sup Forums thought I should go for her or not, I can take her or leave her.
It's my goat, I never see it discussed. Target Leader as the battle strategy, then they can't retreat and will walk around until they camp. They you corner them while they sleep. Matsuno actually didn't have anything to do with OB64.

Good idea. Thanks user!

I grabbed her, but she really isnt that good at all.

CF strategy is just get neutral guys to go to neutral towns, get good guys to go to good towns, and get bad guys to go to bad towns right?

And I should let the dark skinned friend I start out with go holy?

if you kill the leader they start running away from to the mountains man no thanks,

>Matsuno actually didn't have anything to do with OB64.
Not directly, you are correct. But the entire Ogre Saga is written by him. Quest continued to work on various chapters to the Saga after he got poached by Squaresoft.

if you have3 hours to finish the map without killing the negro abomination ,then do it .

Yeah it's a weird detail but you have to make Knights, Priests, etc go for towns with high morale and characters like Wizards, Barbarians go for low morale towns. I think Neutral ones can go for whatever but I not 100% sure on that.

Regardless what you're looking for is the leader to say that the town was "liberated" instead of "captured"

>not just cheating to disable CF
chaos frame litlerally ruins TO. the TO games are so much fun without CF

I've never played OB64. The lack of control in battle seemed like a turn off. I've also never been a fan of games where you fill your squad with grunts.

KoL and LUCT are fan-fucking-tastic though.

CF increases in two ways. If the town is 0-33 morale you go Chaotic, if it's 34-66 you go Neutral and if it's 67+ you go Lawful for the unit leader who liberates it. This will add generally 1-2 to your CF depending how close you are. The second major factor is the story decisions. Considering the max CF is 100, and some choices like making peace with the Western Division is worth 20+, and Saying "....." at Frederick's execution is a -20 score, they really matter. Also getting certain special characters affects your CF. For instance, getting Vad gives you +10, but getting Sheen or Europea is -10. Personally I think the story points are more important, but you have to pay attention if you don't want to tank. You start with a CF of 50, and the highest requirement for a recruitment I believe is 60 for Gilbert, however you only need over 34 to get the good ending. So if you pay attention it shouldn't be hard.
You mean Vad? He's the trick, at the start of the mission DON'T GO RIGHT, AT ALL. Go north and liberate the second town by the bridge, which causes it to be destoryed. Vad will now go South to Nanika and not move out of the town, so as long as you don't attempt to liberate it, he will join you at the end. Also I think you needed to free the Boulmakans, but that could be wrong.

>Rent this game like 10 times as a kid
>Got the bad ending each time

I remember it being obscure as fuck and not really telling you the "proper" way to play. Like how are you supposed to know you have to "liberate" every town to get the good end? Or how to recruit like half the characters?

If you sent neutral units to most towns and made the right story decisions, the good ending isn't hard at all to get once you know. However, I agree the first few times I got the bad ending because I just took entire maps with my super-unit.

What options do you pick in the very beginning of the game?

>What dost thou hold within thy sword?
>What shalt thou sever with thy sword?
>For what shall thou beseech the gods?
>What shalt thou offer the gods?
>What dost thou wish for?
>What shalt thou rid from this land?

>just took entire maps with my super-unit
Me too

I'm a sucker for just menu-ing and grinding your set-up. I like the making the team and letting it go wild, seeing if you prepped right. Completely understandable why some people wouldn't like this though.

The options that net me the knight units and the blessed sword.
>Passion, Silence, Trust, Freedom, Fertility, Law

How do you liberate a town? Does your leader alignment just have to match with the town alignment? Or is it an average of your entire unit? How can you tell?

Didn't this game take up a lot of space on a N64 cart or something? It certainly has a lot of content going on for it.

Lawful to high morale town
neutral to middle morale town
chaotic to low morale town

I believe it considers your whole unit.

If you select a town on the map, a little window will pop up telling you the towns morale. 0-33, 34-66 and 68+ are the three average alignments you need to use to liberate each. So say a town has a moral of 12, you want to send a chaotic unit. If the units alignment (which you can only vaguely guess) is very close, usually you get +2 to your CF, if it's sort of close, within 20 you get +1. If you send a Lawful unit, your CF would not increase at all. Also, DON'T CAPTURE GREEN TOWNS. Liberating a neutral town nets you -1 or -2 CF, but you also need to protect them from being captured by the enemy as losing a neutral town is -2 to -3 CF.
No it only considers the Ali of the unit leader.

Actually I think it's who you pick as the leader that counts the most.

Explain to me in 100 words or less why I should emulate this game

It's arguably the best game on the N64, if not the best RPG.


you've convinced me

Works everytime

How do you change your leader alignment again? Was it just by fighting opposite alignment enemies?

Allegedly. Personally I think the game is self aware and intends to push your units in the opposite direction as what you want. You have a knight? Ali Down Ali Down Ali Down. You have a Wizard? Ali Up Ali Up Ali Up. I think the game wants to have everyone level out around 50, but I can't be sure. Just get a Scroll/Urn and dupe them to get whatever Alis you want.

I vaguely remember watching someone else play the game, and instead of a boss fight with Yumil they fought Procus. But I don't know how they went about doing that, every time I play I fight the former.

There are some choices which change throughout the game. For instance instead of fighting Xevec, you can fight Dio if you lost him, or Ankiseth instead of Baldwin.
As for the fight you're talking about, that completely depends on your CF. Low CF is Procus, high CF is Yumil

Recuit Ankiseth but have low cf i think.

Pretty sure it doesn't matter if you got Ankiseth for that one.


*blocks your path*

Destin in Ogre Battle 64 is the protagonist from the SNES game. They have the same headband and everything.

Oh yeah?
Yes...they tell you that. They flat out say, "He is the hero of the Zenobian Revolution that overthrew Zyteginia"

Being a dick makes you chaotic, so:
Attacking lower level enemies.
Attacking lawful enemies.
Attacking fleeing enemies

Thats the main thing I remember.

anyone here a fan of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis?
probably my favorite GBA game ever
I replay it every couple years

I think that's only in Black Queen, not Lordly Caliber

I like it. I prefer the two OB games over the two TO games, but it's one of my favorite game series over-all. The class system in it was interesting.

Too bad I will never, EVER know someone else who owns the game to play multiplayer.
I seem to remember one of the bosses having those multiplayer-only emblems, and it made me mad, because I'll never get those!

Has anyone played both March of the Black Queen and OB64? How would you compare them? I've been through about 20 chapters in MotBQ and still didn't really get into it. I was planning on restarting because my reputation was fucked and I had characters who'd never be able to promote (low alignment and low charisma. I don't know how you're supposed to lower ALI but keep CHA high).

I got a second game off ebay, along with a pair of GBAs and a link cable, just so I could get the multiplayer stuff in KoL.

Completely breaks tha game though, even moreso than Quest Mode.

this is the only way to play Ogre battle

I have, I love them both but OB64 has more polish and is just better put together. Too bad they couldn't remake the original in 64's engine.

>that feel when I had a friend who had the game too growing up
>stomped him into the ground with my gameshark'd team
>he was none the wiser

so how likely did leia and magnus fuck?
>tfw putting dio, magnus, and leia on a team for the final fight

Have any tips for me? My reputation tanked because I liberated every town I saw. I didn't realize until halfway I should be liberating with a high ALI character, but once I started doing that it didn't seem to make a difference. Is there the same chaos/neutral/lawful town system that 64 apparently has?

I've actually got the Japan-only strategy guide. Interestingly, there's some data in there that I haven't found on any English site. Some of the classes have inherent offense and defense boosts, which is why two character with identical stats can do wildly different damage if they're in different classes.

I am not nearly as familiar with MOTBQ as I am 64, I'm sorry. I'm sure there is a good guide to it out there though.I don't know if MOTBQ had the morale system or if it's based solely on story choices.
Well there are also different types of damage most people don't see, like strike, slash and blunt

They need to make a hack for this with more difficult enemy unit formations.

I'll probably never play it again I've done the first two chapters a dozen times but it's about the best the N64 had to offer as far as strategy role-playing games..

>there are people in this thread, RGIHT NOW, who let dio go

I seem to remember ninjas getting killed super fast, and fencers blocking more and hitting harder despite using the inferior bastard sword.

What am I in for bros?


a really underrated game that deserved more games in the series.

They really need more maps with endless enemies like the last one. You're right and more competent AI and formations.
A good time
Fuck off faggot. This thread is more video games than anything else on here.

What unique units does Australian Ogre Battle offer?

Buy one of every weapon and armor.

>stop talking about video games on my board
>start talking about ecelebs and console wars or at the very least say something negative

I fucking hate Australian hours

So does it matter what I choose in the beginning? I've already chosen but if it's bad I can always restart

Made me laugh. Good job.

It determines what units and items you start with. Here:

I know Gamefaqs and all, but it's helpful.

yeah, your string of choices decides what your army will look like/units you'll have and what items you receive

>i know gamefaqs and all
nigga, there's nothing wrong with using the guides on gamefaqs and shit if you want to use guides, but fuck. Don't visit the boards.

t. person who frequented lots of boards including the couch and shit and met some cool people back in like 2005-8 before it turned to even more shit
when shit gets real

I don't think it's a huge deal determines your element, you get one 2nd "tier" weapon and what beast you get. I used to like to get hellhounds for their x3 attack but it's nothing worth looking a guide up over.

Unless you want to know what Chaos Frame is and will have to consult a guide because the biggest thing that raises and lowers it I don't believe is ever explicitly explained.

>putting yourself in the most danger to save your friends gets you the worst possible ending
>to get the best ending, you hide behind a bunch of devil worshippers and pick and choose what civilians to save only based on personal gain
>all so you can send someone else to fight the final boss for you
Terrible design. Just garbage.

Magnus was canonically homosexual, and was one of the first homosexual protagonists in a videogame. Poor Meredia is stated by some townsfolk to have a tragic unrequited love with him "but he's too interested in a childhood friend".

Leia never liked Magnus, and she snuck off to join the Army and the Southern Division to avoid an Arranged Marriage and her father. She grows to respect him through his skill in battle and the decisions he makes through the game, but they never have a romantic bond.

There is a fuck ton of stuff in the Art Book and shit too that goes into a lot of back story elements that is never touched upon in the game itself.

My best online friend is a guy I first met on the NFL board on gamefaqs nine years ago.

But yes, the boards are for the most part swill.

Yeah, ninjas take 10% extra physical damage, while swordmasters deal an extra 15%.

Liches, hilariously enough, have a 70% reduction in the physical damage they take. They're quite tanky.

>Magnus was canonically homosexual

I met this cool dude ages ago named Theron and I haven't been able to talk to him since my AIM account got locked out. It's been years. I hope he's doing okay.

Fuck man.

>Physical hits are going to hurt a corpse
Dude, it's like trying to slash a skeleton.

I'm interested in the source as well, but honestly if you play the game a couple times it seems really obvious. I mean, they could say they are really close friends, but they sound more like lovers (especially Yumil) throughout the game.

I never really got the impression he and Yumil were lovers. That's like saying Suzaku and Lelouch were gay for each other.

JP Art Book - there were scans of it years ago on LiveJournal.

Also townspeople comment on it. Let me check the extracted game script that I have somewhere on my computer, one moment.

Yumil literally becomes a woman at the end of the game. He was Magnus's trap.

You will be tested in chapter 6.

>Magnus was canonically homosexual
but in the best ending he literally has a son

There are only 4 chapters.

It happens to everyone, used to be friends with a whole group we'd play video games together and had our own invisionfree board, now I only have one left and he's first born is due next month. I know I'm on the way out.

They introduced me to this website way back then and now I'm going to be the only one left.