ITT: villains who did nothing wrong
ITT: villains who did nothing wrong
inb4 Amstrong
>Helghan have the cooler designs and motives
>ISA are boring as fuck
>Radec was more interesting than any Killzone protagonist
what the fuck
the only thing he did wrong was that chin.
Jesus Christ
>Gun down people trying to liaison between you and the ISA after everything went to shit.
>Then proceed to wage war and genocide any ISA even if they're civilians who had nothing to do with the ISA's choices.
>Meanwhile in Mercenaries we have an ISA woman and a Helghast leader about to destroy each others' planets and kill billions if not trillions of innocent people on either side.
>Get nuked
>ISA give up half of the planet so you can live on the other half despite the fact tons of people on the planet hate the idea.
>Turns out the paranoia from the ISA wasn't wrong at all and the Helghans were not only planning on starting another war, but they were also going to use the ISA gas deterrent that kills you based on your DNA so they could take over the planet.
>During the course of all the games unabashedly slaughter millions of innocent people for the hell of it (Not talking about soldiers, civvies) and the people on your own planet can't even live without paranoia from their own people and fear the gulag every second of their lives on top of everyone living in squalor and poverty.
ISA makes some really really shit moves, but then the Helghast one up them every single time. They also always seem to have an entire board of directors and leaders that just want to kill women, children, and innocent men who aren't doing shit at all because they had the misfortune of living with the ISA.
the isa attempted genocide twice, if I remember correctly.
Fuck em
They never attempted genocide. They kicked the Helghans off the ISA planet so they went to live on Halghan not by their behest. Then after they send a liaison to get contact again the Helghast just can't believe they would try to be civil and start full on war with them. The nuke that went off in 3 was because Sev and Rico couldn't make it to the damn thing in time and you had Malcolm McDowell going out of his absolute mind trying to make money.
The events in Mercenaries had both sides being absolutely insane and in the end it was all about a guy just making a bunch of money while you took the fall for it. The ISA's leader was lied to, and the Helghans leader was certifiably insane shooting up entire cities to get information.
Then you get to Shadow Fall which had the ISA side being paranoid as fuck because the Helghans not only already tried killing everyone more than twice, but they had spec ops teams inside of New Helghan itself telling them the leaders were ready for full on war with their propaganda. Yeah, DNA erase gas was horrific from the ISA, I'm not going to deny that at all, but at that point they were completely backed into a corner sharing their own land with people who have tried to kill everyone they loved multiple times. They had no leverage to just keep them from attacking each other and all their peace talks and diplomacy was a farce that the Helghans had no intention of keeping. Even the leader lady talks down to everyone during her speeches where she lies through her teeth.
No seriously WHAT did he do wrong? That city was DOOMED, the plague had NO cure and even if it could be cleaned by paladin magic there was no way to cure the entire populace before the dreadlord go there, they were all dead either way and with Arthas they could at least die as themselves.
helghan were the coolest looking motherfuckers on the ps3 dude
Delivering Lorderon to the undead is kind of a shitty thing to do.
Nate really should have joined up with this guy as soon as Sam's lie was revealed.
this was a great read thanks I love when ppl know all this shit about games I never got into the story of
it's kind of like quarantining a city and having the military go in and gun families down because they have an infectious plague. it could have been handled with more humanity. combined forces of arthas, jaina, and Uther could have contained the town and evacuated them somewhere, and the situation could have been explained and options laid out for citizens. no matter their fate, they didn't deserve to be murdered by their hero without awareness of what was happening. they could have been given the option of being put to sleep and then killed instead of literally being beaten to death with a giant hammer and legions of swordsmen. it would have been a lot of work, but it would have been possible, and most importantly, it would have been fair. also, the rest of the human race deserved to know that it was because of the monarchy's failure that an entire town was taken by malganis.
fucking arthas apologists are such brain-dead edgelords incapable of critical thinking.
They literally nuked Helghast from orbit, forcing any survivor to live underground and give birth to the helghans army.
He only wanted to feast in peace.
Which they didn't do on purpose. Fuck sakes the nukes went off as Sev and Rico were trying to stop it after McDillan's character activated it. You know, the guy hired by the Helghast?
The genocide i'm talking about is before what you're are talking about happened.
Was this in 1? I thought they sent a liaison to their planet after forcing them to live on it and adapt to it which caused many problems. My bad then, they have a right to be pissed no doubt.
The helghast people (before they were know as helghast), were exiled to that planet, they survived and became successful, the spacejews wanted to tax them, the to-be helghast refused to pay as they were in their rights to refuse since what they achieved was by their own merits.
The angry spacejews hired an army to force the tobe helghast to pay up, the army decided to defend themselves, but they got nuked from orbit instead which let to helghast we all know and love.
The to-be healghast army decided to defend themselves*
The ISA eventually took control r and became the spacejews.