How can Makoto compete?

How can Makoto compete?

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easily by being an actual party member.

Damn it Yukari

I want her to put shogi pieces in my ass

Ichinisan-san is the cutest.

She'd have been waifuable if her own whole gimmick wasn't FUCKING SHOGI OR CHESS

Tell me something you like about her character that doesn't have to do with looks.

Not OP, but I like her chuuniness.

Her gimmick is being cute chuuni girl


I like that you actually have to think about your dialogue choices with her instead of just jerking her off like most of the other confidants.

I like her voice (jap)

I wish she replaced Haru

The fact she plays shogi like a yugioh retard and tries to be serious about it.

So I have to play this game now right? Ps3 or Ps4?


They look all the same idiot

There is nothing to her that is the problem

Makoto has the nicest ass I have ever seen. I want to eat her shit.

By being real?

I love her!

I prefer the good doctor, but Makoto's pretty cute too

It's on both, only difference between the two is that the ps4 has higher resolution.

And shorter loading times

>They look all the same idiot
I feel sorry for you.
>Prosopagnosia, also called face blindness,[2] is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face (self-recognition), is impaired, while other aspects of visual processing (e.g., object discrimination) and intellectual functioning (e.g., decision making) remain intact.

I romanced her and never got this scene with back entrance

>that pic
LMAO! Sold as best grill, fuck you user

By not being whored out by her mother.



What? No

I like the fact that she wanted to end the relationship with the MC when she was really down. It felt self-destructive and I find it cool.