why is there no muslim video games?
Why is there no muslim video games?
consoles aren't designed to bomb
The first Assassin's Creed game. You are literally a Muslim during the time of crusades.
muslims are lame
>what is xbox one
Made by muslims or play as?
Too risky
Sort of. The Assassins as presented in AC are Ismali only in name. Altair is particularly skeptical about religion.
It'll blow everything else out of the water.
Same reason why Christian games suck
The actions of Islamic extremism has left a bad taste in the mouths of developers, who tend to be artistically in support of free-speech. you forget about artist being threatened, & killed if they depict Allah in games user?
Mount and Blade?
Where's that Muhammed Simulator?
doing anything besides praying, raping goats/little boys, and blowing yourself up is haram
There are.
Also some saudi studio mobile game is like top 3 in the world making millions every day.
Dante's inferno ain't bad
Command & Conquer Generals
wasnt cod, muslim death simulator at one point?
his name is literally
Altair bin Al Lahad
doesnt altair do the sign of the cross on every main target he kills or is that ezio? I haven't play the games in several years.
They explode in popularity, but no one survives to tell the tale
Oh, don't worry.
It's [CURRENT YEAR], and I'm sure many developers are panderin... adding Muslim characters into their games by their own free will, not to push some "agenda" those nasty, right-winger whitecismaleshitlords are so paranoid about!
Can't depict anything of Islam in vidya. Remember they threw a fit when COD had that quote hanging on the wall of that random map?
oh yeah I forgot about that.
Islam did not invent that naming scheme. It was there in the middle East before Islam.
The user literally said they're Islam in name only, user.
Who the fuck draws this shit?
Yeah always see that damn game and it looks like shit so idk who would play it but Clash of Clans is huge in the US so who am I to judge.
press F to pray
>what is rapelay
No user. None of the AC protags do that. I don't think any of the NPCs do either.
This one?
also altair has desmond's face and an unaccented voice
he's pretty fucking white even if he's not intended to be
Yeah, I think I'm thinking of Ezio saying "rest in peace" in Italian on his targets.
Altair is like the whitest Arab ever then.
It's too alien and foreign in concept and hasn't existed in the western society long enough for it to be 'normalized'
Kinda like how Farcry 5 experiments with our assumptions about the biblebelt in America and places them in a plausible scenario because we've grown up on cooky Christian stories
Because sand niggers are fucking disgusting and I will literally quit vidya if I see hijab wearing cunts in my vidya for 'diversity' reasons.
Wasn't their a 50 cent game where he murders them?
Sadler from Exile is Muslim, if I remember right.
what is zafina from T6, rashid from SFV and saheen from T7
Arabs are pretty white. Steve jobs is an arab.
"The bird, son of no one"
Fucking Ubisoft thinks it's cool to name it like this. This is literally edgy as fuck in Arabic
That he did. Connor did the same in whatever language it was that he spoke, Arno said it in French.
need more 8 year old girls
i guess those are freemium DLC
You should quit now and never return.
Why are Weeabooms so delusional
Because if he had a thick middle eastern accent in a game intended for a majorly American/European audience, it would be off-putting and possible difficult to understand.
IIRC, the in-game explanation is that the machine translates the original languages for the user's better understanding.
As for the same face, I always assumed they were just lazy and pulled a "they're related, so they look the same."
What about Bible story and they Noah's ark game
goodbye faggot
Islam is about a thousand years old. That's young for a religion. It puts them in the "try to have fun with us at all, we'll fucking kill you!" phase. Everytime something muslim was accidentally in a game at all, it had to be removed.
Most muslims themselves don't make games because they are either:
A) Poor as fuck and taught to hate Western culture
B) Rich as fuck, and don't have time to be doing stupid shit like videogames
I guess some do if they live in a Western country, but they're basically Westerners at that point. And they know other muslims will still kill them if they put the wrong stuff in, so they just know what to avoid.
Altair has Desmond's face because there's no recorded image or anything for the Animus to build on to reconstruct Altair's face.
>western shit
>IIRC, the in-game explanation is that the machine translates the original languages for the user's better understanding.
And yet everyone else had thick middle eastern accents. Altair even had a thick middle eastern accent in Revelations later on. The explanation is bonkers and even Ubi retconned it.
what the fuck did you just said?
>less trump niggers on Sup Forums creating flamebait threads
noice. dont forget to enlist too so you'll be too busy dying for your god emperor to come back here.
Nobody will miss you. Bye
tfw no games where I can play as a qt muslim girl
IIRC there's some kind of islam law in the more extreme forms of it that prevents people from being creative at all more or less.
Something about drawing anything and making it "real" and weird ass shit like that.
Wait is she a black Iranian?