Could a game about Chris's misadventures be good?

Could a game about Chris's misadventures be good?

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probably not, but it could be entertainingly awful

>Christian Weston Chandler can draw better than you
>also has a sick ass fucking name
Why should I go on knowing I am the inferior man?

just practice at drawing and i promise you can do better than that

also a name change costs less than a video game

>This will never be finished.
>But AAA bullshit gets new installments every year.

i think the bigger tragedy is that we will never play platform masters

Tails get trolled > Sonichu

Someone should use RPG maker to make a Sonichu rpg


Will there ever be a movie or professional documentary of Chris

Where is right from?

How would that work? The player isn't as autistic as Chris so you would be too OP and make the good decisions he never could

this is so sad


There already is one:

It's from here:

I love these pictures.

holy fuck he's been on TV

Anything to feed his ego.

He did an interview a few months ago thats like 20 mins long. It made me upset.

Which one? I follow him but I missed it


I see that first video getting posted and it's really mediocre. I know it was made by a little faggot in HS but still, CWC deserves a much higher-quality documentary.

The Down the Rabbit Hole video made about him was alright, albeit too short.

>a retarded ween interviews another retard

Only the stupidest faggots ever interview Chris and we never get any real information from them because they're too busy trying to be the next Bluespike. At least he didn't shout JULAAYY at him, I guess.

I just like seeing more Chris and his reactions to events in his past when they get brought up.

get help

not him but people usually like seeing weird things and chris is as weird as it can get


Chris thread?

He decided to become a woman just as he started to look like a full-grown man....haunting.


>People still compare the two
You know that TGT is done by a normie trying way too hard to be ironic, right?

>tfw my name is Christian and I always cringe at the tought of sharing it with this poor creature.

>CWC has more media attention than you will ever have
Are you jealous?

he immediately reveals before the interview that he shoved the medallion up his ass then says he doesn't want to talk about it


pls dont let this thread die
