Monster Hunter XX Switch Stream in 4 hours

Will Capcom announce a localization?

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I hope not. give us a fucking new one


You are getting a new one. Didn't you see the other stream earlier this morning?

>Will Capcom announce a localization?
On a Japanese stream, right after Worlds announcement? Are you an idiot?

I hope they release the demo soon.

Why would they announce a localization in a Japanese stream?

For Switch?

on a Japanese stream?

also in 5 hours will be Dragon Quest XI Direct

Lol who gives a fuck about casualized baby anime monsters hunter now that we have a proper realistic hd monhun without cheap supermoves bullshit?

I was talking about World

>Will Capcom announce a localization?
Do you honestly really think they'll announce a localization on a japanese stream?


This is a Switch thread tho

The difference is that actually requires skill to pull off where as arts are just press button to win.

A new one is at minimum a year off. Hopefully there is at least a portable line, but if World fails I'm fearing that Capcom collapses because of losing their only cash cow, and the entire series just dies. It's pretty obvious Capcom understands they can't neglect the Switch, or they would have never announced a port of XX for it in the first place.

>charge and run off a slope

hammer arts require you to down or stun a monster if you want to use it to full effectiveness, you don't even have to down a mon to use this. this looks more like an aerial super pound from one of the styles

If that was all it took to stop shitposting by the Sonyfags things would be a lot more peaceful.

They have no plans to release XX in the West on either 3DS or Switch. Period. Import or live with Generations.

Generations would still be on 3DS, which is ass.

That's just areal style + jumping on a ledge.

they said no arts but some stuff was internalized it seems

I really hope the IG kept some Aerial style stuff, like the aerial pole vault and the modified aerial attacks

You can also press a single button to leave this thread instead of baiting, you should try.

There aren't any dumb aerial or adept style bullshit in world, only guild which requires effort.

I just want an MH game on Switch so I can be comfy in bed

This is a Monster Hunter thread. Take your consolewar bullshit elsewhere.

>you don't even have to down a mon to use this.

Maybe because the monster was getting beaten to death by 3 other players?

Since when playing MH with 4 players require skill? The monster literally targets you 25% of the time instead of 100%.

>MH limited edition N3ds

Good lad. I would've gotten that one but they sold out, got the Majora's Mask one instead.

>Monster Hunter Switch Stream

learn to read bro

>Tfw it got scratched up a bit
I'm still sad about it.

Same, I'll play world next year but I still want to do some comfy grindan in bed

>"consolewar bullshit"
>replying to the guy being calm instead of the shitposter

The only way I'll buy World is if they don't gimp the PC version. Capcom says that the PC version is delayed for some reason, so we have to wait even longer. At the very least, Rainway has announced that Nintendo approved their app, so if World doesn't suck ass, I'll probably stream MHW to my Switch.

imo they wouldn't change an integral part of the IG. I dont think it will be changed much, interesting to see how they handle insect movement and aiming

pretty sure its coming on console first to gain more sales

it's not so much integral and more "why is Aerial IG pretty much just a better version of the normal one"

most aerial styles lost some critical moves to compensate for the aerialness but IG only lost like 1 attack.

their aerial pole vault is a billion times better than the normal one due to its speed and distance, and the aerial attack normally is the normal red boosted version, while the red boosted aerial attack is a kick ass somersault

Yeah, mine got chipped BY a protective hard cover. Sigh.

I dont think its your case,
i think its known that the N3DSXLs chip often

Well, it's been fine for a while now at least. It just had chips once I took my hard case off, but it never had them before.

Probably. Just not at the moment.

rainway kind of looking like bloatware with little customization, but hey if it works

You're getting one with World :^3

Fuck Crapcom, I wanted XX localized so bad they blew it. I was also gonna buy World on PC but I am gonna pirate it unless XX is also localized.

Fuck Crapcom, I hope World bombs.

I don't know if I want to pick up the game, X was the first game that I've played that didn't have G rank because they kept telling me "There won't be a G version because it's a spinoff", yet here it is. I skipped Tri and we never got 4(and I was on the verge of importing it too), how do people put up with having to spends hours grinding through a game they already played before just to get to G rank?

Really? I haven't done too much research into it. It is free, so how does bloat play into it?

Are those real joy cons? I want those.

This looks like absolute shit. Fucking inexcusable.

>Switch, 3DS, and PC master race

and people cried of X/XX having arts

That looks horrible. It looks more busted than some of the arts in XX, ffs.

I'm not too sad about it, i pirated fan-translated XX anyways

mine is very scratched, the back side is losing all of it

>tfw pc is garbage

Oh boy, here we go again. Fuck off with your consolewar shit, this thread is about XX on Switch. Have a (you) while you're at it.

Yeah, the One S is mainly for 4k bluray and RDR2.

Gonna upgrade RAM this year. Not sure what to do about GPU. I think I'm good with 1440p for a while.

If you have a bluray drive, all you need to play blurays on PC is a free program called "Leawo Blu-ray Player". It works well and it doesn't have ads or anything.

Hey /mhg/ bro ;)

>you have to posts specs and proof you own consoles so people dont reply to you dumb console war shit when talking about a game or criticizing it in any way now

what has Sup Forums become

I hear Generations is decent so XX will be an improvement. I really hope it gets localized. I want Nintenbros to enjoy Monster Hunter too and stop shitposting. And if they can't, there's always the PC version. Everyone should have a decent PC now.

I'm very tired

/spg/ - Shitposting General

Well, if you own a Switch already, I recommend you not buy any other consoles and just upgrade your PC. DDR3 isn't bad but I'm not sure you can buy it anymore, so if you plan on upgrading RAM, you're going to have to switch to 16 gigs of DDR4. If your mobo is compatible, I recommend you either go in for one of the new AMD cards or just buy a 1070 for cheap. Your processor is pretty bad though, so you should probably hurry and upgrade that to at least an i5.

I built this PC few years ago without an optical drive and can't say that I've ever felt the need for it.

Honestly, I don't understand the claims of "easy mode" when it comes to arts and styles. Arts can be cheap, but Styles can be easily balanced. I think the main problem comes down to guide style just not having enough of an obvious advantage over the others. Brave is very powerful for some weapons, but the charging mechanic and lack of skills without a charged gauge are clear drawbacks. Guide is like a mediocre "jack of all trades" that needs to have something going for it, like having CB in guide style being 4U tier or something.

I built my PC in 2012.
The only consoles I actually paid for were the 3DS' and Switch. The PS4 was a gift from my dad so we could play Destiny, and I won the Xbone in a raffle.
Thanks for the advice though, user.

Well, if you didn't already own the One S, a bluray drive would only cost about 30 bucks compared to the price of a whole console.

IIRC Monster Hunter World will run smoothly in garbage PCs because it was coded in black magic (MT Framework engine).

No problems. And it looks like you got pretty lucky with getting a PS4 and Xbone. If you do plan on upgrading your PC at some point, I'd start with the processor or mobo. Mobos are for futureproofing.

Meh, I also bought some games like FH3(loving it), Final Faggotry 15(JUST), sunset overdrive(pretty good), RDR(missed out on this last gen) and some more.

Might trade it in for a One X to experience RDR2 on it.

Don't forget about getting a decent Power Supply too.

On topic, what are the chances of them announcing multiple languages and ability to transfer save from Generations to XX?


Well if you still need to pay more than 100 bucks after trading in, I wouldn't recommend it. I still don't get why Rockstar refuses to port so many of their games to PC.

>and ability to transfer save from Generations to XX?
might be painful, considering "exclusive" DLC gear

On the stream today, probably almost zero. I'm hoping they at least hint or casually drop info about localization being in the works or being done by Nintendo though.

Honestly I really don't think that they would announce a localization on a Japanese stream.

Fucking hell, more than half the game is already localized and fans already localized parts of XX.

I'd even be content with a digital only release even though I prefer physical. Fuck you Niggercom.

>They have no plans to release XX in the West
They even came out and said this isn't completely true. They have nothing to announce yet, and i doubt that will change with this stream, seeing as it's in Japanese.

I bet Nintendo would be willing to do it for them if they asked.

So they can get people to double dip and to squeeze every last sale out of people not patient enough to wait for a PC port.

>>Fucking hell, more than half the game is already localized and fans already localized parts of XX.
At this point it's just laziness. I really fucking doubt XX would hurt World. World is the one that requires far more translating anyway, considering voice acting is now a thing.

MHXX+Stories bundle for Switch when?

I don't want to start consolewar bullshit but I wonder if a certain company had something to do with it.

but don't you wanna get Stories, guys?

And including the budget and putting on 3 different platforms they may want to try and get as much as they can out of Worlds to cover costs

Doubt it. Its probably just about money.

This, it's total horseshit that they're not localizing XX and I would have enjoyed both it and World a lot. Now I don't want to give these fuckers any money unless I know I have people to play World with on PC, and even then I'd like to pirate it if there's a server connection workaround. I'd even go out of my way to buy it on one of those key reselling sites if I knew my payment information was secure.

I still think the rumor was right about that part. Why else would the Japanese version not be on PC?

Fucking Atari!

Worlds not coming to the Switch? Definitely, it was part of the leak.
XX not coming to he West? Nah, it's just Capcom thinking they can smell the money with Worlds, and being too lazy to do two things at once.

Agreed. The announcement of Worlds and zero news on XX much less a Switch version of Worlds put me off from Capcom for the forseeable future. It doesn't help that they just killed MvC as well and STILL haven't ported RE7 to Switch, despite saying they could.

Because the average nip doesn't buy games for Xbone or PC?

yes please

Honestly I really doubt that localizing XX would cost them that much money, considering most of it is already translated. They're just being lazy as fuck.

I don't know why, considering I'm an idort, but no news of XX being localized and the whole "no plans" thing made it so I'm more turned off for World honestly.

Also find it kinda funny out of the two games they bothered onto the Switch they only released SFII which wasn't a smart move seeing as fighters aren't as hot as they used to be, skipped out on Megaman with Nintendo, and ignored the west with MHXX which they know fans have been looking forward to and would have sold better than SF2.

They won't localize it because Capcom is focusing on us real gamers with PS4/PC with Monster Hunter in the west now.

Buy a real console and you can play the best MonHun ever as well. No more children's toys.

I was turned off it at first, but I've warmed to it now. If/when XX comes to the west on Switch, I'll get that too.

PC has actually been gaining steam in Japan for a while.
The reason Sony is blocking it there is because they can with no other competition to say otherwise.
Sony hasn't been blocking western PC releases because they've been focusing on pushing Microsoft out first. Once they gain a large enough edge over Xbox to where it doesn't matter anymore then they'll begin pushing absolute exclusivity and their userbase will be too large for dissenters to do anything about it.

It would cost them barely anything compared to the profits they'd make from the combined 3DS and Switch audience in the west. It's just printing money to localize XX and they're refusing to do it because they want to push World really hard, which is fucking ridiculous. Just put out both, it's not like they're on the same consoles and competing with each other. I have a PC, I can play World and would like to, but what the fuck is this company doing? I bought 4U and Generations, as did a ton of people in the west, and this is the thanks we get for it? I totally understand when Capcom doesn't localize games that cost a lot of time and money to localize, like the three Ace Attorney games they haven't localized (and won't), but XX is easy. Stupidly so. This dumbass company looked like it had actually learned something, but it's still pulling the same shit as always. Completely pathetic.

I'm getting both I really wanted to try all the Grank stuff for XX and also transmoging armors which they announced plus being released on Switch and 3DS it was guaranteed a big community since crossplay between the two platforms is possible off and online.

Yet at the same time they already stated that XX is not going to be localized outside of Japan, for either version of the game.

Prove that Sony is blocking it there.

Which that statement was immediately retracted by "We currently don't have any plans RIGHT NOW" which is basically saying to fans that they're going to tie them by their dicks and string them along for the ride.