Boys, I have finally decided that I want to get into the STALKER Games

Boys, I have finally decided that I want to get into the STALKER Games.
What game should I play first? Any mods I need to install?

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final bump

Play them in order of release.

I haven't kept up with mods but I think ZRP is the go-to mod for bug fixes. Don't use anything that changes the gameplay, except for head-bob if you get motion sick.

Just play Metro 2033.

Ok, so Shadow of Chernobyl first then. What does ZRP do specifically?


Already played Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light user, that's why I want to get into STALKER.

Bumping for user. Someone must have the infographic. Just remember to torrent the games and to not buy them.

Aight, thanks user. And which game is the most moddable. (Want to know this once I beat all of them so I can go back and mod the fuck out of 'em)

Well GSC is alive again, though they haven't made any announcements regarding STALKER.

I think SoC has the best mods but CoP is a close second. Check out Call of Chernobyl and Narodnaya Solyanka one you finished all 3 games.
But don't waste your time on Lost Alpha, it's shit.

Autumn Aurora 2.1 or AMK: Autumn Edition.

People will say play vanilla first, sure if you've got the time and feel like playing through it again to "appreciate" mods. I say fuck that and just do it from the get go, its an old fucking game and needs all the help it can get.

The two I mentioned are overhauls and have their own installers I think. STALKER modding is pretty easy, check out the /vg/ thread as its a good place to go to get help or find out the basics.

SoC for sure as your starter. You don't need that shitty info graphic, its very outdated.

Clear Sky is ok too but more linear, and CoP is more like SoC with the big map and freedom.

For sandbox experience theres Call of Chernobyl.

Aight, thanks for the info.
Also I found the infograph, incase anyone needs it.

Did give CEO get most of his old blood team back yet? I haven't caught up with that news and I just assumed that he's still mucking about with whatever he's trying to do.

Most mods are also in the /vg/ repo, so go there, thats really where you should be asking this, not Sup Forums.

Also remember to put the game on master.

No idea, but I imagine most of the original team has gone off to other jobs.

They released Cossacks 3 last year though, so they've been working on updates for that I think.

>go to /vg/
>no /sg/ thread

Monolith did nothing wrong

>start SoC
>do first mission
>DO NOT talk to Wolf after you killed the bandits
>continue working for Sidorovich instead
>grind some more money until you have 20k RU
>buy 5.45 Groza from Sidorovich
>win the game
Talking to Wolf removes the Groza from Sidorovich's shop. If he doesn't have it, leave the Cordon, quicksave and reenter the Cordon to see if it's there. Reload if not.

AMK2 never ever

Who is Wolf?

dumping Stalker 2 stuff

so new metro is gonna be stalker 2 right?



Seems like it. Doesn't Metro have some of the guys who made STALKER working on it as well?
I'm excited for Metro Exodus.

Play STALKER with the MISERY mod.


Are there any mods that hold up to autmn aurora in terms of visuals and gunplay? I made the mistake of playing that as the first mod after I beat SoC so I'm spoiled in terms of how guns feel compared to other mods.

Fuck off


>stalker 2
Just let it go already. We've seen enough games trying to be the spiritual successor of STALKER. There will be no STALKER 2, get over it.


Play vanilla first, IF you like the game you go for mods.




don't listen to people saying to play vanilla, it needs mods to fix stuff




Fuck off user, i'm playing vanilla first with Zone Reclamation Project to fix bugs

the first dude with the AK


Have they actually said anything about it being open-world?

Like they're obviously going for more time on the surface, given the trailer and title, but I figured it was still going to be a linear chain of levels.

zone rec was probably what he meant


Stalker: SOC use AMK1.4 or AMK: autumn edition
Stalker: CS use Reloaded
Stalker: COP go misery 1 or 2.

lots of people will say to just do bug fix and maybe texture packs but after mutliple playthroughs you will have a funner and more enjoyably challenging time with a mod. It doesnt really change anything major just a lot of tweaks for better difficulty and making it easier on the eyes.

Also play on master difficulty for best gameplay.









>tfw stalker 2 never
Oh well, least I have Metro Exodus.


There is a standalone mod that implemented Misery into Call of Chernobyl, its an open world with all 3 games' levels in one. It has complete open ended sandbox gameplay and looks fantastic.

you can find it on MODDB under call of misery



>All these miseryfags itt

I tried playing Misery 2 but it just kept crashing after a while just decided to uninstall


Misery is good. It used to be very popular on Sup Forums until it became too popular. What would you recommend as a better mod for CoP that includes better graphical improvements, and a large difficulty spike?









This is painful, time to kick it up a notch


was going to post this at the end but oh well







Have any of you seen this?
multiplayer S.T.A.L.K.E.R!



But, can you eat it?

Wonder if we would have gotten a non-shitty editor with Stalker 2

Might be good, but will probably degenerate into the same tired gankfest that most Russian multiplayer games tend to devolve into. You're gonna see guys in exosuits with amazing guns sitting in front of this game's cordon equivalent gunning down anyone trying to leave





What the hell why is it gone?
Did they all die?



>i told everyone to kill themselves
>they actually did it the madmen.



last one

>Tfw we will never ever ever ever ever get a sequel or even a spiritual sequel
>Remnants of GSC went on to make shitty survival shooters in different studios
>Survavium used assets left STALKER 2 and sucked ass
>Escape from Tarkov looks meh