I always hate this guy for one-shotting me but this is just sad.
Roadhog funeral
Not gonna lie, former Roadhog player here. This is hilarious watching Roadhog crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let him land those hooks.
Thank christ. Hog shouldn't be a mandatory pick.
Is he really that bad now? Thought the changes just meant you had to stick closer to your party, rather than peel off and be a super-sustainable ganker.
His gun is as strong as shooting nerf darts at a person.
His hook is useless now unless your target is Tracer
He's a walking ult battery and that's all he's good for now
Yeah now Reaper is his mandatory replacement, big fucking difference
>Jump in as winston with 500 hp.
>Get one shot by roadhog.
He deserved it.
imagine you played this game.
the real funeral should be the multiplayer FPS genre but I guess it's been in the grave for awhile now.
yeah but now Reaper is the must pick
>is too stupid to have situational awareness and know when not to jump it
>waaah why did I die
Roadhog was the casual clearer and punisher of shitty players and that is why so many people cried about him.
At least Reaper can't OTK you in one second.
>one shotting a 500hp character
you're making my headache worse.
I like the nerf, you actually have to play as a team now, if he grabs a target it's not just "lol insta kill", the team has to target it to finish it off. It's supposed to be a team game so that makes more sense. I wouldn't mind them buffing something else of his to make up for it, but fuck one shots with the hook.
He only one shotted you if you were too fucking stupid to stay in his close radius.
But enjoy the self-healing edgelord now I guess.
Except most classes are self-sufficient as is. This doesn't put Roadhog on an even playing field, it throws him into the trash.
Playing as a team means grouping up and pushing! Let's get together guys! Group and Push! Let's go! Come on! Yea that's team spirit! Let's go guys, group and push!
Come on! Don't spread out! Let's group up and push already, damn! Yea! Now that's what I'm talking about! All grouped up and ready to push!
Most classes also don't have 600 hp, a gun that can one shot kill at medium distance, a self heal for 300 hp and an ability that line up your enemies for a quick easy kill. No, fuck the one shot shit, it's better this way. If he's actually underpowered right now they should buff something else but no more one shot shit.
>a gun that can one shot kill at medium distance
Hyperbole from tear-stricken whiners who finally got their way.
It's Genji Nerf 2.0, and to this day Genji is still worthless compared to any other alternative because of what they did.
Roadhog is the only character that instantly deletes the targets they counter without a chance for counterplay. Pavementpig is the worst example of a counterpick-based balance, where it literally comes down to the pick and no skill. If the pig is even somewhat competent, he'd be able to save his backline from stupid distances and thus render an otherwise pretty good pick absolutely worthless. The reach of his influence is huge considering it was a one-hit-kill for a huge part of the cast. And even if he's a fat target and an ult-battery, he's still dangerous if he has his hook up and if he heals himself, he's also getting ult which is not a bad one all things considered. At least his ult has weaknesses and counters, compared to the rest of his fucking toolkit.
>Genji is still worthless
On what fucking planet? He's top three right now.
>what is RMB snipes
>It's Genji Nerf 2.0, and to this day Genji is still worthless compared to any other alternative because of what they did.
?? Genji is super viable for dive comps, wtf are you talking about
Roadhogfags are the worst, I'm so happy your easy point and click adventure character got destroyed. Stay mad.
>mfw shooting Winstons point blank
>and shooting them again for the kill
He was the ultimate pubstomper, he was too good this world.
>I like the nerf, you actually have to play as a team now
if you played as a team before you shouldn't have been killed by it
>defense matrix
>ice wall
>orisa shield
>reinhardt shield
>winston bubble
>concussion blast
>zarya bubble
>sleep dart
>another hook
there were so many fucking ways to not get killed if your team isn't braindead, there was even one point where reaper could simply wraith form out
Hanzo scatterarrowing your feet from across the map is infinitely more frustrating than Roadhog's hook ever was.
Nigger what? They should have let him keep infinite wall runs, but otherwise he's fine still. Your only alternative is the lesbian either way.
>easy point and click adventure character
Yeah, now there's just lifesteal Reaper for that now ;)
well it's a generally known fact that roadhog could hook one enemy from the one side of universe from the other. Think this nerf for roadhog with upcoming patch is kinda justifiable. But at the same time this doesn't make reaper as must pick character, since he's completely useless (not even joking) compared to other dealers. even if he's picked, he's not going to be efficient substitution for roadhog.
Yeah but roadhog's making the play, so his team should react to it.
>Hanzo scatterarrowing your feet from across the map is infinitely more frustrating than Roadhog's hook ever was.
sure but it's not nearly as reliable and really doesn't happen as often as grabs.
>Yeah, now there's just lifesteal Reaper for that now ;)
reaper is much more enjoyable to play against, so yeah, I like that reaper is replaced by roadhog
>T. Shitters
They BUFFED roadhog
You can't 1 shot but you attack much faster and have a smaller headbox and a larger clip
If your team has any cohesion he's great
He's just not a one trick one shot pony
>reaper is much more enjoyable to play against
There's nothing enjoyable about getting 1-2 shotted by a Hot Topic model with a free escape button and an ult that now makes him as invincible as Tranquility does.
yeah exactly, he's much better for a coordinated team now, shitters are just mad that they can't solo carry to masters with him
you havent actually played him yet have you?
I doubt he has. The damage reduction on the gun is extreme, you're literally nothing but a walking ult batter now.
I hate the hog nerf too, but
>what is zen with any dps for 500?
Discord shits all over death blossom.
He's not really worthless but he's definitely not a must pick hero.
>mfw i'm playing reaper
Finally fags stop complaining about "MUH NOT META HERO".
>Mcree was nerfed because he killings things too fast and stunned them
>Roadhog did the exact same thing but was never nerfed
About time they caught up with their design philosophy
Do you not realize his ult also has lifesteal? That doesn't matter, and it's likely the Zen will be dead if Reaper is ulting if it's a smart Reaper
33% damage reduction is not a buff. In no fucking universe is Roadhog going to be able to get off all 5 shots on an opponent, even one that he's hooked. I urge you to play him and get a feel for just how gimped his left click is, he's a total non-threat at close range now
>ult that now makes him as invincible as Tranquility does.
unless he gets stunned by mcree, hooked, frozen, sleeped, kicked out of the team, blocked by zarya shield, blocked by diva, blocked by reinhart, blocked by orissa, healing through with tranquility or kicked off the map by lucio.
At least with reaper you're not insta killed unless he's literally in melee range of you (which is also super risky for him btw) you're not just >grabbed>dead
Opinion. Trashed.
>playing babbywatch
Have you played or played against him since the patch? D. Va can probably out trade him in 9 out of 10 engagements now.
>typing like this
Kill. Yourself.
they just want reaper players to carry now apparently.
like you can just carry as reaper now.
there's a bunch of nuance to the way it works that basically says that those aren't equivalent examples.
for example, roadhog is a character designed entirely around the hook shotgun combo and he doesn't have anything else.
>and to this day Genji is still worthless compared to any other alternative
Why do roadhog shitters have such low IQ?
>Hanzo scatterarrowing your feet from across the map
How the fuck does this shit even work? Every time I play Hanzo and shoot a scatter at an enemy's body or feet it hits for 10 damage and they go off in all other directions, every time an enemy plays Hanzo and shoots a scatter it's an instant condensed 200 damage.
i've been playing him all day, he's fine
Ana nerf when? 76 nerf when? Pharah nerf when?
>walk up to Bastion
>load a whole clip on him in point blank
>bastion still alive
sounds like someone needs to retake geometry 101
I wish I fucking knew myself
That's how blizzard does balancing, everyone takes their turns. It'd be nice if they could just make a balanced game but they're incompetent so this is what we get. But yes, I prefer reaper rather than roadhog.
>roadhog is a character designed entirely around the hook shotgun combo and he doesn't have anything else.
yeah except a lot of hp, a ridiculous self heal with low cd, a gun that can literally one shot at mid range and a really powerful ult for closing out games. But yeah he's got nothing but his combo
Keep telling yourself and maybe that will become true.
They tried to nerf Ana and the baby whiner community threw a fit until they removed it.
>Mcree's entire kit was designed around flash stun mag dumping and rolling for a reload
>Mcree had less HP than roadhog and couldn't bring people to him
Oh yea not equivalent at all tho, Mcree's was much harder to get off and he had a lot less health too.
Ain't that funny?
I think it has to be as close to their feet as possible without actually hitting them with the arrow. And fully strung of course
all his shit is dodgable and predictable.
actually, I feel like people that can't fight roadhog just have really shitty pattern recognition in general.
And they'll never have to learn that because Blizzard makes sure the babies can play the game without struggle.
>"we want all our characters to feel powerful"
Mcree was dodgeable and predictable
Why shouldn't have mcree been allowed to keep his fan the hammer power?
I bet you're one of the people who complained about it too.
As a Roadhog main in plat on PC, he was a little op. Maybe I'm just exceptionally good at getting off hooks, but having a hero that can bring down literally any other character in a 1v1 is a little much.
no, his flashbang is literally instant.
it's predictable but you can't dodge it. it's just 100% guaranteed shit. also it's an AOE.
it was really retarded when he could also snipe people with his gun AND instagib people with his gun up close.
>people still complains about Road nerf
Symmetra nerf when? She's the grim reaper himself.
>in plat
Your insight means nothing
>all his shit is dodgable and predictable.
so is literally everything in the game, the thing is at some point the roadhog's gonna land his hook and it will kill you if you're a 250 health or less character (talking about pre nerf obviously). It'd be passable if the hook had a 15 second cd so it actually meant something if you dodged it or if the character didn't have 600 hp, plus a self heal, plus a one shot kill right click at mid distance, plus a good ult for ending games and pushing in general. Roadhog players want to be able to do it all because they can't into team games, they want to be able to solo carry. Thankfully they can't do that anymore so I assume they'll just rage quit or something.
looks like you'll have to learn how to press more than shift ;)
What could they do to Bastion to make him better?
Most people play in gold-plat.
Most people are also shit at this game hence why. As shown by the balance patches that are most desired.
If you're under Diamond your opinion doesn't matter
I wasn't trying to qualify my opinion with that I was just saying what skill level I'm at and how hog fares at it, and honestly he dominates plat.
most people means average.
average means bad.
bring back the frontal shield on him, you're supposed to feel like a bastion when you play him but you just feel like a bitch that has to redeploy every time an enemy can see you
>Snipe people
Nigga his drop off was garbage on release and then they buffed it after he was neutered, then they promptly nerfed him agian. It didn't snipe when he gibbed with FTH
And you could dodge it easy, you dodged it by dodging the corner he was humping.
>average means bad.
This. Multiplayer FPS peaked with either Perfect Dark of Timesplitters
Daily reminder that Blizzard has no fucking idea how to balance classes, stats, characters, abilities, etc. in any of their games.
well used to be able to one shit at mid range and at close range with roadhog plus have high hp and a quick heal, but it wasn't op because people who played roadhog deemed that it wasn't
Pretty much.
Blizzard has no idea how to design shooters, period.
I'm honestly fine with her range boost but what the fuck is up with her movement speed?
Someone please tell me something good about the lunar base map.
Isn't it the same as practically everyone else?
yeah it's pretty bad but it's one of the only games where you can grab a couple of friends and get into it for an hour or two and be done with it, other than that you get shitty mobas or cs which is ok I guess if you like getting destroyed by hackers/smurfs but overall there's not much to play with buddies nowadays
>it's 'roadhog's victims cry babies claim to be roadhog main and say he's better now so Blizzard will keep him like this' episode
>i know dive comp so i'm so skilled and knowledgeable in Overwatch guys!!
blizzard doesn't care about roadhog players' complains anyway. They won't be reverting the changes, no one needs to pretend to be a retard to influence them.
Nah I stopped playing when they nerfed Mcree again
I'm just here for the giggles since overwatch is hot garbage.
Anyone who just randomly mentions dive comp is an idiot trying to sound like their favorite streamer.
Road was pretty shit because he punished everyone in any situation save from people peeking from corners or balconies (and even then he had his magic hook) or protected behind shields.
Glad he got nerfed but I doubt he'll stop being an highly-played hero.
>play reaper after new patch
>get hooked by hog
>fuck here we go
>does like half my health
>shoot him once and back to full
>fat pig cunt tries scrambling away like the piece of shit he is
get fucked piggy, spitting on your grave
Ok I am aware of the fact that most mid sized heroes have the same movement speed, sans Tracer and Lucio. But shit doesn't make fucking sense when I have seen Symmetra catch up to almost anyone even if they belonged to the same size class. And it's not just one time either.
I have checked and checked again, there is no Lucio anywhere around her to give her movement speed or anything, just me and her 1v1 both moving in the same direction with enough distance for her laser to not touch me, and yet somehow after a second or so the damned thing is caught onto me. I honest to god believe that she have like a slightly higher movement speed compared to other mid sized heroes.
genji's good in divecomps though, that guy said that he was trash
it wasn't randomly and I don't watch overwatch streams so I wouldn't know
>watching streamers instead of playing to get better
holy shit the fucking betas are everywhere today.
>They BUFFED roadhog
>15% overall damage reduction is a buff.
Go back to elementary school to learn some math, jesus.
Now when will they nerf Tracer? Bitch has obscene DPS, a free pick ult every 15 seconds and like 300 hp. You can't name one weakness she might have that's not covered by her kit.
Tracer>>Soldier/Genji>Sombra>Mcree>Reaper (Old)
Dunno where new reaper goes, genji is good.
>lifesteal Reaper for that now
reaper has been irrelevant for a long, long time. 20% lifesteal is not changing that in the long run. Maybe for 2 weeks while people figure out "wtf how is this reaper sustaining" but after that, nah. He's not any stronger than he was.
From the average kill, he gains 40 (forty) HP. Thats less than one more zenyatta ball to the face. Entirely killing roadhog will give him less than half his HP.
lol tracer shits on mcree
>getting hit by flashbang when your effective range is outside the range of flashbang
noooo buuuut duuuuuude reaper is a muuust pick hes op cuase he gets less heal per kill than he used to! they also made it so he doesnt need to releoad when he press shift!!