Thanks, Gayben.
Thanks, Gayben
>tfw you always forget that steam has movies
Seems like they've been pricing them a bit better.
>12 episodes 22 minutes long cost 4 euro
>12 episodes of short 2-4 minutes long series also cost 4 euro
this is bullshit
>paying for anime
>when pirating them is way more convient and you can actually archive them
normalfags will eat this right up
You just had to have your stupid jokes, now we have eroge and anime on Steam. Nice fucking job.
>pay for anime to support the creator or whoever worked to make it available in your area
>pirate the episodes for convenience
Wow, that was really hard.
I pirate anime all the time but I grabbed Gabriel Dropout and New Game because they were genuinely good shows worth their steambucks.
Let's say it's a repayment for pirating japanese cartoons all the time
Also you can get the BDs and sometimes even use the same subs from older TV versions.
Do any money from it actually goes to creaters?
>these fucking kikes supporting anyone
They have to get more money from steam than just from the subscription. Actually selling anime on steam would require separate license from just simply streaming it
Support Lululco-chan, ples!
>look mommy I used the meme
Already did
Might as well send your pennies straight to the japs or buy merch, Kikeroll gets most of it.
And some of these releases don't even have the original audio, by the way.
>View PCGamingWiki Article
>or whoever worked to make it available in your area
>or whoever worked to make it available in your area
>or whoever worked to make it available in your area
Sure, it's in my best interest to give money to the kikes working overnight to take out download links, streams and subs.
And don't
me, you little shit. Some people want to watch the thing live.
>Already did
>murrican kikes
>supporting anything
KEK the gooks and chinks are where most of the gaijin bucks are from.
You cucks are irrelevant
No, user, Valve just uploads other peoples' shit without their permission and then sells it and keeps 100% of the profit.
I am unsure as Crunchy is the kike of anime
>talking about Valve
>when crunchyroll is on the front page
I would buy Gabriel Dropout if it had trading cards.
Honestly it's an incredibly smart move. There will be people that buy anime streaming rights through Steam instead of streaming directly through Crunchyroll. This is gonna give Steam even more normie nu-weeb bucks.
Checked on reddit and even they think it's gay. If you're buying anime, buy them physical, otherwise just stream them.
>pirate anime, archiving always the highest quality BD-rips
>buy merchandise to have something physical and support the korean monkeys that made it
>giving money to kikeroll
>supporting the creator
No you stupid faggot, if you want to support the creator you buy anime from japan and pirate it for convenience. Jesus fucking christ Sup Forums is terrible
Don't give the kikes any ideas.
CR pays a fee license to authors, doesn't matter if you buy it from those faggots or not, the japs wont get more than the first fee.
So you jew yourself out of money for buying streams.
Also pretty good
If it would be a thing, just buy the fucking cards unless they are super expensive.
>nyaa died and will never come back
>nyaa pantsu has shit uploads
I'm super fucking normie when it comes to watching anime, but nyaa always had the best shit right there, now I struggle to find some quality stuff for even the most popular shows like space dandy.
The video quality is shit if remember correctly, right?
>CR pays a fee license to authors
But if nobody buys from them, they won't afford licensing anime either
Besides, for how shit CR is, I hate the motion of consumers being responsible for maximizing the profit of japanese publishers. they are pretty jewish themselves and if they think flat fee is better for them than sale royalties or something then so be it. Is whiteknighting old japs who overwork their animators for peanuts pay any better than giving money to SJWs at CR?
Wakfu has trading cards, the only stopping us is the new rules.
>Instead of starting to drop Trading Cards the moment they arrive on Steam, we're going to move to a system where games don't start to drop cards until the game has reached a confidence metric that makes it clear it's actually being bought and played by genuine users.
That can't be real. How hard can it be to have some quality control?
>>pay for anime to support the creator or whoever worked to make it available in your area
But that's the problem. Anime licensed by Crunchyroll are not available in my country due to region restrictions. Why should I give them my money?
Horriblesubs is giving me a better service and they do it for free. If I want to support the creators, I'll buy the overpriced BDs from Japan.
>pay $20 for a month pass or whatever they charge
>Steam takes their cut
>CR takes their cut
>publisher takes their cut
>studio execs take their cut
>the creator enough money to buy a tantou to an hero
>I hate the motion of consumers being responsible for maximizing the profit of japanese publishers.
If I am going to buy anime I would rather more of the money go to the creators than to multiple third parties like CR and valve.
>If I want to support the creators, I'll buy the overpriced BDs from Japan.
You will support greedy Kadokawa japs unless the anime is completely original as in only animators are in commitee and they have all the rights like KyoAni.
Either way, whether you will buy the anime on steam, subscribe crunchyroll, or import a BD, in most cases animators themselves will see a little money.
As I said, the creators won't see any money from that unless it's completely original show from the animators.
Mother fucker. I bought an episode earlier just to see our viewing options. I didn't know people actually liked this show, neat.
Well they are more likely to be creating more of what I want to see than if it's going through multiple third parties.
You're money is never going to go directly to the creators, only the company who already paid them. This is the same thing that happens with vidya.
They aren't likely, they're contracted to do the show. It's the kikes who go around the animation studios and say "hey we need you to adapt this new loli moeshit novel, here's some money" and they take it gladly because if something bad happens like atrocious sales, it's the kikes who suffer and they were already paid.
>I didn't know people like best trigger girl
>needing to have steam on to watch shit
How many layers of extra bullshit can they possibly add to fucking chinese cartoons?
what is this low quality style called?
Trigger's made 3 shows like that, haven't they?
can steam get any better
>low quality
these are better drawn than average anime
Is the video player for their movies/anime at least better than the video player on the store pages?
okay, especially low budget and animation, 2-minute long episodes short series. is there a term for that?
jesus christ the idiots on this board, every question I ask is met by defensiveness or some accusation of me having an agenda.
I'm just going to get my answers on reddit from now on.
enjoy your console wars
>Sure, it's in my best interest to give money to the kikes working overnight to take out download links, streams and subs.
>Getting mad that people try to make sure you don't steal their shit
user you some sort of stupid?
does anyone even use steam for videos?
valve doesn't even advertise them on the steam store, how is anyone supposed to know about this shit unless you actually navigate all the way over to the ghost town video section
1. Is it HD?
2. How long does the sale last?
It's just called Shorts, user.
I don't browse Sup Forums butt her mom is goat.
>tv quality
>paying for it
not video games, straight up blasphemy
>Steam brings back the hat ERP brothel as an official steam program
I find the price acceptable, for what I get.
No way I'm spending $100 on a BD to watch two episodes like Sup Forums wants me to do. I don't want figurines either.
>to make it available in your area
This makes me so mad desu.
>want to pay for crynchyroll just to support something
>"Sorry, not available in your area"
I'm not sure why you would buy this when you can either torrent your anime or just pay half the price for a months sub?
So how is the quality of the Steam video player?
>season 1
There were 4 seasons faggot
>Sup Forums
>paying money for anime
Are you talking about OUR Sup Forums?
Take a screenshot of the uppermost quality point you can find, I wanna compare with my BD rip.
>CR anime on Steam
lol who would pay for this?
>CR anime on Steam [with trading cards]
>pricing them better
i wouldnt pay more than 1-3 dollars for a digital copy of a movie
>Paying for streams
Except 1 season is all 13 episodes, not 1 season = 4 episodes meme. Fag.
From steam page.
>obscure shows are only available on private tracker autism
I don't want to maintain ratio like a cuck.
>can perfectly watch cantonese animated flipbooks with subs
>lil bro can't because he doesn't know english that well
>99% of downloads for bd-rips and shit don't have an option for my home language, but crunchyroll does
>get to watch animu with lil tike on any device in a language he can understand
It's okay
>Anime licensed by Crunchyroll are not available in my country
>Why should I give them my money
How would you intend to give them money if they aren't selling you anything in the first place? I didn't think I had to specify that you shouldn't pay for things you can't buy.
>Sup Forums
>buying BD
Video player is fine but the stream looks like fucking garbage no matter how good your Internet is.
Just find sub file man
so, when i buy anime, i can download them as files locally?
are they playable only on steam?
are they encrypted so i cant copy/paste the files somewhere else?
I watched Rakka and it looked great.
I tried. It's either crunchyroll or 140p flash player videos full of gramer errrors. You can SOMETIMES find subs by halfway decent groups, but only for really popular anime like jojo, dbz, and such
>he thinks vn on steam are expensive
Check native jap's prices. Shit costs more than AAA games
cant be that bad
>Horriblesubs is giving me a better service and they do it for free
what's going to happen when HS no longer has a place to rip videos from if CR disappears?
I'd give my left nut
Is any of the listed anime actually good? I've been meaning to get into it.
yeah some. Space Patrol and Dragon Maid are unironically good. I picked up ReZero in the last sale.
You're going through two 3rd parties on old anime and you're worried about the stuido getting money?
Thanks user I'll check those out.
You're like the 50th person who stopped reading after the 7th word.
the creator gets a quarter everytime CR makes 20 bux off their product
if you want to support them directly buy their shit straight from japan
Horriblesubs existed before they were exclusively crunchyroll rips.
You're like the 51st person who stopped reading after the 7th word.
No you fucking dumbass, crunchyroll didn't "work to make it available in my area" when it would have already been available without being completely shat on thanks to fansubbing. They practice terrible business ethics and produce a lower-quality product than fansubbing. I don't WANT to support them.
Tell me why it would be a bad thing if they died off you literal shill.
Do the studio s get any of that money I don't mind spending $5 a week
Pennies to the dollar. Buy BDs or merch directly if you want to support the studios.
IDK they should have like a donation button. Be alot easy
Just buy merch. The BDs are pretty much the donation button, only you get something in return.
If you really want nothing in return you can always sent money in an envelope to their address.
>supporting cr
oy vey goyim