How could they get it so wrong?

How could they get it so wrong?

But I don't give a shit about Xenoblade 2. I just want DBZ Fighters.

Actually, as a man of colour I'm quite satisfied to see more ladies of colour starring in these games, however, it's not enough. This is just the start.

As a white man in the west, I would like the top one.

But not in my vidya. Negresses are for sexin'.

>man of colour
You are only one color.

Fuck off racist. No one said you can't have both and if you think it's bad devs are adding black women to their games then you should fuck off to

but all of them look like fucking shit (inb4they look like shit irl too)

I wish they'd knock it off with the Afro. I haven't seen a single mircobraid or kinkytwist in a game yet.

If last year someone came up to you and said "you could either have black women with afros as protagonists or a new big budget DBZ fighting game" you know which one you would have chosen.

As a non white, non black man who doesn't have a hard on for DBZ, that DBZ game looks pretty good.

I don't like DBZ or anime for that matter

Fuck you racist nazi.

Pasty white nerds are too scared to interact with super negroes under normal circumstances to be able to determine what they like so they get their input from black women instead.

Get the fuck our normie.


As our normie, you're tasked with getting a fuck

Out of a small sample size of my co-workers when I was a Walmart Stockroom worker, they loved DBZ (favorite character always Vegeta or Goku) and if they watched wrestling their favorite dude was Batista

This to be fucking honest.

Reminder that Nintendo is better at making dark-skinned ladies.

Not even niggers like black women.
Give us blondies.

That's stupid.
They don't want to guess what you want.
They want to tell you what you should want.

even 1 nigger in games is too many niggers

>mfw every single character there is garbage

Superior black representation coming through.

What about it.

>better of a white nerd than a black turd

As a Jew, your comment pleases me.
0.02 Chicken Nuggets have been deposited into your account*
*actually have no intrinsic value and represent debt owed by your account's bank to the federal reserve

Make the top girl an ugly sheboon and you've got it right. It's basically racist how all the black women shown at E3 were ugly with afros.

And we don't give a shit about you, pasty fag.

not going to lie, I'm far more afraid of black women than black men. At least black men pretend to consider their actions before chimping out.

Cool, can you guys prove you're black? Pasty Jew propaganda cuck boys.

Only a retard would be happy about those stereotypical, racist shit characters forced into everything and designed by the whitest guys on earth.

They put it in because black people exist and are not mythic creatures. How about I make a game set in Germany and not include Germans?


Literally SJW shit

People on this site really do have autism don't they?


>no crying Statue of Liberty
Kelly what the fuck

Are you saying the afro is racist?

You are aware that black people can not have straight hair unless they are mixed or straighten it with products.

he only uses that when he's being ironic

I like how some of you guys can just see a picture of a digital black woman with no context yet are compelled to fill in the blanks with your SJW-boogeyman delusions.

Fucker I will fight you.

Excuse me? Did you just assume all poc have the same hair? Wow...

Some do, it's the only reason Sup Forums is still worth a damn.

More and more normies here recently, though. And braindead shitposters like you or cucks straight-out lying like .

Yes, all niggers do, unless they are mixed or treat it with something.


Nice, now nigg niggs can shot even virtual white people.

At least Shinobu looks cute

made my night

There's a difference. TF2 was built around a bunch of stereotypes specifically to poke fun at everyone equally and have a good time. Black characters are being added now to pander to social justice warriors because the companies think those people actually buy or play video games.

And Travis is ditching her for the Aryan girl because he isn't a racemixing cuck boy and wants to pair up his blue eyes with her blue eyes instead.

I want to ______ Kat!

That and demoman is a fun character who's fully fleshed out in the comedic department. He's definitely not an empowered role model.

>only has one eye
>drinks constantly
>still lives with his mum

And funny enough, he's still one of the more well off mercs.

The majority of the homicides committed by blacks are committed against each other and no one gives enough of a shit to step in and do something about it.

Nice head cannon there pal, we should all strive to be hardcore weeaboos that want to fuck our sister and our brother's sloppy seconds

>Black characters are being added now to pander to social justice warriors because the companies think those people actually buy or play video games.
That's the fill-in-the-blanks delusion I'm talking about. Half the complaints are about black characters simply existing in a game while being black; the "agenda" is purely a projection of the audience.

Go recharge yourself on NeoGAF. You'r trigger meter is off the charts.

There is no difference. Actually, TF2 is far worse because they made a scotsman black (something that is quite rare) when the concept art even shows him white. Meanwhile random afro chick saying honky is in a game set in 1960's America so it literally is not pandering.

Well, fact is he was into Sylvia immediately and never into the black girl. Call it evolution, genes, survival of the fittest. That's how it is, though.

>Actually, TF2 is far worse because they made a scotsman black
And they made a texan who has a college degree. The game isn't exactly known for realism.

>have an opinion that differs from a black person
>called racist/sexist/misogynist/bigot/etc

This is the world Obama left us with.

>Tfw wanna date a black girl but I don't want a half black kid I can't see myself in
I'd be ok with an Asian wife because a Eurasian child inherits enough white genes to see myself in them.

If there wasn't an agenda or it wasn't pandering it wouldn't have been so sudden and universal.

The only good black character at E3 was the wolfenstein 2 chick

Pretty sure there've been black people in video games for decades.

I swear that the niggers of the left must be someone self insert

Compared to this shit TF2 is basically a NSDAP apprecation game.

So it's fine and Demoman doesn't act like your cool nigga anyway.

Sure pal.

Demoman's man lives with him.

Sounds like you're trying to fit Travis into your agenda. Travis didn't want to fuck her because he was creeped out by the student/teacher relationship she forced on him, coupled by the 9 year age gap.

Why does Sony get a fucking free pass form you guys?

Homicide=/=Recorded instances of black on white brutality

t. mulatto with identity issues

Because Jews want to roll the social-Marxism engine to distract goyim from pollution, national debt and corporate/semetic takeovers all while everybody becomes dumber. They're doing exactly what they wanted.

Meanwhile the Yakuza just cares about financially exploiting suicidal wagecuck-Japs with impossibly-pretty girls and pseudo-gambling. World domination isn't exactly within their reach like it is with the Bilderbergs.

Hi Sup Forums.

I mean, Barret in FF VII. I'm sure there are more, but I don't remember them. Probably in Def Jam, or that 50 Cents game.

Fucking hell.

Where's the angry sassy black mother screaming that the white guy fought back against the robbers?

You simply want it to be pandering because otherwise you're just a whiny bitch

In reality you ARE just a whiny bitch.

I am not going to post gore pal but you can bet I have some pretty good examples.

Politics became relevant to every media-based board when the producers decided to propagandize them en-masse.

I wish it weren't real either.

Kat's feet need a layer of cum.

pandering with ugly ass gorilla looking nigger women

how amazing!

>Sounds like you're trying to fit Travis into your agenda
It's a fact and scientifically proven white guys prefer white women, whether it's intentionally or unintentionally. And Travis does exactly this, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Multiple times.

No need to keep beating the dead horse, Sony become a lost cause when they tried to reinforce that whole sexism angle when trying to market Ghostbusters 2016.



Nah, if people on the internet weren't crying about muh diversity the game companies would continue pandering to their core audience, white males. They believe they can make more money by acknowledging minority groups, but those groups don't buy video games anyway.

I prefer exotic women

>black men
>wanting a girl with a negative ass

>muh shitty video game devs are allowed to indoctrinate me and fill their games with their political agenda
>I better push back as soon as people want to talk about it and form their own opinion, though

Kill yourself.

Devs are the problem here, not people taking note.

>calling non whites "PoC"
This is how I know you're white.

What is it with this same black woman with the gigantic hair do that's being featured in all these games? I noticed it at E3 and I thought I was going crazy.

No you're right user, 5 different game companies decided to put the exact same character archetype (Sassy Black afro lady) into their E3 trailers just for shits and giggles.
These are multimillion dollar companies, why the fuck wouldn't they be pandering?

shit, I'll take the top girl. she's pretty cute.

And some people prefer making holes into their dicks and putting wasps inside.

>person of color
perfectly fine, used by virtually everyone

>colored person



its not aimed at niggers, its aimed at nu-male virtue signalers

Wow great counterpoint user, i am definitely rethinking my attraction to exotic beautiful women now!!!

Scientifically speaking, we're talking about a video game, user. He's scripted to turn her down for reasons other then what you're trying pretend he turned her down for, no amount of headcanon is going to change that.

None of the women on the right are black or even close to having black features

I like these threads where trade school dropouts pretend they are last hope of western civilization

>Politics became relevant to every media-based board when the newfags went to Sup Forums and drank the kool-aid.
Nobody gives a fuck about your retardations. Go away.

>freakin' Sup Forums..... heh losers....