>"YOU DID IT ILLIDAN, YOU SAVED THE AZEROTH!" >"Y-ou a-are n-not..." >"By Elune! I will marry you!" >"Feel t-the h-ha...."
We all know that this will happen on Argus, maybe Anduin helps but Illidan will literally be Sasuke/Coldsteel the Edgehog and grass Malganises ass as a new Lightdemonhunter.
Jason Collins
>mmo """""story"""""
Christian James
Post more cute elves, Sylvanas preferably. She is best girl.
Jason Bailey
>Caring about WoW lore >Post Wotlk >2017
Luke Morales
I just want them to show me how they are going to kill off Sylvanas and how they are going to make Jaina snap and turn into a raid boss or something. I mean, they obviously are because they are inept at keeping their characters alive and for some reason everyone loves Greymane and want more screen time of the old shit. So that's happening.
David Young
>that annoying selfish whore that for some god knows why reason became leader of horde >cute
Joseph Morris
She's a miracle of the universe.
Carter Thomas
>caring about WoW lore >post-icecrown
Austin Howard
>caring about WoW lore >post-tempest keep
Nolan Lee
>caring about wow lore >post warcraft 3 tft retards all of you
Owen Hughes
>caring about WoW lore >
Colton Wilson
>Illidan marrying that whore Tyrande >not best girl Maiev
Jackson Hernandez
Ain't too hard of a stretch of Kael's character desu.
>I feel.. edgy.
Nolan Barnes
Tyler Miller
>ain't too hard of a stretch perhaps, but HURR CURRUPTION was such a boring route for a cool character, and it happened so fast
could have at least put in a footnote of him attacking Shattrath in order to sabotage Illdian for the Burning Legion or something, but they never even fucking explained that
Jose Ward
Yeah but literally every plot point in any warcraft title is muh corruption.
Kayden Baker
And it was better when it was for tangible reasons rather than literally corruptlords sleeping underground and everything's existence is something corrupted and anyone can be corrupted any time and any place.
Brandon Gray
>Implying Illidan won't be muhhh heroic sacrifice taking down Sargeras..
Jacob Bennett
You think Malfurion is just gonna stand there and let Illidan take his girl and not make a huge asspull like become a dragon or something and fuck his tight little purple ass?
Noah Edwards
>Tyrande has a weird ass accent in her voice actress >"Because night elf." >None of the other night elves have any sort of accent or lisp whatsoever
What did they mean by this
Andrew Reed
yeah, but at least Arthas was handled with a little bit of taste, Karl went straight from meth addict to saturday morning cartoon villain that comes back to fight every weekend
Gavin Foster
>2002 >Warriors of the night, Assemble! *rawr* >2016-17 >Malfurion, my love! This expansion has been fucking infuriating for Nelfs.
James Stewart
Cooper Garcia
Fuck I was just about to post that.
Xavier Evans
>They brought Christie Golden on for the next expansion
God I hope the writing gets better. When the new story guy replaced Metzen in WoD the original story was lost so hard. WoD's original story was literally fucky time travel and they changed it into that Iron Horde BS.
Oliver Thomas
Alexstraza and Ysera are the canonically best girls in the setting, with maybe Chromie being the only real contest.
Thomas Miller
I only want dk police brutality when peiple fuck off into argus and we get to raid all graveyards
Jackson Gutierrez
William Hughes
Cataclysm was "ok"
Samuel Martinez
>muh ancient OP dragons written by 12 year olds Alexstrasza is cute, Ysera is pure shit though.
Elijah Long
>Alextrasza lol enjoy your canon BLACKED cumdumpster, I'll agree with Ysera and Chromie
Brody Wilson
can someone just give summarize the entire legion plot in like 5 sentences or less i have adhd and don't own Legion but want to know what happened
Nathaniel White
Why are you a scaly, user? What made you like this?
Jackson Cox
>can someone just give summarize the entire legion plot in like 5 sentences or less demons
Charles Anderson
The new Tyrande model looks terrible, they ruined her.
Josiah Morris
>oh damn gul'dan is back in azeroth and has kidnapped illidan's corpse >oh damn gul'dan has opened a huge portal to argus and demons are fucking us over >oh damn everyone is dying (varian, tyrion, ysera, etc) >oh damn illidan is actually the chosen one, he's been resurrected and has killed gul'dan >oh damn illidan is a huge asshole and has teleported argus just next to azeroth, by the way kiljaeden has been killed
Thats it I think, I unsubbed 2 months into legion
Robert Edwards
>oh damn illidan is a huge asshole and has teleported argus just next to azeroth, by the way kiljaeden has been killed WHAT? Illidan can teleport planets now? Why not teleport it into Sargeras' buttcrack?
Daniel Ross
>you now remember Tirion getting killed off in a random scenario by a nameless demon just for shock value
Dylan Rodriguez
Sargeras doesn't have a buttcrack.
Nolan Baker
I am a scaly for wanting to IMPREGNATE their humanoid forms?
Cooper Young
He looked antromorphic enough at least to have had one.
Gavin Cruz
What does a guy that can cleave planets with a sword swing eat? And where does he take a shit?
Joseph Taylor
He doesn't have a physical form anymore.
Brody Sullivan
true, I wonder where they get their writers from. Can everybody apply or do you need have at least written 1 book?
Caleb Walker
>What does a guy that can cleave planets with a sword swing eat? demons probably >And where does he take a shit? the twisting nether. why do you think demons are so pissed off all the time?
Luis Moore
Gnomeregan as an inhabitable city WHEN?
Ayden Sanders
He used a big ol' magic stone to open a HUEG portal to Argus, so the two planets are pretty much next to eachother
Eli King
what is an Argus and why is it next to Azeroth? t. Warcraft 3 babby
Joshua Bailey
desu wow story was never good
it was good in classic because it wasnt really a main storyline, just a bunch of background information and cool side storylines that were mostly independent from each other >the ongoing blackrock conflict between dark iron dwarves and blackrock orcs >the forces behind this war: ragnaros and nefarian >the scourge in the plaguelands >the silithid in southern kalimdor >the trolls in STV and their remnants across the world
only with TBC did they start actually moving the "man warcraft storyline" forward within WoW, and it was garbage. they continued with wrath, and it was still garbage - only this time it came with really well done atmosphere and shit, so people loved it. but the actual plot points were retarded as hell.
>dude the scourge attacked our cities, we must go to northrend and destroy them! ok this makes sense >btw malygos wants to murder all mortal mages so we have to kill him lol ok whatever >and theres this old god fucking shit up in ulduar yeah makes sense >now lets host a big funny tournament right in the lich king's front yard! what the fuck tirion >now we assault icecrown! >haha arthas actually WANTED you to destroy his entire operation and kill all of his allies! it was all part of his plan! >oh no he died to tirions deus ex machina bullshit how could this happen! >btw there must always be a lich king! enjoy bolvar as your new orange not-arthas! :^)
Gavin Clark
But why would he marry his sister?
Landon Anderson
Eredar planet, now important demon place
Eredar were what Draenei were before most of the Eredar willingly got corrupted
Samuel Green
But if Tyrande marries Illidan who will be the Cuck of 10,000 Years? There must always be a Cuck King
Kayden Harris
i see i browse enough Sup Forums threads to get the gist of the story but Argus is new to me. how long will it be before everyone is corrupted and only the pandas are pure
Eli Phillips
argus was the homeworld of the eredar. eredar leaders were velen, archimonde and kil'jaeden. one day sargeras came and made them an offer they couldn't refuse. archimonde and KJ joined his legion, velen ran away. their world argus became the first legion base of operations and sort of a legion hadquarter.
Angel Martin
the player becomes the cuck king
Isaac Reed
this they belong together. I want them to have hate sex
Daniel Gray
>desu wow story was never good >it was good in classic pick one for fuck's sake
Michael Jones
>and why is it next to Azeroth?
Adrian Morgan
>implying tyrande isnt fucking orcs left and right
Asher Carter
>Belf GM on server who is in IC relationship with a dude's character >Ends up getting ORCED when nobody in their guild is online
RP servers have the deepest lore desu
Caleb Price
I quit during wrath, is Illidan still getting cucked by Tyrande? Does she still send him tapes of her riding Malfurion's dick and ahegao with double peace sign as he nuts inside her? Does he still jack off to those tapes while crying and Maiev is laughing at him?
Levi Long
tell us more senpai
Oliver Diaz
To add to Lich King: >Scourge not coordinated and does whatever for ages because Arthas is just chilling on his throne >"HE'S AWAKE, THE SCOURGE HAS BECOME A REAL THREATS!" >Kill Arthas >"OH NO, THE SCOURGE WILL BECOME AN EVEN BIGGER THREAT NOW THAT THEY'RE NOT COORDINATED AND DOING THEIR OWN THING!"
John Rodriguez
The hatefuck would be so intense it'd spawn a new old god.