There are no modern masterpiec-

>There are no modern masterpiec-

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Ancient bait. No effort.

Bioshock Infinite is unironically great. The only reason Sup Forums shits on it like they do everything else is because it's "2deep4me" but anyone with more than a half-second attention span would understand everything that happens from start to finish.

It's not bait.


Bioshock Infinite is pure shit and the reason linear shooters died

Shitty jew game with 2 guns

Interesting game but the ending is so up its own arse.

Prefer BioShock 1 tho.

I hear we are talking about modern masterpieces.

The reason Sup Forums dislikes it is because normies loved it. The reason normies loved it was because it was a good game, with a great story and good environments. It also makes Sup Forumsirgins mad to run around with a girl in a game, because it makes them feel lonelier IRL.

>Not muh biocock!

Or perhaps you want something more retro

did it explain why booker becomes racist when he becomes comstock?

you mean red pilled from war

I can be versatile

which war now?

Any normie that played the first bioshock probably think it sucks too

Just let me in

Infinite was K I N O
New bioshock never?

Waifufags also contributed to this game's immense popularity.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sup Ken, how's irrelevancy treating you?

Most normies have even turned against this game now.

>good game, with a great story and good environments. It also makes Sup Forumsirgins mad to run around with a girl in a game
try harder.

Get out of Sup Forumss ass.

>be born again Christian
>take a completely non-Christian, non-Bible name
I can't even

Booker fought against natives in wounded knee remember

while it's a good fps with fun mechanics and pretty good story (by fps standards), it's also a very linear shooter missing a lot of the elements that made the first Bioshock so good.
It also looks good, which doesn't hurt and is generally speaking a good game, just not a great "Shock" game per se

If there was no porn and the game wasnt bioshock, would it be remembered today?

>this scene
>the people defending it in the comments

it's basically an easter egg, what's the matter?

>muh puzzles make it a smart good game.
Fuck off retard. The game is smart for tackling ideas such as quantuam physics, multi-verse theory, politics, religion, history (and how it can be rewritten), and racism. Yes it is a shooter game, but the world which it takes place in is anything but a mindless game.

Why do you think that?


he was always racist
he even enjoyed the wounded knee stuff

It tackles all of these themes in a very shallow way though. It throws all these complex ideas at you for an illusion of depth.

I'm assuming most of you fucking shitposters are posting pasta from reddit and neogaf

No you fuck off, it tackled all of those the same way Wolfenstein: The New Order "tackled" Nazism. It's just something thrown out to entertain without having anything to it outside of providing a backdrop, without even bothering to represent the subjects in a way that allows you to discuss them even if you as a player yearned for at least a bit of intellectualism.

No, the story is a convoluted mess (not that it's hard to understand, there are just plot holes you could drive a truck through), the characters are shit to a man and the gameplay is a shallow excuse for fps system with autoaim enabled by default.
The fact that the game's cover was changed to OP's pic to "appeal to a casual frat boy audience" (paraphrasing, but that's seriously what was said) and that the commercials on release were all fake CG cutscenes that had nothing to do with the game should have been the biggest red flags. The real shame is that we'll never get the game that was shown off at the 2011 E3 presentation.

Prey: 2017 is a far better game and tackles deeper philosophical questions without doing it shallowly.
Too bad zenimax are behind it, the fucking jews.

I actually loved the new Prey - more than most people. But it hardly is a game with profound philosophical implications of questions. In fact the story is about as generic and shallow as it gets with average modern-day sci-fi.

It's not Infinite level of BAD (seriously, Infinite isn't actually just mediocre, it's flat out bad. Like: instead of stating trivial or generally known stuff, Infinite just shits all over itself, it can't make a single coherent fucking point, it contradicts itself on just about every possible level) but it's definitely not the aspect of the game that should be given particular praise or recognition.

If you want to take a peak in games that actually work some kind of philosophical problems into the narrative well, my personal recommendations would be:
Planescape Torment
ARGUABLY Deus Ex (though that really has only like one somewhat inspiring or insightful segment in the entire game)
and curiously enough, Bastion.

Why didn't you happen to recommend PS:T's sibling game, KOTOR 2?

Because - quite frankly - I have not played it. I never found the big post-infinity engine RPG's particularly appealing in any way: both the NWN and KOTOR series just rub me off the wrong way. I think it's something about the engine and presentation. It's a silly, pointless personal bias, but there is so much else to play that I don't really beat myself about it.

KOTOR2 is the best RPG ever made.

Fair enough user, I do recommend at least reading up on the game's story bits if you haven't already. It's easily Chris Avellone's best work besides Torment.

Infinite is fucking garbage and I immediately think less of anyone that praises it.

I only ever had one question regarding this game. Faor enough I can undertsand gameplay and grpahical changes. But why change the story so much before release? What was wrong with it?

Because Ken Levine is a hack who ended up changing his mind on the story during the long ass development, simple as that

The main character dies in the end.

Levine had to rework the entire game in six months because he was told to broaden the demographic and attract the dudebro crowd, which is why we have no inventory systems and a shit story that writes itself into a corner before your eyes.
Isn't it great that vidya is such an aggressively corporate production system?

>thinking this is a masterpiece

poor unfortunate user

Surely you can provide some irrefutable points that will prove it wasn't a pile of mishmashed chunks of shit with horrible story and amounts of cut content barring that of Spore that got delayed like four times on top of it all?

>see a BSI thread on Sup Forums
>be reminded of the 10/10 aesthetic and soundtrack
>feel bad that I never finished it
>reinstall, play the first hour
>holy fuck the shooting is so bad and it's all there is to do
>uninstall and vow to never play again

Just stop, it's embarrassing. Infinite was a dumbed down retards versions of what makes a game deep and mature.



It ends up being crazy mindfuck bullshit that ties in directly to Fontaine and Jack in Bioshock 1

PRESS X TO ELIZABETH haha super deep gameplay

>It ends up being haphazardly written bullshit bullshit that superficially ties to Fontaine and Jack in Bioshock 1

Easily one of the worst games that a major studio put serious effort into that I've ever played.

Nobody asked for your opinion.

I feel you. Sounded great that whole ultra violent dictatorship vs ultra violent resistance. Both forgetting their reasons for bloodshed and just wanting to win.

One last one to dispel any faggotry by OP and infinite suppporters. You would have to be braindead to defend game design this shit or find Infinite story anywhere near intelligent or mature. The fact that gamers find this shit appealing speaks volumes to the immaturity of the medium.

Bioshock Infinite good until you get Elizabeth and then it starts taking a major nosedive hard.

I have to take your word for that, though I feel like there is quite a lot of competition for that name. I mean Fallout 1/2, Arcanum, Vtm:B, Planescape, Gothic, Morrowind...

At one point of my life I realized that I'm not quite as fond of Avellone as I thought I am. I mean: he is damn talented, no question about it, especially when it comes to wit and dialogue. But outside of Planescape, I always found works that involved him lacking in atmosphere somewhat. This is an issue even with Fallout 2, which I otherwise find to be the best of the Fallout IP.

Nobody asked for your uneducated opinion on a shit game either yet here we are

Shit gameplay like all bioshock games.

Never post in one of my threads ever again.

So much of a hack that they still had most of the game as a buildup to a fight with the Songbird, probably as the original final boss, only to have him be your ally at the last five minute section of the game. What a fucking crock of shit.

Never make threads praising garbage on my board ever again.

You have shit taste in games, the game play is repetitive, the levels are shit, you get no exploration.

>I suck dick for grocerys

Bioshock Infinite is pseudo-interlectual garbo and you should feel bad for liking it.
Ken Levine is the George Lucas of videogames and infinite is his Phantom Menace


>Ken Levine himself admits he knows nothing about quantuam physics or multi-verse theory
>the racism is all PG dumbed down shit because he didn't have the balls to use big boy language or racial slurs for a mature presentation
>"b-but I walked through a shantytown for ten minutes! GOTY"
Please consider suicide, how anybody could consider one iota of Infinite handled any sort of mature issue with grace is mindboggling. Do you just never read books? Watch movies?

post those "stealth" sequences and mechanics for the DLC

The game is a 6 or 7 out of 10 because of the last 30 minutes (pretentious gabaldegook which I still "understood") and its very poor attempt to tackle racism and class warfare.

just another generic shooter.


>dumb newfag tries to praise shitfinite
>gets BTFO by anons with actual taste
Like clockwork
Never change Sup Forums

Bioshock Infinite is genuinely garbage on every level
its amazing how apt calling it "Bioschlock" is because schlock is exactly what it is

Its one of the games that provides undeniable proof that the game review scene is either full of massive plebs or they just got paid off
If I had to guess I'd say its a little of both