At least it's still being made.
At least it's still being made.
Into the trash it goes. With this being modern Capcom and barely any of the info related to it being positive at this point, I'm not expecting much.
>Union voice actors
What did they think was going to happen? Voice actors arn't critical to video games, I wouldn't give in to their demands either.
I don't give a fuck about the others but I'm pretty buttmad that this will be the second time they don't use Alyson for Claire.
I was just about to post about how it's no big deal considering REmake 1 replaced the original voices from the PS1 version, but then I remembered this means we wouldn'tbe getting "Your right hand comes off" so now I'm mad.
Was the strike why Roger Craig Smith doesn't voice Chris in the new film? They got Mercer back for Leon at least, the new guy for Chris kinda sounds like him but just way too young.
>PC version
>Mod old cheesy "ADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" voice-acting in.
Okay? Sorry you lose, Console-bros?
Especially because she apparently wanted to do it.
That was in RE4 though.
I know, I meant we wouldn't be getting Leon's RE4 voice actor in.
He still voices Chris in Marvel Infinite. That coupled with RE7 Chris having a different voice makes me think it's either scheduling or that they just want different voices for different incarnations of Chris. Chun's new voice is definitely strike-related, and it shows.
That sucks for Claire and Alyson, but Leon has had multiple VAs since RE2 and that has worked out fine.
>Paul Haddad in RE2
>Paul Mercier in RE4 and Darkside Chronicles
>Christian Lanza in Operation Raccoon City
>Matthew Mercer in RE6 and Revelations 2
Generally speaking, the RE games have always had the right VAs for the roles and I'm confident RE2make will be no different.
Ah fair enough, I hope it's a one-off thing. I hate it when recurring voice actors keep being recast. At least Chris still looks the same (barring RE7), Jill's looks and voice keep changing and it's annoying as hell.
Although on the other hand Chris and Leon did sound far too fucking similar in RE6 so maybe it was a conscious decision to differentiate their voices a bit more.
Leon has never kept the same voice in any game though
The switch to Matthew Mercer wasn't too bad since he did just sound like an older version of Paul Mercier which makes sense.
I suppose that's true. Still, RE4 was the best Leon.
Union voice actors are all whiny bitches anyways. David Hayter throws a temper tantrum whenever someone mentions Metal Gear because he didn't get a million dollars per voice session.
His exclusion from MGSV was still bullshit
This. I've accepted the fact that she's not coming back again, but it still sucks.
He was only good in the first MGS, then he basically flanderized his own voice for every subsequent title; it became a joke in Peace Walker. People threw a piss fit but Sufferland was pretty fucking good as Venom Snake.
Who cares it was not going to sound like the original anyways unless they reused the voice clips
Which they totally should
Given the state of current Capcom only Leon A will be in the base game, side B and Claire A & B are DLC.
The bigger question is, when are we going to see footage or something from the game?
Before everyone jumps on the Capcom hatetrain, VA union has some bullshit conditions, no sane company would actually want a union VA
>Given the state of current Capcom only Leon A will be in the base game
That makes no sense, considering Leon B is canon.
The voice actor unions are acting like entitled cunts lately, so companies that employed them no longer give a shit.
>union voice actor clears $450,000 a year
>still ask for more
>wonder why all your employers refuse to tolerate your smug bullshit.
Not to mention, it was the localization company that dropped Court. Not Capcom.
Like what was already mentioned in the thread, RE games rotated the voice cast pretty regularly. It's sad that we won't have Claire's original voice, since she really enjoyed the role, but I'd wager it has something to do with her being a former Capcom staffer more than anything else. She did translate Megaman X5 afterall.
You know they'll rework the cutscenes like REmake and not have any of the old stuff fit. We didn't even have Chris have a fucking gaggle at Wesker over Tyrant's reveal
except the strike is over and companies did fall to their demands, since people actually want Troy Baker in every role possible, and other shenanigans. It also means that they need to use union motion capture performers for games.
I'm hopeful that this means we'll see more talent from Texas like Funimation, where a company represents them, but not a full on rights and benefits union, or else more outsourcing to European stage actors that can fake an American accent just fine and knows what an acting lesson is.
>She did translate Megaman X5 afterall.
Oh thats the dumb bitch that did that awful translation?
Fuck her then