The greatest intellectual of our time thinks vidya is a childish waste of resources

>the greatest intellectual of our time thinks vidya is a childish waste of resources

how do we cope, bros?

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literally who

He still alive ?

literally who

as if lol

The same way we've been coping? Surely you haven't just now realized this...

Existence is a waste of resources t b h
I didn't ask to be alive, let me have my fun and play my vidya you old bastard

Noam Chomsky

He also thinks that about sports, television and vegans, OP.

And what isn't a waste of resources? Did he mention that? World peace perhaps? heh

isn't that the guy that did that movie where he become a woman? and that othee with the numbers? why he's so old now?

He also thinks that sports are patriotic propaganda. He's right about absolutely everything else, but doesn't get competitive drive.

>Supportable without modern logistics

i agree but what can i do chomskyyyy WHAT CAN I DOOO

I seriously can't wait for this faggot to die. He is so annoying, all he does is criticize things and people. Shut the fuck up.

>the greatest communist fraud alive next to bernie

lol no

he's made huge contributions to human sciences (especially linguistics). he's one of the most cited authors today.

he's accomplished a hell of a lot more than u have senpai

So is funding religious institutions so when I see all churches, synagogues and especially mosques demolished then I'll drop vidya.

>Sup Forums
>complaining about incessant, petty criticism
*laughs out loud*

Isn't this the same retard that said the Republican Party is literally worse than ISIS or any other political power in all of human history?

we need a war to wipe out young people
come on Trump do it!

He can't be that smart if he just bitches about people instead of putting an effort to make them do the things he wants them to do.

how can someone that close minded be the most intelligent? even I know people have different hobbies, you can still find other peoples hobbies gay but you have to at least understand people get joy out of that hobby and that is why its important.

He's not wrong but who cares as long as you have fun

>How do we cope

By playing video games and running away from reality obviously

He isn't wrong, Vidya is a waste of time to the individual, but to the society, Vidya is great because it keeps potentially violent / anti social boys limp wristed, off the streets, and not breeding.

People who try to rank intellectuals are among the stupidest people alive on this earth

Is it Noam Chomsky day already?

all intellectuals get famous only by political agendas; that's the reason they are all left and communist shit.

He isn't wrong. Doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't enjoy those childish wastes of resources.

I could beat him up. So why does his opinion matter?

>now im going to play muh mario *snort*

Yes and?

Your gonna tell me Bill Nye is still matters to video games as well?


he's a jew so fuck him

>This is the same man who said that the conservative party is a bigger threat than ISIS

Why should I give a shit what this senile old libtard has too say?

>the greatest intellectual of our time
>extremist nutjob
lmoa @ ur life

>(((Noam Chomsky)))

He's 100% right, videogames is just a trashy form of consumer media that will never hit its stride in terms of meaningful expression due to the absurd expense to produce it.

>he's right about everything I agree with

Veganism is pretty fucking silly though.

>old fart doesn't understand video games

I'm shocked.

ISIS doesn't rule a nuclear power.

ayy lmao

Sorry, I don't have an account.

Religion is the root of all wars *tips multiple fedoras*

Litralee hoo

Dr. Peterson often said that he doesn't have anything against video games

>Why Childish?

I get every other criticism, but there is nothing childish. Name me one thing thats childish.

>the greatest intellectual of our time
According to who? MENSA?

I didn't vote for him.

Chomsky is a socialist which means he's stupid by default.

What's to understand about literal children's toys?

who cares that man doesnt want to live anymore

This. Armchair intellectualism is when you call some specific piece of media entertainment a "childish waste of resources".

Hey now, Noam is young at heart

That projection

and worst of all, chomsky honk

>caring about what some literal jew thinks

Literally doing anything other than surviving to the point where you can reproduce is a waste of resources, you old snob.

Xavier was too good for this world

The capability to do wrong doesn't matter, its the intent. ISIS want to destroy the West.

Conservatives don't.

Well, he's also completely wrong about the innate modular nature of language, about thought being a consequence of logic and about universal grammar. So it's no surprise he's wrong again, despite his contributions.

it's the notes he's not playing

>leftist intellectuals

Fuck you. The last of us is a masterful piece of art.

>Noam Chomsky
>Greatest intellectual of our time

lol no.

>human sciences

>literal children's toys?

How? Like please tell me how and why?

All of those brilliant minds and tons and tons of money/resources are being put to use making glorified time killers instead of something with actual value to our society.

Focusing on meaningless games and escapist fantasies instead of something that can actually better our lives.

I love vidya as much of the next guy, but let's be real.

That's because it is.


how quickly whomst one exposes oneself as a brainlet...

Chomsky is also a radical Marxist, an actual, genuine asshole and well known for talking consistently about shit he knows absolutely nothing about. Hell, his idea of universal grammar - as useful it was in it's time, is a linguistic joke these days - it was always more of an counter-extreme to blank-state and behavioralist linguists than an actually consistent and provable thesis. He does not even have any insight into psychology, philosophy, sociology, neurology etc... I have no fucking clue why he is considered to be some kind of well-rounded scholar when he is an arrogant, nasty asshole who was once useful to solving some entirely theoretical discussions in meta-linguistics.

>Dr. Peterson often said that he doesn't have anything against video games
While that is true, he is deeply against any kind of short-term pleasure-motivated indulgence that goes over basic limits, so I don't think he would really approve of the way people indulge games around these parts of the internet.

>who cares that man doesnt want to live anymore
How do you figure?

Nintendo games are for children desu. Any grown man that still plays them has some issues to work out.

How about movies Chom-san? are they a more mature waste of resources?


Isn't it, though? It isn't any more or less true just because Chomsky said it. Isn't he well out of his area when he opines on things he doesn't know nor care about, anyway?

Thorstein Veblen, an economist and early sociologist, is better equipped to observe what people DO and the value of those doings. "...the temperament which inclines men to them is essentially a boyish temperament. The addiction to sports, therefore, in a peculiar degree marks an arrested development of the man's moral nature."

Take heart, though: "Abstention from labor is the conventional evidence of wealth and is therefore the conventional mark of social standing."

This faggot kike criticizes vidya because the Jews don't control it. He's part of the faggots that want to destroy the white race by sending in millions of subhumans to Europe. Fuck this nigger kike and always do the opposite of what the Jew says unless they are a self hating Jew, sometimes those can be good.

When I was about 4 years old I started playing videogames. In that time I've never really felt challenged by them, because they were just simple games.

Conservatives want to start a WWIII over North Korea though.
Also the current president might or might be not a Russian backed puppet

Yes. I agree.


Back to your $100,000 a year dump like Oberlin, leftaboo

Having fun doesn't make your life better?

tell me 1 game that's not for childrens
have you seen the people playing them?
chads dont count cos they get money out of it

But what if i come from work really depressed and want to play some feel good video game?
Please tell me what to do video game guru

user I have bad news for you, pretty much 100% of humanities / social science PhDs and professors in America who write and publish books (especially for the public) are at least born Jews.

If you're to learn, you have no choice but to succumb to the merchant. And honestly, once you see things from their pov, things make sense

So all art is childish. Fine with me.

He's Sup Forums incarnate.

He's right about them being childish but I wouldn't call it a waste of resources. Think of all the people who would have gone out on a killing spree if they couldn't take out their aggression in the virtual world.

>neonazi logic

It's really stunning how unintelligent Sup Forums tards are. I bet you also complain about Jews every time something you don't like crops up in video games, in direct contradiction to what you just said. Back to your asylum.

You're an idiot if you, deep down, actually believe that he's a Russian puppet.

I like his student Norman Finkelstein better

>How do you figure?
look at his face, he's like take me already, im so tired

>virtual simulation training is a waste of time
>art is a waste of time
>recreation, which is required for growth and maturity, is a waste of time
OK retards

is he - by any chance - also a useless kike who got disproven on every point he's made until now?

Obviously you have no clue what your talking about if you entertain the idea he is a Russian puppet. Kill yourself

I'm not going to argue that. I'm referring and so is the retard in the OP, about vidya in general. Not just Nintendo

Beat F-Zero GX 100% and call me in the morning.

"muh russia"

You retards brewed up the dumbest excuse possible to try to rationalize the fact that you lost. You stupid fucks thought MICHIGAN who uses PAPER BALLOTS had its voting tampered with by hacking. Kill yourself.

What's with his weird fucking name? I know he's American but that name isn't. Where does that come from?

>How do you figure?

He insulted video games under my watch.

>great intellectual

How one quickly makes it evident that he is, in fact, a complete fucking tool.