Angela Merkel Hosting Largest Computer/Gaming Event in The World

Are you ready for gaming and technology to be culturally enriched Sup Forums?

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cool, what video game did she make?

Literally who cares?

>Largest Computer/Gaming Event in The World


anyone that isn't a american



>First she Destroys our entire continent
>Now she goes after the only industry we have to escape this hell known as modern Europe
All of them soon

what game can I sell my soul to international judaism?

>Merkel is promoting bread and circuses

Wow how surprising, just keep playing your video games native Germans, ignore that your country is about to be irreversibly ruined.

>Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel will open gamescom, the world’s largest event for computer and video games, for the first time on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 in Cologne.


What next, Trump Sr. opens a gaming event in Perfume?

I hope the truck of peace pays it a visit. F

cologne is the city where gamescom is held every year, and dr. is short for doctor, dumbass.

Japan doesn't give a fuck about Gamescom, and Japan and the USA are really the only big players in vidya.

Don't get me wrong, there are marginal Euro video games that are good, but they're not consistent enough to merit this.

you hope?
just how much of a fucked psychopath are you?

Merkel deserves it

I can't decide if Germany, Sweden or the UK is more cucked.

Not vidya

gamescom regularly gets 340k attendees every year

E3 only got 70k this year and that's the highest in a while

germany is in fourth place behind japan and US concerning revenue from video games.
Events like this are about selling, not making.

Gamescom is a video game event, sorry bud.

right, because terrorists are trying to kill merkel by driving a truck into a crowd.
fuck you, seriously, just join ISIS, they think the same as you.

>tfw no Putin gaming convention in scenic Body Spray

they have lot of circuses
This TV station (owned by the German state) making fun of anti-islam candidate Frauke Petry

I wish I could play videogames as a from of escape, but it just won't work.

If a game has a fantasy setting, a lot of its themes and architecture are based on European history, and it reminds me how hard we're fucking up this beautiful continent we've inherited.

If a game has a sci-fi setting it makes me think about how my country and my people really have no long-term future, and that the story of my people will end within the next few generations.

I don't even do drugs, so that's not an option either.

>just join ISIS, they think the same as you.
How is that?

>i only employ the most qualified in my company
someone should subtly edit that one to have all the employees remain white

What are they saying?

yes, and the USA owns 19 aircraft carriers, compared to the rest of the world combined being 12... a pure ranking system doesn't do mathematical justice to the revenue imbalance here.

for better or for worse, Japan+USA revenue for video games is far greater than any other entity on the earth

Why is Germany so intent on destroying Europe?

If your culture is so brave and worth saving why don't you prove it by, you know, saving it?

hehe missing the point Sup Forumsuter

Fuck off Angela.
Fuck right off.
Stop trying to sneak anti-porn shit into the internet bills you propose every other fucking week.

Stop trying to control the internet at all, it never works and never will work.

Why does she hate porn so much anyways? Why cant she make a bill that does not have porn restrictions tacked onto it? Also banning porn AND taking is massive numbers of young male immigrants will be a disaster, rape will be part and parcel of woman leaving their homes.

Who does Merkel main in Siege?

>Frauke Petry
Kind of a hottie.

Doesn't justify the obvious Sup Forums thread. Sorry bud. Literally the same thread is up on Sup Forums right now.

>Germany raids dozens of homes because people posted things online like, "open borders are bad."


you just said you "hoped" for a terrorist attack to happen, and for innocents to die by extension.
i would say you are as bad as the people doing it, but i don't want to qualify you in your patheticness.

better let all the islam refugees win for fear of them blowing up when they lose

Angela is the president of Germany, not a doctor fucktard.

A bit odd. Considering how much germany hates vidya. Have you seen how they censor that shit? It's like North Korea.

they've done it 3 times in one century, so why would you presume otherwise?

what, really?

OH NO! A thread applicable to multiple boards is present on multiple boards! Shit, Sup Forums talked about Far Cry 5 that one time so that means we can never talk about that here ever again!

But that's what I'm wondering.

What continues to compel them?

after 500 years of Protestantism Germany is the most brainwashed and pro-leftist state in europe


Soon brothers.

>lol why don't you save your country

Ok, can you post a guide on how to save a country, because I have never done it before.

I've googled it myself, but haven't really found anything useful as of yet.

Why would UK be on the same level as Germany and Sweden?

>Why does she hate porn so much anyways?
Because the German birthrate is pathetically low and she would prefer if you dickless NEETs actually popped out children. Otherwise, guess what? You can get swarmed with endless """"Syrian"""" """""refugeess"""".

Birth replacement rate must be over 2.1 per couple. No excuses. If you don't have 2 children as we speak, you have no legs to stand on.

She actually is.

She has a doctorate in chemistry or biology or some shit.

Are you serious?
Don't they have an actual muslim mayor and a strong push for sharia law in certain parts of london?

German girl receives refugees with free kiss

I hope she'll wear something nice


There are plenty of successful revolutions throughout history. You guys still have history books, right? Those aren't banned?

Any involving more money than a single $60+tax payment and/or has skinner-box microtransactions.

>filename about jews
>Are you ready for gaming and technology to be culturally enriched Sup Forums?
Not even counting literally 90% of this thread is about muslims, refugees and so on.
We had the exact same thread yesterday and it reached bump limit then. This is the current state of Sup Forums
>video games
fuck off
>Sup Forums shit

they will be a 3rd world shithole in the next 20 years or so

Fuck off faggots.

Such outfits are haram.



The most pleb of sciences

are you this dumb?

>just join ISIS, they think the same as you.
by Allah you are right


German version of Drumpf.

London is not representative of the rest of the UK at all.

Asians only make up the bulk of IT, everything else you're highly unlikely to see them.

>Trump didnt start E3 instead he golfed again

Another video received 2 million funding from Angela Merkel is called "Be German!"

A shit ton of good games came from Scotland

Great fucking thread. Another great video games discussion, brought to you by our Sup Forums friends!

>another entry to Mario Golf
Fine t b h

I'm not hoping for it to happen, but based on Europe's track record it's just a matter of how many will be killed at this point.


Why are people on pol so fucking delusional? There like 64 ethnic Germans living in this country keeping everything together.

It's the capital, for better or for worse it's the face of the UK. It's more representative of the UK than, say, California is of the US.

i am talking about total values here, shit for brains.
germany, france, uk alone buy games worth 15 billion dollars each year.
If you think the european market is not significant, then you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.
Also, China is by far the number one vidya consumer.

The fact that she fucked up with the refugees doesn't negate her previous accomplishments.

>your country is about to be irreversibly ruined
all you fuckers have been saying is this since 2005, when will it happen?


>Why does she hate porn so much anyways?
same reason she is against homo marriage.

>Most minorities only get into programs because a school has to meet a quota. Usually have shit grades

>The US has nigs in medical school who virtually failed the MCATS but the school has to meet a quota so they're allowed to enroll anyway

""""""ethnic germans"""""""

merkel has a doctorate in physical chemistry and is a true world leader. burgercunts are mad because their white trash inbred mongoloid of a president can never compete.

I'm going to Berlin in a new weeks, how bad is it? Are refugees literally sleeping in the subway in hordes?

>germany, france, uk alone buy games worth 15 billion dollars each year.
>games in 3 different languages "alone"
sorry that's not how localization works

>physical chemistry
How is this even relevant in politics?

>There like 64 ethnic Germans living in this country keeping everything together.
I'm glad I was able to visit germany a few times before the Euro, when it was majorly white and blacks and browns were a real rarity.

Beautiful place, safe streets, friendly people. I'll miss it.

>Are refugees literally sleeping in the subway in hordes?
Jesus fuck.

>I hope the truck of peace pays it a visit. F
>I hope
KILL YOURSELF you pathetic edgelord.

look at me, i am the german now


Yeah, just write a manifesto and start killing policemen and politicians with some like minded buddies.

>tfw too pale a spic to be able to become german

Se siente mal, hombre.

I would personally say it's already happened.
>but the rapes aren't that bad
>but they're totally gonna integrate soon
>but I don't want to be racist

>all you fuckers have been saying is this since 2005

No? We've been saying it since you started importing literally a million refugees a year.

when merkel let in a bazillion migrants in 2015 dumbass

who is talking about localisation?
are you mentally unequipped?
it's about SELLING that shit at all, you know, the MARKET we are talking about.
you seriously do have shit for brains.