Hey Sup Forums. Its the summer sale. I have 8 dollars. what should i get

Hey Sup Forums. Its the summer sale. I have 8 dollars. what should i get

A rope.

i would, but a rope is 8.01 dollars :c

A job.

i want to fuck mae borowski

you cant buy a job, silly~ :)

atta boy

A new prequel update.

Link paypal

inb4 Sup Forums raids this thread


Is that a bet?

Shadow of Mordor
The Stick of Truth
Rise & Shine
Golf It
Democracy 3: WE WUZ Edition

Also fuck Benson for turning NITW into his political agenda.

>Also fuck Benson for turning NITW into his political agenda.
I find it somewhat funny that it was meant to have more references to the characters being animals etc. but then he found out about furries and went all "Delete this" mode regarding all animal references. First of all, how he didn't know and secondly it reinforces the stereotype that his ilk, while nostalgising over 90s, don't like the animal mascot part of it.

That ass is distressingly spread open and lumpy. You've upset me, anonymous.

I'm sure the animal-part (like most of the story) was Holowka's or that girl's idea. Benson was hired for his admittedly-stellar artstyle and animation, unfortunately he spends 90% of his time dreaming about Communism and Antifa (hence his unawareness) so it leaked into the game.

He does that with every developer he goes out to speak with btw. He's the ultimate example of a bluepilled shill.

While the game may have been pure "bluepilling" and communism shit all along, but I remember reading that there's alot of dummied out lines regarding the animal characterisks of the characters. But they took pussy way out because "Oh no, furries will ruin me, my game and the message"

We need to link him to the /trash/ general someday, he'll probably have an anuerysm.

Frankly beggars can't be choosers, but I agree with you.

get a job you damned loser

Is 7 Days to Die any good singleplayer?