Years later and this leaked game play still looks better than the shit DICE & EA delivered:
Star War Battlefront 3
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All leaked game play of unreleased games looks better than the finished product. It's because it's unfinished and there's rarely a game that's anything like the alpha.
It could have been broken as shit with almost half the features removed, but we'll never know so it will always be more appealing.
>prequel & OT included
At a minimum it would have released with double the content.
I think it's funny how in the Dice devs kept going on and on about how "the new Battlefront games won't just be a Battlefeild reskin", yet in the end, a Battlefeild reskin would have been infinity better than what we ended up getting.
God damnit Dice stick with what you know, stop trying and failing to innovate and just give us Battlefeild 4 with a star wars skin already.
Battlefront 2 looks promising. Didn't buy the first game because I played the beta and it had a shitload of problems.
Most of the problems seemed to be fixed in the sequel. I'll try the beta and make my final decision.
What got me was that dev diary they did talking about how much effort they put into making the game "authentic" to star wars. They just neglected to include more than a couple hours of content at launch.
Don't remind me.
They went all-in with the quality and forgot to give us any quantity.
I'd hardly call it fixing problems. All they're doing is adding back most of the features that were in OG battlefront games but were cut from the reboot. Like, I feel like the first Dice battlefront game was literally just them testing the waters to see how much they could get away with in regards to cutting content, and then selling the content back to us as dlc/features in the sequel.
I think Disney made them keep the game "accessable"
Why hasn't anyone leaked the whole game yet?
i'd rather play that game in 480p than what EA shat out
It was leaked. In fact the developer's build was leaked on Sup Forums in 2016. You can mess with the build on a modded xbox 360 or a dev kit.
This needs the El Dewrito treatment
I think the first one was just rushed to market, Disney wanted the game out in time to work as a tie in for the release of Episode VII
I dunno, I liked Battlefront. If I want something fun and casual, I'll play it. Was a bit disappointing that you get bored around 2 hours of playing it though. Will get Battlefront 2 though, Always wanted to play the Clone wars again.
You guys do know that some developers are doing their own version of Battlefront 3 based off of this early version and filing the serial numbers off so they don't get sued right?
Or they just pulled a bait and switch, knowing full well that they would get a DCMA and try and use the publicity they got to push their own game?
Yeah it's gonna be an "original" sci fi game instead. I don't think they really had anything to show for it anyway.
They had some Star Wars assets in empty environments, it is painfully obvious what they were trying to do.
You can find more information here:
>tfw Dice and EA were working on Imperial Commando
>tfw because everybody (with an iota of sense) shat on BattlEAfront they knew they had to capitulate to demands
>tfw in order to fill in a single player campaign they had to cannibalize all of the Imperial Commando assets
>tfw because they couldn't deliver a half worthwhile game the first time around they have butchered two games at once to try and make the second try not shit
>tfw never getting Imperial Commando now that they're being used as BattlEAfront assets.
Not that I'd know or anything. PURE speculation.
>EA were working on Imperial Commando
Nah we're living in the Disney era it's all OT and their fanficiton.
Assets were also cannibalized from the unreleased SWBF3 and added to:
>Star wars The Force Unleashed 1&2
>Kinect Star Wars
>Star Wars Battlefront Online (Cancelled)
>Star Wars First Assault (cancelled)
^ First Assault looked pretty good. Too bad it was canned.
>Have a game all about being a grunt
>Everyone loves being a faceless grunt
>Everyone wants another story about being just another faceless grunt in a legion of faceless grunts
>They give us a story mode about being a named, helmetless commander of a special forces squad
Easy to see why one might speculate.
More video footage from the leaked dev build: