How is this game? I heard it was similar to the older Fallout games

How is this game? I heard it was similar to the older Fallout games.

Pretty fun. I couldn't get into the older fallout games but this game had me hooked.

I couldn't get into the older fallouts either and unfortunately I didn't dig this one as well. However that was on me and my own personal tastes. For what I played I found it to be pretty good. Albeit a bit tough.

Very similar to the old Fallout games, but updated. I haven't found anything that didn't work, and when someone does, the creator fixes it. It's got some fun lore, and the various mechanics are all fleshed out. Like stealth isn't just based on sneak stat and line of sight, but also amount of noise made and how that noise echos off of walls. Combat generally feels pretty rewarding too.

Everyone keeps saying it's like the original fallout, but which parts? Exploration? Writing? Sense of Humor?

A bit of all of that, honestly. You've got a megacorp that went under that left a lot behind in the form of ruins and logs and child companies, a shit ton to explore, freedom of choice in combat vs. diplomacy vs. stealth and with dialogue in general. Honestly exploration is a bit better even, more to explore at least since there are no "travel tiles".

All of it. It is Isometric view point, art style is similar with more updated graphics of course, post apocalyptic setting, has same sort of humor etc.

I don't really have many screenshots.

I like how underrail enables my obnoxious dick-ass playthrough. I figured throwing weapons and traps would be useless, but instead I'm sneaking around putting bear traps everywhere and poisoned caltrops and shit it's great. so many levels where you can creep around in vents too

Yeah, some of the play styles are really fun. Doing mostly mind control with some thermal stuff, feels great getting that pack of rathounds in the DC to tear each other apart, the last one dying right before reaching me.

Locus of Control + Enrage is hilarious fun.


the burrower level in the gauntlet was pure evil

>all these types of poison harvested from the shit I kill
>all these crossbow bolts / throwing knives / caltrops / bear traps to put it on
>my molotov cocktails and landmines when
>continuously find recipes for new cool stuff

Sup Forums pls don't shit on crafting, it's fun when it's not just >durr I find the colored rare metal and make sword

Some of those fish for drugs are stupid though. Took points for that and for crafting headbands. Gotta try the poisons next time around.

Crafting is fine when it is a optional addition to the game. It should be there to enhance an already great item/weapon system. It should not BE or replace the system though.

Pretty unbalanced, almost as bad as Arcanum. It's not like older fallout where it actually is possible to murder hobos your way through the game, and strategy is almost non-existent due to enemies just being meat shields or mental fortresses. Either you sneak (which gets you nowhere real fast) or you grind and grind and grind. First half of the game is pretty fucking boring too. That said I did enjoy the ivory tower design and minmaxing glory.

>have difficulty clearing out the first area next to camp hathor
>go drop shit off, heal up and restock
>come back
>it's full of burrowers again

Yeah, if you're a pleb not using the oddities exp system.

I should play this again
I was at the part in the underground after the facenigs attacked the scientology cult

>oddity system
Same shit again, because oddities are guarded behind enemies or skill barriers

what's the problem exactly

Or, you know, you find them in boxes and shit too.

But yeah you can fuck yourself over. I don't think you need to actually min/max to complete the game, you just can't spread yourself too thin.

no shotguns

that the AI is hurrdurr look at my HP and Damage and Status Negation.

My favourite part of the game was exploring the lower underrail and taking on all the combat encounters you find as you venture through the caves and tunnels and railways. Most of them were the perfect level of challenge for me, usually taking two or three attempts before I survived. Fighting the Lurkers at their base was a highlight.

Yeah if you build a terrible character it's pretty unforgiving.

Similar in that they are both isometric, turn based and set in a post-apocalyptic world. UnderRail is hell of a lot more combat and exploration oriented.

At the moment. I can't wait to blast motherfuckers with a shotgun while speeding by on a jetski.

My only problem was that there's no ingame map
I mean there's lots of papers everywhere the protagonist should at least draw some basic map there but I had to do it myself in real life so fuck that this isn't 1990s where I had to write down codes and shit again.

I love building terrible characters because it appeals to my inner masochist. However I don't enjoy having near zero strategy due to game design.

Free Drones a shit

This is a great game but it's also a niche game.

Don't buy this game and expect fast paced gameplay or a great story or characters. This game is for people who like experimenting with different builds with a fallout type of combat system. The game has excellent combat if that appeals to you and a competent crafting system as well.
I felt the game had nice atmosphere and good music too but that's much more personal preference.

There's strategy but it is dependent on the player being intelligent.

It's a design choice.

Styg is weird like that.

>run up to wall
>put up force field so nobody can get to me
>they all bunch up, ready to give me a hard banging
>it comes down
>Locus + Enrage
>run off
>laugh as they murder eachother for my entertainment

Proxy + Punch does huge amounts of damage, always look forward to delivering that
And Breakdown + Bilocation is wonderful fun

Gassing them with the CAU was fun. Got frantic when I set the bomb off, had gotten spotted the moment I did. The rest was a race to shove past everyone and get out. Took a few tries.
Felt kinda bad when the dude that rigged the canister with the timer "vanished mysteriously" after I ratted him out though. Wonder what happened to him, if he wasn't simply taken out back and shot.

I liked the story. More general lore than story though I guess.

I've been using a build guide and everything is going well, there were some tough spots but I managed to beat them in the end. Now I'm doing a clean up before going to the DC

Fuck the gauntlet though.

I just mapped them in my mind. For the life of me though, I cannot recall any expansive map in this game now.

The map drawing system of Etrian Odyssey would be great though.

Stop pretending you are good at this game

I thought it was neat that you could turn into a mutant and still play a bit as a mutant.

Before dying, but yeah, pretty cool having a unique attack.

>tfw first time throwing a molotov at a group

[Spoiler]>tfw when I killed everyone before gassing the base[/Spoiler]
What was even the point of activating it after that.

That being said it doesn't make the game any worse. If it's a barrier for you than maybe you should either adapt or just play another game
Undertale would probably be up your speed : ^ )

To me it reminds me of the final choice you get in Fallout 1, where The Master offers to dip you in a mutant vat, and I was excited for that - I wanted to play as a Super Mutant - but if you choose that option you just lose the game.

I like the free drones
they're endearingly incompetent

Not that user, but it sounds like a good way to insure everyone is dead and they aren't coming back.

I think I read somewhere that you could actually beat the game after becoming a mutant.

Maybe they've still got buddies that would then come along?

I want to side with them in my next playthrough, but those Protectorate drilling things look intimidating. And CAU armor is the best armor for the DC, of course.

Oh my god that's what I get for not using ctrl+s

Wrong, best armour is Rathound Regalia :)

>no option where NPCs could sell you maps but some are useless because of the quake and some are fake to trap some clueless fuck into a mugging

You can still get that if you side with the Freedrones.

who stealth here

>tfw playing a heavy armor assault rifle class
>barely get any move points so I just stand still
>take 0-2 damage from any attackers
>spray full auto a fucking annihilate any enemies who make the mistake of stepping into sight
Easiest way to play the game but still pretty fun

Black Eels or Scrappers?

I want to do a Lurker style stealth trapper next, maybe when the X-Pac lands. Can shotguns be stealthy? Can jetskis be stealthy?

Psi is the easiest.

Black Eels is the only correct choice. No reason to side with the Scrappers.

the ones with the larger quest and better rewards

Both for the xp.

Well duh, that's what I had been using up to getting sprayed with acid and set on fire semi-regularly. Became the Invictus in that thing. Everyone chanting Temptress.
I want full art of those two sets of armor, to at least have a better image of what they look like.

I tried to play a mage in this game and I was having a blast until I got to the point where there were a whole squad of guys that had grenades. I could survive multiple gunshots/melee attacks but a single grenade would one hit me. I couldn't manage to stun or kill every guy and the moment one of them got a free move they would just one hit me with the grenade.

I really like it but if your build isn't some cookie cutter powerhouse you're going to suffer unnecessarily

>I couldn't manage to stun or kill every guy

try using grenades :^)

>kicks to the balls
Operator build best build.

Stealthy sniper with Thought Control abilities was the most fun character I played. Bilocation and Neurovisual Disruption are amazing.

>where it actually is possible to murder hobos your way through the game

This is the first time I heard anyone suggesting that you can't be a murder hobo in Underrail. You are a scavenger. It can't get more murder hobo than that.

>and strategy is almost non-existent due to enemies just being meat shields or mental fortresses

Again, what? Strategy is non-existent in a game where enemies call for back up, loud noise can alert enemies far away, where different enemies have wildly different resistances that you can't possibly cover with only one type of weapon, where you can stealth freely and succeed or fail based on the combination of your skill, the enemies' skill and outside factors, where you can prepare the battlefield with traps before engaging, and where enemies take cover, use strategies like poison/restealth/wait stealthed until stun kicks in, deal with you differently depending on whether you are a mage or not?

What are you talking about?

So guys how about that super steel huh

Is it even worth it if you don't get 150-160 quality plates?

Favourite enemy?
Least favourite enemy?
Favourite location?

>play knife build
>tfw I get 9 fucking attacks per turn

if you're using leather armor it's always worth it given that infused leather has several unique properties

What kind of grenade was it?

>Favourite enemy?
final boss just because he's fun to bully and show off builds on
>Least favourite enemy?
psi gangs that stun/freeze you
>Favourite location?
Foundry i think it was called, the big mining city

there's a gimmick build that allows you to use an smg to shoot 100 bullets in 1 turn

>get the drop on a group of enemies
>cut the throat of one of them, stun the other with a kick, stab the third to death immediately
>0 shots fired
Knives and stealth are orgasmic. You're made of tissue paper, but it's so damn satisfying to pull off a clean ambush.

How did you defeat Carnifex?

And if I'm using metal armor?

Would have loved this game if there was sprinting, god damn it was slow.

Luck. I got really lucky with my heavy armor/AR build when I triggered Commando off a camera kill.

>tfw stealth boxer with custom pneumatic gloves
knives are clean but nothing sends a message like blowing someone's head off with your first

This is probably a stupid question because of the way the game looks but does anyone know how well it runs on shitty hardware? I think I read that it can slow down in bigger areas or something.

My laptop has a 2.10 dual core cpu, 4gb RAM, and first generation Intel hd graphics.

ahah that's pretty damn funny

I still haven't.

>chuck molotov cocktail into a group of faggots
>run away down my route
>mfw it's covered in landmines and poisonous bear traps

Seems like a good idea to me. Other than the waiting you really don't need money for much late game other than the crafting benches.

I was a massive fan of Fallout 1 and 2. I bought them both on release day.

Underrail is more evolved in some ways, and less in others. The plot is quite thin at times, and NPC interactions are minimal. The end also gets very strange.

It's an unambiguous dungeon crawl, with a really good character building system. There are TONS of ways to make viable characters.

Be aware that the game is EXTREMELY long and difficult. I personally cannot believe that I finished it.

user, the game runs perfectly on one of my 14 year old Win XP toasters. Trust me, you'll be fine.

Mind Control mostly. Might've frozen him first.

actually managed to somehow win the initiative on my sniper build and blew his head clean off

that must have been one hell of an anti-climatic event for the onlookers

I have only slightly better specs in my laptop (dedicated gpu) and it ran 60fps at 1080p the entire 90 hours I played. Sometimes the turns take a while to load if there are many people fighting, but the game doesnt have any actual graphical effects that will make your framerate dip.

Styg give expansion pls

Who /sneaky xbow user/ here?
>tfw your chances of winning a fight is equal to the number of traps in your backpack

Casual here.

All the options in the character creation menu intimidate me.

Can I get a quick rundown on skills to level?

have fun with ol' tentacleye

So basically how McGregor vs Aldo went

Where the hell do you find Enrage? The Wiki said it was being sold by a doctor in Rail Crossing, but I can't find that NPC. I've looked fucking EVERYWHERE.

I've beaten the game and visited every merchant, and it pisses me off that I don't have it. I even fucking have Locus of Control!!

Yeah the long turn thing is it just taking the same amount of time for every NPC that is doing something. Luckily you can speed up combat, I think Styg added that while I was in the middle of my run.

Got a second thing, too.

I'm mostly amazed how Underrail managed to make single PC combat really damn fun and varied. It's amazingly enjoyable compared to Fallout's Aimed Shot -> Eyes.