What are your thoughts on paying people of the cute female variety to play videogames with you for a short period of...

What are your thoughts on paying people of the cute female variety to play videogames with you for a short period of time?

Next question please.

Why not? If there are betas out there willing to pay, go for it. I'd probably be doing it if I were a cute girl.

>to help you rank up

On the cucks leaderboard?

Nothing really wrong with it. I pay a few girls on and off to play games with me. Jut don't make it a regular thing and it's fine

Also, pro tip if your going to do this, always pay a little extra to the girl for a much more pleasant experience as they often phone it in when you only pay the minimum

All profit is good profit. I applaud these young women for applying themselves and finding a new market to tap into. I'd do it myself it I could.

Fucking dropped

>implying that '''''girl'''' isnt a guy using a voice modifier

This. Those people have no dignity.

You're pathetic. I seriously hope you consider killing yourself in the future.