Giantbomb is SAVED
Giantbomb is SAVED
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Where's the sexy noise supercut, dammit.
Better than Alex, Ben and Dan combined
Oh god I want to teach her how to play video games all night.
Who is?
i wana fuck women
any tips??
tries way too hard to be funny
>Friday 13th Quick Look
>Fun shitty game full of great moments to make fun of
>Alex, Ben and Jason
Who the fuck did I wrong in a past life to deserve this
looks like she's had about half an hour of sleep
people should value sleep more desu
That ddlg shit between Vinny and her was intense.
Abby and Vinny are going to be the greatest combo in GB history
>daddy warbucks x little orphan annie
>Sup Forums is so lonely they fetishise homely looking hot messes
stop playing video games
That PUBG video is /comfy/ tier background noise.
Vinny messing with her in VR was hilarious. Solid new combo.
why do i get the feeling she's jewish?
Abby is good + extremely funny honestly:
When did homely become the pussies way of saying ugly?
ever notice there are 2 types of redheads
1 the curly hair beady eyes type
2 the good looking type
Does GB take phonecalls or no?
Curly hair is best hair.
she was a little annoying during the resident evil segment but fuck abby is so funny
Holy shit that was bad, giant bomb should just die already.
Most of those expressions are not of disgust.
Patrick Klepec after HRT
You need better taste in surrogate friends
I love you Dan
FuUuUuUUuCk yOoOoOoOooOoooOOOOOuuuuUUuUuUUUUUUuuuuu
Fucking kek. How many times do you think Dan has told his Miyamoto story without realizing he already told it?
>hey goyim, remember when we drove off all the sane users from your site by injecting kike politics into it?
Get ready for round two. I hope Gerstman blows his brains out on a podcast if they still do those. Better yet, live on an unprofessional Friday. He can have a nice murder suicide where he finishes GB once and for all and then we can laugh as the media pretends it was somehow Le Evil Drumpf's™ fault.
Based Dan saving videogames
Why is Ben?
her last name is Russell just like Naomi Russel the jewish pornstar
good question desu
Russell isn't a Jewish name, but they're known to adopt western names to avoid detection.
She's clearly a crypto-Jew. I can't wait to hear her opinion on the games in pic related.
in a relationship with this?
Abby is cute
>extremely funny
Is this bait? I honestly can't tell anymore. The people still clinging to giantbomb are pathetic enough to believe something like that is quality entertainment.
No, that part makes sense actually.
Is Abby a virgin?
Prime the ovens, boys.
It's just that Dan and Alex have lowered everyone's expectations that much.
You are legitimately mentally ill and I hope you can get help before you further alienate yourself from family and friends
I want the inevitable childless divorce in a few years where he has to sell half his collection in the ruling
this many colors shouldn't exist on the human face
Who is this and why is Sup Forums always right?
I'm just glad Vinny finally has someone he can actually bounce his humor off again.
/pol has never been right and you only think that because you're an easily manipulated child
STOP it. He made it through his honeymoon alive and without suffering a heart attack.
p sure everyone knows it
>death of Whiskey Media
>Ryan's death
>continue to hope beyond hope that Giantbomb will get better
>Finally give up on Giantbomb after Vinny moved
>feel better in the long run
I'm honestly surprised people still follow them. Maybe they hope it'll get better too?
I guess different people come to the realization that it won't at different times.
ugly as fuck
>Naomi Russel
My favorite part about her is seeing all the beta orbiters in chat saying some variation of "hahaha abby's great also she's cute"
user-sama, don't you know anything about makeup?
The pallet has that many colours so you can adjust your eyeshadow for like different settings and outfits, that's not even that big a palette.
Because you guys only make these posts when they are, but you do it every time.
Who fucking cares if she is Jewish, except for the small dick losers from Sup Forums
She's actually really good. I like her.
>wake up, realize you're not anthony birch
>high five yourself in mirror
>remember you're jeff gerstmann
>palm on mirror turns into fist
>press greasy forehead to glass, begin crying
>remember you left gamespot
>start podcast with your friends who left with you
>get some guy to finance you
>get cool little office and turn out entertaining stuff
>financier wants to bring in the hipster trash audience, starts tech section to site
>financier wants to bring in retard audience, starts comic section to site
>financier wants to jew rent, moves everyone to shitty old brick dungeon
>offices are no longer separate, just a group of troughs in one room where everyone shits together
>giantbomb spirals into a cesspool of shit
>financier wants to bring in the sjw audience, hires more degenerates
>site goes completely to shit
>ryan dies losing his virginity
>financier laughs as he sells jeff's ass back to gamespot
>continue styling thinning hair the way you did when you were 10
>gamespot wants to destroy you once and for all, hires queen jew
There's something poetic about the destruction of Giantbomb and Jeff Gerstmann.
It's pretty sad when the girl is the funniest one in the room
Giant bomb is a fucking mess
She's a kike? I always thought she was some sort of Hispanic. Oh well, at least she's a mattress actress and forced to take it from negros.
a lot of this seems very inaccurate
Reminder that we're in an age where DSP has better videos than Giant Bomb.
Jewish women love goy dick, especially the african variety
>male(?) version of Patrick destroys Giantbomb
>female version of Patrick saves Giantbomb
like pottery
>abby SUCKS she doesn't even PLAY fucking VIDEO GAMES
>meanwhile drew knew literally nothing about video games other than autistic plane flying sim shit, couldn't even fucking finish FFVI
Explain yourselves anti-Abby faggots.
Why is Vinnie still there? Just to suffer?
I'm Pro-Abby but she really does come off a bit of a funny fit at times due to her tiny knowledgebase for games.
She's fun but they need to get her playing more classic games and stuff so that she can have an easier time talking about stuff in the actual context of where games are and have been.
Knowing their history it's only a matter of time before they do something that completely destroys it again.
I give them six months.
Nothing can save Giant Bomb
not even an SJW diversity hire
difference is drew was beautiful
no no no.. that can't be true?!
did you fall asleep for three years while drew fumbled through mgs
God, is it ever. That's why he says "partner" instead of a normal term
>posting literal e-celeb advertising
Drew wasn't even hired to be on camera originally. He just started picking up the slack everywhere at Giantbomb because everyone else did fuck all. He went above and beyond.
Why was Abby hired?
disgusting fat SJWs
unfunny fat turds who know nothing about video games
Because she has marginal experience with "producing" (at least enough to be passable at the shit GB does) and fulfills the diversity quotient
Giant Bomb died with Ryan.
Stop pretending it didn't.
>receding hairline
>manlet beard
>scrawny 13 year old girl physique
Fucking closed. I'm not watching even a minute of some numale with a cuckolding fetish droning about his favorite video game designed for 8 year old Japanese girls.
this sums everything up nicely
>that smirk on alex's faces that says "finally a chance to force my shitty political opinions into this conversation"