Would you, Sup Forums?

Would you, Sup Forums?

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Fuck yes I would.

Gobbet a cute! Cute!

I fully expect the rats to be watching the entire time.

Her bad hygiene is a deal breaker.

oh my god i would suck the poop out her butthole

Quite right. Glory is my clean, sterile, cyberwaifu.

Fuck I loved Isobel and gobbet.
Anyone else find isobel to be one of the most relatable characters in vidya?


I don't want to fuck her political views. I want to fuck her vagina.

She fucked that cult dude. Bi.

is her name really gobbet?

Hahaha holy shit, give me the crunchy nougat with the fudge layer too.

She fucked Harrow, she's bi.

I'd rather Duncan

my fucking sharp, demon infested waifu right there

Is it a cybervagina now though?

I literally JUST finished the bonus campaign, quit cyberstalking me OP. What endings did you anons pick? I burnt the warehouse down, fuck duncan for being a whiny bitch.

>You will never climb Eiger

She was in a cult. She'd fuck anything. She probably fucked kids way younger than her 14 year old self too because Harrow is that much of a sick (based) freak (cool guy).

That's ok user. Duncan had a boyfriend once.

Better question. Did Monica fuck the old guy?

Which old guy? The punk shaman or their fixer? It was implied she was involved with the fixer.

>Not wanting to have some raw, behind-the-dumpster sex with Gobbet.

Are you a faggot?

Duncan was a bro

Duncan was a whining faggot.

Oh come on, the guy had no personality outside being pissed off all the time.

She's too tall. Tall women should be executed.

t. Manlet

Door's that way, Is0bel.

Why would a manlet hate tall women specifically? All women are tall to a manlet.

Same, shame about killing the qt elf cop but I gotta cover my tracks

>implying is0bel wouldn't be watching you fuck gobbet through the security cams she has hidden all over the ship from the matrix whilst she's jacked in wishing it was her you were fucking

> implying is0bel wouldn't be plotting ways to hurt you because you're fucking Gobbet instead of her

You could also state that you used to fuck her as well.

I love Shadowrun. Who cares about those minor details. You'll be dead in a year or two anyway. Might as well roll the dice on her while you're still alive.

>implying is0bel doesn't watch you while you shower, and duncan too. implying she hasn't used holoimaging to make slashfic of you both gay fucking for her personal schlicking fantasy fap fuel.

>implying she doesn't make money for her decking gear from selling the porn.

Life is one big pile o' drek, gotta get what you can and enjoy the ride eh chummer?

>TFW Is0bel is one of us.

Sup Forums in the Matrix would probably kill you.

>Fuck I loved Isobel
Are you sure you are currently in existence?

This was the first shadow run I played but had my attention taken away. Wanting to get back into it, but should I start here again or play a different one?

I prefer myself an Eiger

Dragonfall is better than Hong Kong but they're both worth playing. Thr original Shadowrun Returns is worth playing as well, although many will disagree.

Good luck, I'm behind 7 Cyberdecks.

is0bel woud be triggered af here. she's a tumblrina

exactly. bitch probably manufactures unblocked BTL chips with fully interactive duncans' and (male char) that she's made gay and/or masochist into every flavour of /d/egeneracy

>no option to thaw icy anger mountain into passionate fuck machine sextroll snusnu device

>ywn have cyber troll lover who makes wild snusnu with you for the purposes of breeding

>you will never turn shy unconfident is0bel into wild funsize adventurous fuckmonkey who's assertively aggressive in bed and a tough warrior chick out on runs

What's wrong with her?
Can't you relate to her personality in any way?

>you will never turn shy unconfident is0bel into...
Ah, you don't actually like her, you just want to change her. That makes way more sense.

She grew up in the Walled City. I doubt what we have to offer would trigger her.

The stories are independent. It doesn't matter which way you play them. Although Hong Kong has the most gameplay features. So going backwards might leave you slightly disappointed in terms of character customization.

The one thing that bothered me about Eiger is she was a military sniper yet lacked cybernetic eyes and a datajack for a smartlink. Well that and the wasted points in shotguns. An AR would have been a better choice for a non-sniper backup weapon.

Except the Walled City triggered her so hard that she locked all her memories away.

>implying total spaz useless crippled is0bel is worth anything, and helping her become more confident and healing the scars of her horrible childhood so she can move on instead of permanently being stuck as that scared little girl for ever and ever is a bad thing.

yes yes yes i fucking love Gobbet

I'm saying Iz0bel is useless and anoying the way she is in the game and I did not overly enjoy her company.

Agreed, she was only slightly better than Blitz and he mostly sucked outside the Matrix because he had a useless drone and a SMG.

Well, she was only a really frigid bitch when you pried into her personal life.

I really like the Shadowrun games, and I've been trying to find other games like them.

Divinity: Original Sin is so cartoony that it's hard to get invested in anything.
I just bought underrail, but that seems to have the exact opposite problem where it's so realistic that it just comes off as dull.

Any other suggestions for games like the Shadowrun games?

I guess this is the best place as any to ask, is the full collection of shadowrun returns worth it? also is it toaster friendly?

which you were SUPPOSED to tink. that's her character. she's literally crippled and broken due to her past.

my point was that you'll never get to romance her and help her become not tarded

her grenade launcher was the only worthwhile part of her armoury.

Yes, it's worth it. And, if it can run on a smartphone it can sure as hell run on a toaster.

Totally worth it if you like story driven RPGs. You should play them in the order they were released though. Shadowrun Returns was first and is the most primitive of the 3, Dragonfall is the best and Hong Kong has the most evolved mechanics but the story isn't as good as Dragonfall.

Not even once.
t., Elf.

>Any other suggestions for games like the Shadowrun games?
Fallout 1 and 2 maybe?

>being introverted with social anxiety and a general mistrust of other people is equivalent of being crippled and retarded
Get the fuck out of here normie.

Wasteland 2, possibly? Although the character creation system in that game is more convoluted.

today, I will remind them


I've played those too.
I think one thing that I like from the Shadowrun games is their lack of focus on inventory management.
Seems like in other games like them I spend half of the time sorting through my inventory and deciding what to sell, to use, to craft, to keep, and to drop.

At least I can have hope for Harebrained making another Shadowrun game, right?


She's nice, but she's no id-powered murder robot or ex-cult chromed killer

Racter and Glory a best, hearing about Racter's backstory and how his essence loss barely affected him due to him being a sociopath is great

hong kong has dog shite writing. reems of arse.

apex best waifu

There's always hope. They're working on Battletech right now, after that's done they may go back to Shadowrun. I just hope they don't get in over their heads and try to move to an advanced engine and a fully voiced storyline. I like the old-school charm of the Shadowrun RPGs.

>t. i have no criplling and / or damaging mental health problems and know nothing about just how much that can cost someone.

how about you go eat more from the bag of dicks you keep choking on

Ghoul Red Samurai. You are wrong.

The gameplay of the earlier Fallout games takes some getting used to, especially the combat.

>The Decker's cyberdeck is just a keyboard.
>Dat hair.
>Dat acting.
>Dat CGI Matrix scene.

Holy shit, this is golden. Shadowrun movie when?

It needed an editor willing to cut a lot out a lot of the overly verbose shit. I remember reading that the editor was the wife of one of the writers, if that's true they never should have made her the editor as she didn't do her job properly.

>Is it a cybervagina now though?
christ I hope so

imagine the possibilities

Yes. I was really pissed off it wasn't an option.

Shadowrun games are not made by Bioware, thank Dog.

Just because BioWare does relationships poorly doesn't mean that others not doing relationships is a good thing.

>The gameplay of the earlier Fallout games takes some getting used to, especially the combat.
I never had a problem with the combat. What's supposed to be hard to learn about it?

It's a good thing in Shadowrun games, focus on the job, not your sex drive.

don't be a fag user

I really liked it when you teamed up with Glory in Dragonfall and she became a host for satan and it's implied you hook up afterwards

shame eiger didn't have an option

in shadowrun if you're having problems with your sex drive you can get it replaced with a Solid State Sex Drive!

Ironically I think the stage directions in the dialogue combined with the kick-ass character portraits were much more descriptive and set the mood much better than a fully rendered cut-scene ever could.

>Focus on the job

Except for all the times you aren't.

It's called being handicapped not 'tarded' or 'crippled'.
And yes I know how it feels. I haven't had a friend in 12 years, been a NEET for 6 and don't talk to anybody but my mother and people on Sup Forums.
I just found the way you described her to be very offensive.

same here, user

I wish devs and their suits would just focus on efficient and elegant delivery rather than dumping money in flashy garbage

I want to climb that mountain.

don't be a fag, user

I'd hit that and leave without even staying the night. Gross bitch.

Then a few days later I'd realize what fun she was and try to call her again but she'd already have forgotten who I am.

I think you're the only one I've ever heard say they loved Is0bel.


take your 80's sexuality and go pls, you're just like my brother

>you'll never be a runner

there is nothing cooler than the shadowrun world and being a badass criminal for hire

I'd rather fug the troll from dragonfall, omae. She's like the one character I wish was romancable in these games


Agreed, there's no substitute for a player's imagination. I suspect each of us knows how each of those characters sounds and that voice wouldn't be the same if it were actually voiced by an actor.

Nah, she's angry and bitter but she's not soft. She'd fit right in on Sup Forums.

You can try in real life, but you'll most likely end up riddled with bullets. But I agree, the Shadowrun universe is so cool.

It's like you're playing the tabletop and it's the GM reading things out to you, describing what's going on and stuff.

Yes, it captures that feeling quite well. I suppose it helps that the games were written by the people that created the tabletop RPG. If anyone knows how to set a scene in Shadowrun it would be them.

The best part about shadowrun, in game or table top, is when it doesn't focus on just the job and instead is about the characters. The tabletop i'm in that's been going on two real years now would be nothing without good pc's and missions that focus on their place in the world.

I wish the critical role team played shadowrun. So much potential