What were consoles wars at school like when you were growing up?
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What were consoles wars at school like when you were growing up?
Gamecube > Xbox >>>>>> PS2
There weren't any. Some people had Atari 2600 and some C64. But they weren't common enough to start wars with. Just getting to play something was cool.
People rarely talked about video games in school or high school. I wasn't even sure many people played them.
My experience with the console war was getting jealous of my cousin when he got a Mega Drive when I still had a Master System and hanging out at a friend's house to play SNES and mid-90s PC games.
>There weren't any.
This. Kids were never bickering over whether an NES or Master System, or SNES/Genesis were better. They were just excited to go to each others houses and play games they didn't have at home.
In 6th grade, 1997, I said I liked playing Sonic still. A kid at the round table we were all drawing at became near irate at me for bringing up last generation garbage. He fucking yelled at me and said the new consoles were the only things that mattered now and made the old ones complete shit. I will never forget it because of how unhinged he seemed to get.
So nothing's really changed I guess.
He sounds like a Sony bro, user. Was he a Sony bro?
Actually I think he was into Saturn.
Ah, that's interesting. I wonder if his outburst was due to cognitive dissonance.
Can you imagine what Sup Forums would've been like if the Saturn was still around?
You'd see shitposters pointing out there wasn't a good Sonic game released on the damn thing.
Sega death countdown threads would've been everywhere