I've played a few fighters: MK, Injustice, P4A, and a bit of KoF. And this is by far the worst of all of them.
Gameplay is so fucking slow and clunky. Specials don't work half the time I do them, a problem I've never experienced with any other fighter. I do a combo one time and it works flawlessly, another time it either does something completely different, or more commonly, nothing happens at all.
I'm stuck playing as this Nash faggot in story mode, and holy shit this character is so fucking godawful. I literally can't do anything because the moment I try and poke out of a combo this retard in a hat does a 30% combo off a sweep.
None of my normals have any range, they're all slow as shit, specials don't work, supers don't work, I still don't know what the fuck Vtrigger is because the game lacks an actual tutorial...
Fuck me, buyer's remorse thread I guess.
Isaac Price
wanna start a lobby?
Samuel James
>nash >None my normals have any range
You could at least put some effort if you gonna try to bait this hard. SFV is full of flaws but c'mon son.
Wyatt Moore
Nothing that has range is fast enough to be useful at all. Hatguy (forget his name it was something retarded) might as well have infinite blockstrings because none of my pokes do anything, he beats me every single time.
The hot girls are literally the only thing about this game. Oh, and the music's decent I guess.
Purple girl best girl, though. Pigtails would have my vote for that sexy scratchy voice, but they fucked up her textures or something, she looks gross.
Jace Torres
Oh, and now I understand why everyone went apeshit over the MK and Injustice stories even though they were mediocre. This shit makes MK look like Breaking Bad.
Owen Fisher
>shitter : the post
The game's trash but so are you.
Anthony Perez
I do.
Ethan Murphy
lets play! imma start a lobby now
Jack Bailey
CFN:mylatinlover69 PW:8888 im silver shitter
Justin Ross
ok, just wait a sec
Robert Perez
thanks for joining user
Ian Gray
It alright if a platinum joins?
Jacob Roberts
anybody nigga
Dominic Harris
Fucking Zangief...
Angel Nelson
i want more people to join
Isaiah Hughes
Jaxson Baker
Justin Gray
Christian Moore
>MK, Injustice >Gameplay is so fucking slow and clunky >can't do special moves LOL
David Sullivan
Yep agreed OP, i don't give a fuck if you're memeing this game is so fucking terrible. I can't believe i paid full price for this piece of fucking junk
Matthew Watson
Brandon Butler
NA but just join anways
Nathaniel Gomez
Y-You too.
Nathaniel Taylor
Fuck I need to get better at fighting Cammy GG's
Aiden Johnson
So we all realise now that retail updates like Super/Arcade Edition/Ultra are good things right?
They add enough content and gameplay tweaks and most importantly they get attention from Games media and treated as new games which brings people back and new people to the games.
These "rehash" updates people used to never endingly bitch about are actually essential to fighting games.
This single game seasonal model doesn't work.
Ryan Long
Taking on super to the title with a big free update with balance changes and a couple new characters you have to buy with FM accomplishes the same thing, SFV made a lot of mistakes but the platform model was not one of them
Carson Wright
What is the most difficult thing against her? I am too scared of Gief using her.
Lincoln Allen
If they put out a new disc for consoles and purchase on Steam then yeah. And if it got reviewed again by critics and treated like a completely new game then sure
Colton Morales
Just play R.Mika or Juri.
Stop using edgy characters that actually require skill.
Brody Evans
i felt that was a lucky win mexibro cammy
Jayden Nelson
He's stuck in the cinematic story mode I think user so he cant pick his character.
Also: >stop using edgy characters that actually require skill >just play juri Pick. One.
Noah Robinson
Ed player here, no idea why, but my match quality has been shite since the Win10 Creative update. I know, I know >windows 10 but seriously, in addition to some matches just always dropping, I get ridiculous frame drops even in perfect connections. Anyone else getting this or know of a fix? Thanks for the game, though doods
Charles Butler
Lobby till up?
Alexander Myers
Bentley Peterson
I fall for quick spin knuckle too much and when they aren't scared and play crazy u get mixed up like a motherfucker
Jason Stewart
>Canadian >Ken I expect nothing but quality play from this man
Xavier Cox
which one?
Jordan Adams
Juri is totally different in this game.
She actually requires you look at the screen now to win.
Bentley Morales
Why you gotta call me out for...
Dominic Campbell
Alexander Thomas
that first KO was funny
William White
Or maybe just make something like Smash. I'm not here to argue if or if is not a fighting game. But Smash does one thing right, it please both casual and tryhard core, but a little more in the casual core of the fanbase.
Jackson Turner
of course i get memed on
Jaxon Davis
she kinda plays very unpredictable, right?
Zachary Fisher
How much space is left in the lobby and what are the lounge settings?
Jordan Long
>reddit kappa hourly activism thread
Bentley Moore
sf5 might be trash but just sounds like you are a fucking shitter desu
Hudson Davis
>faggot ass OP makes SFV hate thread >it turns into a SFV lobby thread Top kek
Henry Perry
>nash has bad normals >combos are hard to get to work in SFV >unable to beat the most easy-mode story in any fighting game ever >doesn't know what vtrigger is, despite it being in the opening tutorial, in every character demo, and the same input for every character so you can just hit HP+HK to figure it out
This is why we can't have nice things. SFV has some legit problems, and Capcom seems completely unable to figure their shit out, but every fighting game runs into THIS shit now. Where other players might just tell you to get good or find better bait, Capcom wants that mass-market appeal, esports dosh and fuck anything that doesn't work towards that goal.
Jose Gutierrez
FUCK that OP Urien
Asher Long
You mean laggy
Austin Bailey
>>combos are hard to get to work in SFV I thought they were super easy. Get your fact straight.
Gavin Barnes
I don't recognize his flag? Where is it from?
Benjamin Clark
Urien here, I'm US, its just a joke flag
Nolan Reed
let other people play damn it! GG so close -chun
Logan Ross
But from where??????
Gief player you have to beat Urien!
Dominic Long
They are; that's the point. Can't please people like OP, so why bother putting work towards actually improving the game/adding characters? But hey, we have 3 new costumes to reveal at E3!
Isaac Green
The flags central Africa I think and I'll try my best
Joseph Phillips
no. she doesnt have much moves like other characters
Jose Gonzalez
I meant the player, "that" Chun in other words.
Landon Edwards
yeah being unpredictable helps me out but chun needs a better CC like other characters. i lose a lot of zoning like i did to blackdynomite the fireballed me the last round
Luke Bailey
breaking bad is reddit tier garbage though
Tyler Howard
At least this thread shows Sup Forums actually plays video games
Blake Morgan
This. Most overblown series in the history of television, but manchildren from nowadays grew up with Malcom so...
Aiden Cruz
>snow blonde chun hair BLACKED when?
Charles Phillips
Who plays fighters for story? Like seriously, who likes fighting either braindead bots or input reading bastards? Survival mode is basically an arcade ladder and everyone hates it. Just add some shitty cutscenes and boom arcade mode
Ayden Parker
I prefer Morrigan Chun.
Ryan Allen
Xavier Torres
Its the lobby still up?
Nolan Gutierrez
I want to buy GGXrd for the story and nothing else. so there's my opinion
Jace Hall
I dunno, i think it's a meme at this point but I think people generally care about a story/arcade mode, even though SFV has a story mode, people still bitch and want an arcade mode for what reason I have no clue.
Gavin James
But isn't Xrd's story mode all cutscenes? I mean, I understand that. Like watching a show.
It's full. I think we should split the lobbies so it isn't a 15 minute wait for your next turn.
Jeremiah Edwards
Yes, but it's full. I update when there's a vacancy.
Jonathan Moore
feels gud to win one a least its full
Christopher Peterson
>makes thread to rant on sfv >people use thread to lobby up and play against each other
Luke Brooks
>Specials don't work >Supers don't work >Combos don't work >What is Vtrigger
The game has flaws no doubt but I've got news for you OP. You're just a shitter. Its not the game's fault if your execution fucking sucks.
Its kind funny actually because SFV turned out the way it did to please faggots like you and yet you still couldn't figure the game out
Dominic Thompson
open spot now!
Dominic Martinez
it's the classic option select
Zachary Taylor
Alright I'm making a new lobby so we don't have long ques ID:Chunnilingus FT1 PW:1119
Jaxson Baker
It's like monhun threads. Bitch in the opening post then get to discussing.
David Ramirez
Judging by most of the artwork, I get the feeling that Juri is into stuff like anal. Am I correct on this assessment?
Dylan Morales
No, I wanted to fight Akuma ;_;
Brandon Lopez
Old monhun threads you mean. One day we'll go back, back to the good ol times.
Jaxson Cruz
Only sluts don't like anal user.
Easton Miller
My main problem with SF is the character designs. 80% of them bore me to death. What the fuck got under Capcoms skin where they basically said "no more crazy designs" after 3?
Ryan Cox
There's an open space in
Brayden Rodriguez
I'll join in a minute. Time to rev up my lame Alex
Jace Sanders
GG guys im out -latinlover
Christopher Gonzalez
I'm also out, in the other lobby, my game froze when doing alt+tab.
Evan Campbell
Daily reminder that capcom wants to casualize MvCI even more then SF5
Even Pokken of all things (which is actually pretty great but nobody gives it a chance because >nintendo) actually does the "make it more accessable for newcomers without lowering the skillcap" thing better then Street Fighter.
Cooper Lopez
The season single game model would have worked fine, if they just released it later with more characters, story mode, updated CFN and all the other shit they fixed.
Nobody likes upgrading to new versions of games just to keep the playerbase together. Being able to buy just the characters you want, with FM or real money, is a really great model for fighting games.
Dylan Davis
Anyone can tell me who is the host now that Latinlover is out?
Jackson Ross
Nathaniel Rogers
There's two lobbies atm senpai. Chunn is the head of only one of them.
Isaac Howard
That's the second one. Who is the one in the first?
Samuel Evans
That was a rough way to end that Ed mirror lmao.
Jeremiah Howard
Jacky_M only 4 guys here atm
Ayden Robinson
Can't wait to get this Akuma experience, I suck at this MU
Mason Collins
man I really forgot how to play Necalli
Jace Campbell
It's been fun guys but I'm gonna call it a night, thanks for the ass beatings-Jacky_M