My parents caught me mid-romance while playing dragon age inquisition...

my parents caught me mid-romance while playing dragon age inquisition. unfortunately they have strong muslim morals against pre-marital fucking, and playing in my boxers only made it worse. i tried to argue with them but they still took my laptop.... how the hell do i get my laptop back?


Sneak into mommy and daddy's room.

Kill your family and then yourself, goatfucker.

Go metal gear on their ass!
Show them your the big man!
You ain't afraid of no towel heads!

cant, too fat and not angry enough. i keep my explosions and rampages on grand theft auto 5, thank you very much

Strap bombs on your chest and allah ackbar them. Your dad will be proud and dead.

Bomb an ariana grande concert.

Send an anonymous tip to the FBI that your parents are plotting a terrorist plot, make some half assed shit up on a couple of pieces of paper and hide it somewhere in the house.

>he still lets his parents take away his belongings
It's over for you user. You're grounded.