He bought 1.5

>he bought 1.5
>he bought 2.5
>he bought 1.5 + 2.5

Other urls found in this thread:


>he bought a ps3 and 1.5 and 2.5 a month before 1.5 + 2.5 was released

I thought Squeenix couldn't milk a franchise more than FF7. I was fucking wrong.

i hope you mean the trailer or i have no sympathy

I hadn't kept up with KH stuff since some time after BBS. Then one day I just decided to get a PS3 to play the games again since I left my PS2 back home. What a mistake that turned out to be. Thing is, I'm probably going to end up buying 1.5 + 2.5 as well

is ps3 even 60 fps?

Dunno, got caught up with exams before I got the chance to play them and then my sister came up to visit and snatched my PS3 along with the games.

what the fuck is the new complete edition??? 2.8 final mix complete collectors edition with over 20 lbs of ass and pussy featuring dante from the devil may cry series?? motherfuck?

>bosses can one shot you
literally artificial difficulty the series

>1.5 + 2.5

Woah, I didn't even know they'd made KH3, let alone KH4.


Wait until it gets further patched.
The PS4 version is a huge disaster due to Square being lazy pieces of shit and just doubling game-speed for 60fps thus fucking up the physics(they've been patching some shit but it's still broken and there's so many other bugs)

>KH1 Kairi is annoying as fuck
>Fast forward a year into KH2 and she's waifu-material as fuck
Goddammit I love how she matured in KH2...gives me a boner just thinking about what a fine lady she turned into. Sora is a lucky boy.

As to be expected I guess, thanks for the heads up.

>wait fag masterrace here
>now after 4 months the 1.5+2.5 Hd collection is perfect in 60fps after latest patch 1.04

Check any youtube/twitter update by Bizkit047. He knows his shit and he documents the glitches regularly

It's not perfect yet

Pastebin by Bizkit047 pointing some more bugs

I bought 1.5 and 2.5 when I bought a PS3 about a year ago. Never actually owned the originals, just played them at a friend's house. Never finished them.

Thanks user

>KH1 Kairi is annoying as fuck

Kairi will always be purest girl no matter what chapter, but you're a cunt.

But she IS annoying in KH1. Deal with it Faggot.

>Bought KH2 on JP release
>Bought KH2 on NA release
>Bought KH2 FM on JP release
>Bought every spinoff on release
>Bought 1.5
>Bought 2.5
>going to buy 1.5+2.5 at some point

I will never get off this wild ride.

>played 1 and 2 on release
>1.5 comes out
>nah they'll release a 2 remake eventually, i'll wait
>1.5+2.5 eventually comes
>don't really have the desire to get back into the series
